Jana Kunzová, BA
Annotation -
This course is designed for students of International Relations. A prerequisite for this course is a required minimum knowledge of upper-intermediate level (B2). This course will provide students with the crucial vocabulary from the study field of international relations. In summer semester, the course results in an exam. Grading will be based on the assessment scale with the grades A-F - see the Exam Requirements below.
A successful completion of the course English for International Studies JLB007 is a pre-requisite for enrolment in this course.
MOODLE MANUAL for the first signing in: (in English)
Register through „Zápis do skupin“ (registration for groups) and enter one of the following passwords, depending on your group:
Password for Monday groups: monday1 (the group of 8-9.20), monday2 (the group of 9.30-10.50), monday3 (the group of 11-12.20)
Password for Thursday groups: thursday1 (the group of 2-3.20), thursday2 (the group of 3.30-4.50), thursday3 (the group of 5-6.20)
Last update: Kunzová Jana, BA (03.01.2024)
Kurz je určen pro posluchače studia mezinárodních vztahů, kteří dosáhli vyšší střední úrovně (B2). V kurzu se studenti obeznámí se slovní zásobou používanou v oblasti mezinárodních vztahů.Kurz v letním semestru je zakončen zkouškou. Klasifikace proběhne formou klasifikační stupnice A-F - viz požadavky ke zkoušce.
Prerekvizitou pro tento kurz je úspěšné absolvování kurzu English for International Studies JLB007.
Návod na prvotní přihlášení do MOODLE v ČJ a AJ:
Přihlaste se do kolonky s názvem „Zápis do skupin“ a vyplňte jedno z hesel pro skupiny:
Password for Monday groups: monday1 (the group of 8-9.20), monday2 (the group of 9.30-10.50), monday3 (the group of 11-12.20)
Password for Thursday groups: thursday1 (the group of 2-3.20), thursday2 (the group of 3.30-4.50), thursday3 (the group of 5-6.20)
Last update: Kunzová Jana, BA (03.01.2024)
Aim of the course -
This course aims to bridge the gap between secondary school English and the needs of a university student. Upon the completion of the course students are expected to be able to follow lectures in English with great ease, discuss topics in English with international guests, defend their opinions in English, and undertake internship abroad in an English-speaking countries.
Last update: Kunzová Jana, BA (03.01.2024)
Cílem kurzu je překlenout propast mezi středoškolskou obecnou angličtinou a potřebami studenta FSV. Po absolvování kurzu se od studenta očekává, že bude schopen sledovat odborné přednášky v angličtině doma i v zahraničí a diskutovat se zahraničními hosty, dále bude schopen obhájit si v angličtině své názory a účastnit se zahraničních stáží.
Last update: Kunzová Jana, BA (31.01.2022)
Literature -
Set of 10 newspaper articles available on SIS.
Additional materials
Heywood, A. (2007): Politics. Palgrave, 3rd ed.
McLean, I. (2009): The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics. OUP.
McCarthy, M., O´Dell, F. (2008) : Academic Vocabulary in Use. CUP.
Hewings, M. (2012): Cambridge Academic English Upper Intermediate. CUP.
Hewings, M., Thaine, C. (2012): Cambridge Academic English Advanced. CUP.
British and U.S. periodicals
Paterson, K., Wedge, R. (2013): Oxford Grammar for EAP. OUP.
Murphy, R. (2010): English Grammar in Use (fourth edition), CUP.
Hewings, M (2009): Advanced Grammar in Use (second edition), CUP.
Swan, M. (2005): Practical English Usage, 3rd ed, OUP.
The Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English.
John Hughes and Andrew Mallett: Successful Presentations, Oxford University Press
Students will become acquainted with the specialized vocabulary through the reading of a variety of academic texts. Besides reading, the emphasis is also laid on communication, exchange of information and ideas. The method used is pair work, group work, as well as individual work.
Last update: Kunzová Jana, BA (03.01.2024)
Semináře budou probíhat pouze v anglickém jazyce.
Metoda: content-based language teaching
Studenti si osvojí slovní zásobu a jazykové dovednosti prostřednictvím studia odborných textů. Důraz je kladen na čtení, komunikaci v hodinách, výměnu informací a názorů ve dvojicích nebo v malých skupinách a týmovou i individuální práci.
Last update: Kunzová Jana, BA (03.01.2024)
Requirements to the exam -
MOODLE MANUAL for the first signing in: (in English)
Register through „Zápis do skupin“ (registration for groups) and enter one of the following passwords, depending on your group:
Password for Monday groups: monday1 (the group of 8-9.20), monday2 (the group of 9.30-10.50), monday3 (the group of 11-12.20)
Password for Thursday groups: thursday1 (the group of 2-3.20), thursday2 (the group of 3.30-4.50), thursday3 (the group of 5-6.20)
Grading scale:
100-91% of correct answers - A
90-81% - B
80-71% - C
70-61% - D
60-51% - E
50-0% - F
NOTES:Agrade - (the student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations), B - (the student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations), C - (the student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills), D - (the student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills), E - (the student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills), F – (insufficient knowledge, more effort needs to be made).
Cumulative grading in our course:
1 point = 1 %
Max number of points:
DATES: April 8 and 11, 2024 (students' last names A-K) and April 15 and 18 (students' last names L-Z)
If you fail the mid-term, you will have to write a complex test in the examination period.
35 points (minimum required number of points: 21 points)
Time limit: 40 minutes
Final test
If you fail the final test, you will have to write a complex test in the examination period.
35 points (minimum required number of points: 21 points)
Time limit: 40 minutes
Complex test
70 points (complex test is written when a student fails a mid-term or final test; 1 regular and 2 re-takes are allowed) - minimum required number of points: 42 points
Time limit: 80 minutes
My own glossary
5 points (necessary compliance with all the requirements – see our syllabus)
News overview
10 points (necessary compliance with all the requirements – see our syllabus)
Poster presentation
15 points (5 points compliance with all the requirements – see our syllabus, 5 points presentation skills - welcoming the audience, introducing the topic, staying polite throughout the presentation, passing the word to each other, thanking the audience, 3 points Academic English, 2 points self-assessment form (to be sent no later than the day after the presentation)
Vocabulary sheets – filled-out and submitted via Moodle 1 on a weekly basis
No points are awarded; however, submission of all the vocabulary sheets is a pre-requisite for the final grading
Writing assignments
No points are awarded; however, submission of all writing assignments is a pre-requisite for the final grading
!!! Students can miss the deadlineno more than 3 times. Students failing the deadline more than 3 times may not proceed to the final test.
1.To pass two written tests scheduled in the summer semester. The tests consist of multiple-choice, gap-filling, word formation, matching, True and False, and other grammar exercises, a short essay/opinion on a given topic. The tests will be based on the set of articles and on the knowledge gained during our work with additional materials (listening, discussions, etc.). The first test (mid-term test) will be based on the articles 1-5, Glossary of International Relations II and additional materials and the second test (final exam test) will be based on the articles 6-10, Glossary of Declaration of Independence (submit completed via Moodle 1, deadline May 7) and additional materials. There is only one trial.
Mid-term test is obligatory. The time limit of the mid-term - 40 minutes.
NB: Instructions in the tests are in English only; there is no Czech into English/English into Czech translation.
2. My Own Glossary - creation of students' own glossaries covering the topics 1-5, the glossary has to be based on the texts that we do not cover in our classes. The glossary templateand a sample are available in our SIS files under MY OWN GLOSSARY- template-instructions-sample. Deadline: 26.3. via Moodle 1.
3. NEWS OVERVIEW. Structure: each week of the semester one set of news - in total 10 pieces of news in a single Word document (students will provide the video or article link), 7 key words, a brief summary (5-7 sentences) and student's own commentary (at least 4 sentences). Please make sure to run the spell check prior to sending the overview to your teacher. Use the template and apply instructions listed in the SIS document called "NEWS OVERVIEW-template."Deadline: 10.5.via Moodle 1. For inspiration, check out a sample of the news overview in our SIS files under the name: NEWS OVERVIEW-sample.
NOTE: vocabulary contained in "My Own Glossary" has to differ from the vocabulary found in the "News Overview."
4. Vocabulary Sheets sent via Moodle 1 in the course of semester. A filled-out Vocabulary Sheet has to be sent no later than the midnight preceding the class in which this Vocabulary Sheet is treated (e.g. if Text 1 is treated on Thursday, then a filled-out Vocabulary sheet no. 1 has to be submitted no later than by the midnight of the day preceding, i.e. on Wednesday).
NOTE 1: We use Moodle 1 (and not MOODLE 2) for our course.
NOTE 2: You do not send Worksheets to your teacher, only Vocabulary sheets via Moodle 1.
Paraphrasing (deadline – March 1)
Use of quotations (deadline - April 1)
Poster presentations of the students on the topic of their choice. The presentations are obligatory. Deadline for signing up for poster presentation: February 25.
No later than 1 day following the delivery of their Poster Presentation, students are required to send via MOODLE 1 a filled-out self-assessment form located in Moodle under "POSTER PRESENTATION - SELF-ASSESSMENT FORM."
Posters can be digital or drawn/created in hand.
Here're the names of the applications that my students have used when doing digital art:
Class attendance is recommended but ia not a requirement for the final exam. However, for longer or more frequent absences (3 absences or more), the instructor should be contacted.
Honesty: This course applies the policy of academic integrity. No books, notes, cell phones or other material assistance may be used at any of the tests. Violation of this policy results in failing the test.
Students are required to obtain the credit for the course JLB007 in the winter semester to be able to enroll in the course offered in the summer semester- JLB008.
To view the samples of mid-term, final and complex tests, the key articles as well as other relevant materials visit the SIS Files.
Přihlaste se do kolonky s názvem „Zápis do skupin“ a vyplňte jedno z hesel pro skupiny:
Password for Monday groups: monday1 (the group of 8-9.20), monday2 (the group of 9.30-10.50), monday3 (the group of 11-12.20)
Password for Thursday groups: thursday1 (the group of 2-3.20), thursday2 (the group of 3.30-4.50), thursday3 (the group of 5-6.20)
Grading scale:
100-91% of correct answers - A
90-81% - B
80-71% - C
70-61% - D
60-51% - E
50-0% - F
NOTES:Agrade - (the student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations), B - (the student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations), C - (the student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills), D - (the student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills), E - (the student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills), F – (insufficient knowledge, more effort needs to be made).
Cumulative grading in our course:
1 point = 1 %
Max number of points:
DATES: April 8 and 11, 2024 (students' last names A-K) and April 15 and 18 (students' last names L-Z)
If you fail the mid-term, you will have to write a complex test in the examination period.
35 points (minimum required number of points: 21 points),
Time limit: 40 minutes
Final test
If you fail the final test, you will have to write a complex test in the examination period.
35 points (minimum required number of points: 21 points)
Time limit: 40 minutes
Complex test
70 points (complex test is written when a student fails a mid-term or final test; 1 regular and 2 re-takes are allowed) - minimum required number of points: 42 points
Time limit: 80 minutes
My own glossary
5 points (necessary compliance with all the requirements – see our syllabus)
News overview
10 points (necessary compliance with all the requirements – see our syllabus)
Poster presentation
15 points (5 points compliance with all the requirements – see our syllabus, 5 points presentation skills - welcoming the audience, introducing the topic, staying polite throughout the presentation, passing the word to each other, thanking the audience, 3 points Academic English, 2 points self-assessment form (to be sent no later than the day after the presentation)
Vocabulary sheets – filled-out and submitted via Moodle 1 on a weekly basis
No points are awarded; however, submission of all the vocabulary sheets is a pre-requisite for the final grading
Writing assignments
No points are awarded; however, submission of all writing assignments is a pre-requisite for the final grading
!!! Students can miss the deadlineno more than 3 times. Students failing the deadline more than 3 times may not proceed to the final test.
1.Dva písemné testy v průběhu letního semestru (cvičení ve formě: multiple-choice, gap-filling, word formation, matching, True and False, grammar exercises, stručné vyjádření na dané téma). Testy budou založeny na vybraných článcích a znalostech získaných při práci s doplňkovými materiály (poslech, diskuse apod.). V polovině semestru se bude psát test (mid-term test) zaměřený na články 1-5 , Glossary of International Relations II a doplňkové materiály a druhý test (final exam test) se soustřeďuje na články 6-10, Glossary of Declaration of Independence (odevzdejte vyplněné přes Moodle 1, deadline 7.5.) a doplňkové materiály. Studenti mají pouze jeden pokus.
Mid-term test je povinný. Délka mid-term testu - 45 minut.
Poznámka: test je pouze v anglickém jazyce, neobsahuje překlad.
2. My Own Glossary - tvorba vlastních glosářů na témata 1-5, glosáře musí být vypracovány na základě textů, které v hodinách neprobíráme. Šablona pro glosářea ukázka je dostupná v SIS souborech pod názvem MY OWN GLOSSARY- template-instructions-sample. Termín dodání glosářů nejpozději 26.3 přes Moodle 1.
3. NEWS OVERVIEW - Příprava přehledu zpráv. Struktura: každý týden semestru jedna zpráva - celkem 10 zpráv v jednom dokumentu zaslaném ve Wordu (studenti uvedou link na video či článek), soubor 7 klíčových slovíček, stručné shrnutí zprávy vlastními slovy (rozsah 5-7 vět) a vlastní komentář (minimálně 4 věty). Před zasláním souboru vyučujícímu prosím proveďte spell check. Šablonu a instrukce naleznete v SIS souborech v dokumentu s názvem NEWS OVERVIEW-template. Termín dodání nejpozději 10.5. přes Moodle 1. Pro inspiraci je v SIS souborech k nahlédnutí ukázka přehledu zpráv pod názvem: NEWS OVERVIEW-sample.
POZNÁMKA: slovíčka obsažená v "My Own Glossary" musí být odlišná od slovíček v "News Overview."
4. Průběžné zasílání vyplněných Vocabulary Sheets na Moodle 1. Vyplněný Vocabulary Sheet musí být vždy zaslán nejpozději do půlnoci, která předchází hodině, ve které je daný Vocabulary Sheet probírán.
Paraphrasing (deadline – March 1)
Use of quotations (deadline - April 1)
Poster prezentace studentů na téma, které si sami zvolí. Prezentace jsou povinné. Deadline pro zapsání se na poster presentation: February 25.
Studenti do následujícího dne od konání prezentace zašlou pres MOODLE 1 vyplněný sebe-hodnotící formulář, který najdou v MOODLE pod názvem "POSTER PRESENTATION - SELF-ASSESSMENT FORM."
Posters can be digital or drawn/created in hand.
Here're the names of the applications that my students have used when doing digital art:
Účast na hodinách se doporučuje, ale není podmínkou k získání závěrečné zkoušky. Při delší či častější nepřítomnosti (3 absence a více) je však třeba kontaktovat vyučující.
Čestnost: Mravní integrita je nepostradatelnou součástí tohoto kurzu. Během testů není dovoleno používat knihy, poznámky, mobilní telefony nebo jakékoliv jiné materiály. V případě porušení této dohody bude student z testu diskvalifikován.
Získání zápočtu v zimním semestru za kurz JLB007 je podmínkou k zapsání do kurzu v letním semestru- JLB008.
V SIS v položce Soubory jsou k nahlédnutí vzory mid-term testu, final testu a komplexního testu, podkladové články a rovněž další užitečné materiály.
Last update: Kunzová Jana, BA (25.01.2024)
Syllabus -
Please find the updated syllabus in our SIS files under "SYLLABUS ENGLISH FOR IMS II."
Last update: Kunzová Jana, BA (10.09.2024)
Aktualizované sylaby naleznete v SIS Souborech pod názvem "SYLLABUS ENGLISH FOR IMS II"
Last update: Kunzová Jana, BA (10.09.2024)
Entry requirements -
The required level of English - B2 (upper-intermediate).
Students are eligible to enroll in this course upon successful completion of the prerequisite course of English for IMS I (JLB007).