SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Introduction to Economics - JEB998
Title: Úvod do ekonomie
Guaranteed by: Institute of Economic Studies (23-IES)
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences
Actual: from 2018
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 5
Examination process: winter s.:written
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Extent per academic year: 12 [weeks]
Capacity: unlimited / unknown (500)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Level: basic
Note: enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
Teacher(s): doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
Incompatibility : JEB003, JEB004, JEB101, JEB102, JJB998
Interchangeability : JJB998
Is incompatible with: JJB998
Is pre-requisite for: JSM505
Is interchangeable with: JJB998
Files Comments Added by
download TextWeek1.pdf Accompanying text for the 1st Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek10.pdf Accompanying text for the 10th Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek11.pdf Accompanying text for the 11th Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek12.pdf Accompanying text for the 12th Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek2.pdf Accompanying text for the 2nd Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek3.pdf Accompanying text for the 3rd Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek4.pdf Accompanying text for the 4th Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek5.pdf Accompanying text for the 5th Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek6.pdf Accompanying text for the 6th Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek7new.pdf Accompanying text for the 7th Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek8.pdf Accompanying text for the 8th Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
download TextWeek9.pdf Accompanying text for the 9th Week doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc.
Annotation -
This course is a mandatory introduction into one of the social sciences developed at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSV). It presents economic theory without the use of mathematics and shows links with other social sciences. It illustrates contrasting approaches of different economic schools to economic problems of a small open economy, Czech economy in the European Union being surely one of them.
Last update: Cahlík Tomáš, doc. Ing., CSc. (14.07.2020)
Aim of the course -

Aim of this course is to give to students a basic survey of economics as a specific scientific discipline in the framework of social sciences. For further economic studies, students are recommended to take as optional courses "Ekonomie I" and "Ekonomoie II" (or their English mutations "Principles of Economics I" and "Principles of Economics II) - mandatory introductory courses for the IES FSV students that this course is surely not a substitute for and that are standard prerequisities for other courses offered by the IES FSS. 

Last update: Cahlík Tomáš, doc. Ing., CSc. (14.07.2020)
Literature -

For students with the knowledge of English, following web page may be interesting:

or book

Ha-Joon Chang: Economics-The User´s guide, Penguin Books 2014

Last update: Cahlík Tomáš, doc. Ing., CSc. (22.08.2023)
Teaching methods -


Přednášky v učebně podle rozvrhu.

Je také možné využít přednášky nahrané v akademickém roce 2022 - 2023:

Last update: Cahlík Tomáš, doc. Ing., CSc. (22.08.2023)
Requirements to the exam -

Five tests in Moodle:

Čtyři průběžné testy a jeden závěrečný test v Moodle. Průběžné testy jsou za maximálně 8 bodů každý a neopakují se (na každý je pouze jeden pokus, ovšem dobu si můžete v rámci celého dne vybrat). Závěrečný test je za maximálně 68 bodů a jsou na něj vypsány čtyři termíny (máte nárok na tři pokusy). Abyste mohli testy psát, musíte se zaregistrovat do kurzu v Moodle na



1. průběžný test: 21. 10.

2. průběžný test: 11. 11.

3. průběžný test:  2. 12.

4. průběžný test: 20. 12.

Závěrečné testy budou 3. 1. v 11:00, 17. 1. v 11:00, 31. 1. v 11:00 a 7. 2. v 11:00.


K výsledkům za 4 průběžné testy se přičte výsledek za závěrečný test a na součet se aplikuje standardní známkovací stupnice:

0-50 (F), 51-60 (E), 61-70 (D), 71-80 (C), 81-90 (B), 91-100 (A)

Upřesnění 1: Pokud vynecháte některý průběžný test, rozhodně to neznamená, že byste nemohli psát závěrečný test a splnit kurz. Pouze ztratíte body za příslušný průběžný test.

Upřesnění 2: Závěrečné testy můžete psát odkud chcete, tj. nebudeme se scházet v nějaké učebně. Narozdíl od průběžných testů ale budete mít dáno pořadí, ve kterém musíte odpovídat, a nebudete se moci k otázkám vracet.

Last update: Cahlík Tomáš, doc. Ing., CSc. (27.08.2024)
Syllabus -

Weekly topics:

1. Introduction to the course: Information about the couse in the SIS. Economic courses at the IES FSV. System of National Accounts. Syllabus of the course in weeks - explanation. Basic Classification of Goods and Services. Model of a market and the 1st welfare theorem. Netlogo - Model Library -  Social Science.     

2. Broader context: Postmodern epch. History of economic thought. What is Economics? Short history of capitalism.

3. Economy in the Long Time Horizon:  Factors of Production. GDP and Production Function. Inflation, Nominal and Real GDP, Unemployment. Institutions and Economic Development. Human Capital, Innovations and Economic Growth. Convergence of countries - TED - Hans Rosling talk Asia´s rise - how and when. Do not we stress too much GDP and its growth? TED - Michael Green talk Social Progress Index

4. Economic Systems: Capitalist economic system. Socialist Economic System. Reforms of the Socialist Economic System. Transformation of the Socialist System to the Capitalist System. Global preferences survey - state of informal institutions in the CR.

5. Macroeconomics, governmental sector and fiscal policy:  Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply. Economic Cycles and Stabilization Policy. State budget, deficit and Maastricht criteria. Public Goods and Externalities. Taxes and Deadweight Loss.

6. Financial Sector:  Structure and Purpose of the Financial Sector, Financial Instruments. Role of Transaction Costs and Information Assymetry it the Explanation of Phenomena in the Financial Sector. Money Multiplier. Financial crises.

7. Money, inflation and monetary policy: Money. Money creation in the financial system. Models of money market. Exogenous money and explanation of inflation. Endogenous money and explanation of inflation. Monetary policy. 

8. Open Economy:  International Trade - Comparative Advantage, Political Economy of International Trade. International Finance - Balance of Payments, Exchange Rate.

9. European Economic Integration: Proces of EU Deepening. EU Enlargement. Economic Geography and Regional Policy of the EU.

10. Households: Introduction - Mainstream economics and Postkeynesian Economics. Theory of Consumer Choice in Mainstream Microeconomics and in Postkeynesian Microeconomics. Labor Market in Mainstream Microeconomics and in Postkeynesian Microeconomics. Consumption Theory in Macroeconomics. Miscellaneous.

10. Firms: Introduction - Decisions based od expected costs and expected revenues. Production. Costs. Market structure. Miscellaneous. TED - James B.Glattfelder talk Who Controls the World. Netlogo.

12. Positive and normative economics:  Inequality. Ethical approaches to inequality. John Rawls and justice. James Buchanan and Constitutional Economics. Democracy and economics.

Last update: Cahlík Tomáš, doc. Ing., CSc. (08.12.2020)
Entry requirements -


Last update: Cahlík Tomáš, doc. Ing., CSc. (21.06.2018)
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