SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Pharmacology 2 - B80386 (General Medicine - English parallel)
Title: Pharmacology 2
Guaranteed by: Institute of Pharmacology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00190)
Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 3
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT]
Extent per academic year: 60 [hours]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Explanation: N. Kutinová Canová
Old code: 386
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Ondřej Slanař, Ph.D.
Attributes: Lékařství
Teoretický předmět
Pre-requisite : B83164
Is pre-requisite for: B80306, B80124, B81607, B82424, B80120, B80760, B83007, B80410, B80304, B80305, B80579, B80307, B80602, B80084, B83304, B80302
Pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, molecular mechanisms of drug action and drug targets, pharmacokinetics, monitoring drug plasma concentration in relation to therapeutic effects, adverse effects of drugs, system and disease oriented drug groups with pharmacological profiles.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (08.03.2021)
Aim of the course

Knowledge and skills to be acquired: prescription, general knowledge of the basic principles of pharmacology - pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics. Special knowledge of basic principles of pharmacology - knowledge of the groups of drugs according to anatomical systems and their diseases, including clinical indications and adverse effects.

Last update: MAT89030 (15.10.2012)

Topics of lectures and seminars:

• Antihypertensives, pharmacotherapy of hypertension

• Antiobesity drugs

• Medicines that affect blood clotting

• Hypolipidemics

• Antiarrhythmics

• Antivirals

• Antibiotics

• Antidiabetics, insulins

• Pharmacotherapy of thyroid disorders

• Treatment of osteoporosis

• Immunopharmacology

• Cell and gene therapy, biological treatment

• Anticancer pharmacotherapy

• Remedies for respiratory diseases

• Pharmacotherapy of acute conditions

• Pharmacotherapy of pregnant women, lactating women, children and the elderly

• Drugs for diseases of the urogenital tract, drugs used in obstetrics

Last update: Kolářová Jana (08.03.2021)
Literature - Czech


  • . . In Katzung BG, Kruidering-Hall M, Trevor AJ. eds. . Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology: Examination & Board Review, 12e. . USA: McGraw Hill Education, 2019, s. -. ISBN 978-1-259-64102-2..
  • . . In R.A. Harvey, Clark M.A, R. Finkel, J.A. Ray, K.W. Whalen (eds.). . Lippincott’s illustrated reviews: Pharmacology. . Philadelphia, US: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2018, s. -608. ISBN 10-1451113145..
  • . . In H.P. Rang, M.M. Dale, J.M. Ritter (eds.). . Pharmacology. 8th edition, . London, UK: Churchill Livingstone, 2019, s. -776. ISBN 10-0702053627..
  • . . In L.L. Brunton, K.L. Parker (eds.), D.K Blumenthal., I.L Buxton. . Goodman & Gilman’s Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. . New York City: , 2041, s. -642. ISBN 10-0071443436..
  • . . In Heinz Lüllmann , Klaus Mohr , Lutz Hein . Color Atlas of Pharmacology 5th Edition

    . : Georg Thieme Verlag, 2018, s. -. ISBN 978-3132410657..

Last update: Canová Nikolina, MUDr., Ph.D. (13.09.2024)
Teaching methods

Pharmacology 2 B80386

Organization of teaching the master's form of General medicine + Erasmus study at the Institute of Pharmacology of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University for the winter semester 2023/2024:

Teaching takes place in the form of lectures and seminars. Attendance at lectures is recommended, attendance at seminars is mandatory.

An exceptions are the first three teaching weeks, when compulsory presence lectures take place (seminars do not take place).

Furthermore, according to the current epidemiological situation - full-time/presence teaching is assumed according to the schedule in the SIS, in the case of a worsened epidemiological situation, combined teaching will take place according to the rules listed below*.


Schedule of group seminars, teachers, and lecture rooms in the Institute of Pharmacology 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University, Albertov 4, Prague 2:


Tuesdays 13.00 - 14.30 (since 24.10.2023):

4051: PharmDr. Hartinger, PhD + MUDr. Hronová, Ph.D.  – seminar room: No. 2 (formerly 35, door No. 2080, 1st floor)

4052 + Erasmus: Mgr. Arora  - seminar room: No. 3 (formerly 25, door No. 1133, ground floor)

Wednesdays 14.45 - 16.15 (since 25.10.2023):

4053: MUDr. Kutinová Canová, Ph.D. - seminar room: No. 2 (formerly 35, door No. 2080, 1st floor)

4054: PharmDr. Merdita - seminar room: No. 3 (formerly 25, door No. 1133, ground floor)

Thursdays 13.00 - 14.30 - Lectures in the lecture hall of the Institute of Pharmacology (since 26. 10. 2023)


Combined teaching (Distance and presence learning) of the master's form of study at the Institute of Pharmacology of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, will take place only in the case of a worsened epidemiological situation*:

*Pharmacology will be taught according to syllabus published in the SIS. Teachers will be available to you by prior arrangement for possible personal consultations. Current contacts.



- take place exclusively remotely from the faculty portal for e-learning based on MS Teams ( ).

- Lectures will take place at a time corresponding to the schedule of full-time teaching listed in the SIS online (live) via MS Teams for each subject separately ( eg. Pharmacology 2 – B80386 ,  Pharmacology – B83145 ), unless otherwise stated. The relevant reference to the team for each subject is given in the SIS.

- Lectures will be recorded and the recording will be available (for a maximum of 20 days) to the team in MS Teams for a specific subject.



- Attendance at seminars held in a combined distance and full-time form remains mandatory.

- Group teachers continue in distance learning (see below) and in ongoing checks on the fulfillment and mastery of the topic (entering examples to complete, quizzes, homework, research, essays, etc.).

- Study materials for seminars will be provided by group / circle teachers for self-study (via Moodle, MS Teams, e-mail, etc.) and / or presented online in real time (via MS Teams, Adobe Connect, Zoom, Skype, etc.).

Compulsory tests listed for the given subject in the syllabus will take place in full-time/presence form at the Institute of Pharmacology of the First Medical Faculty of Charles University under valid hygienic and epidemic measures.


*Credit - conditions for granting credit:

1. satisfactory fulfillment of tasks assigned by group teachers during distance learning;

2. successful full-time completion of compulsory tests listed for the subject in the syllabus on the SIS.



The course of exam will be adjusted according to the valid hygienic restrictions valid at the time of the test related to the coronavirus epidemic.

The examinations will take place in person on the dates listed in the SIS.

Distance testing will be possible very exceptionally after approval of the application by the head of the Institute of Pharmacology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

MUDr. Nikolina Kutinová Canová, Ph.D. ( ), representative for teaching 

prof. MUDr. Ondřej Slanař, Ph.D. ( ), head of the department







Last update: Canová Nikolina, MUDr., Ph.D. (13.09.2024)
Education plan -
Schedule semestral
Educational week Date From - To Education type Theme Teacher Files Note Hodnocení
104.10.202314:15 - 16:00lectureHeart failure. Diuretics. Therapy of hypertension. The attendance is obligatory for all students. The lecture is held in the lecture hall of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Albertov 7, Praha 2, 128 00 MUDr. Pavel Ryšánek, Ph.D.Seminars are canceled, however, the attendance at lectures is obligatory for all students (see schedule of lectures). The lecture is held in the lecture hall of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Albertov 7, Praha 2, 128 00
průměr: 4, hodnoceno: 2x
212.10.202312:30 - 14:15lecturePharmacotherapy of ischemic heart disease. Antiarrhythmic drugs The attendance is obligatory for all students. The lectures are held in the lecture hall of the Institute of Pharmacology, Albertov 4, Prague 2, 128 00 (except 4/10 and 18/10/2023)PharmDr. Jan Hartinger, Ph.D.The lectures are held in the lecture hall of the Institute of Pharmacology, Albertov 4, Prague 2, 128 00 (except 4/10 and 18/10/2023) Seminars are canceled, however, the attendance at lectures is obligatory for all students (see schedule of lectures).
průměr: 4, hodnoceno: 7x
318.10.202314:15 - 16:00lectureAntimicrobials I., II. The attendance is obligatory for all students. The lecture is held in the lecture hall of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Albertov 7, Praha 2, 128 00 MUDr. Olga Bartošová, Ph.D.Seminars are canceled, however, the attendance at lectures is obligatory for all students (see schedule of lectures). The lecture is held in the lecture hall of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Albertov 7, Praha 2, 128 00
průměr: 2, hodnoceno: 3x
424.10.202313:00 - 14:30seminarPharmacotherapy of bacterial diseases - case reports.Tuesdays from 01:00 PM to 02:30 PM – groups 4051 and 4052 + Erasmus Wednesdays from 02:45 PM to 04:15 PM – groups 4053 and 4054
průměr: 3, hodnoceno: 2x
25.10.202314:45 - 16:15seminarPharmacotherapy of bacterial diseases - case reports.Tuesdays from 01:00 PM to 02:30 PM – groups 4051 and 4052 + Erasmus Wednesdays from 02:45 PM to 04:15 PM – groups 4053 and 4054
průměr: 1, hodnoceno: 1x
26.10.202313:00 - 14:30lectureAntivirals, antifungals, antiparasitics.PharmDr. Irena Štenglová Netíková, Ph.D.For technical reasons, the lecture on October 26 at 1:00 p.m. has been moved to room KBLDP2 at the dean's office at Kateřinská 32.
průměr: 2, hodnoceno: 4x
531.10.202313:00 - 14:30seminarTest on antimicrobials (antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, antiparasitics). Repetition of pharmacokinetics (calculations - examples).  
průměr: 4, hodnoceno: 2x
01.11.202314:45 - 16:15seminarTest on antimicrobials (antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, antiparasitics). Repetition of pharmacokinetics (calculations - examples).  
průměr: 5, hodnoceno: 2x
02.11.202313:00 - 14:30lectureAnticoagulants and anti-platelet drugs; fibrinolytics and antifibrinolytics.PharmDr. Jan Hartinger, Ph.D.The lectures are held in the lecture hall of the Institute of Pharmacology, Albertov 4, Prague 2, 128 00 (except 4/10, 18/10, 26/10/2023)
průměr: 4, hodnoceno: 5x
607.11.202313:00 - 14:30seminarTDM (therapeutic drug monitoring) - separate schedule. 
průměr: 4, hodnoceno: 1x
08.11.202314:45 - 16:15seminarTDM (therapeutic drug monitoring) - separate schedule. 
průměr: 4, hodnoceno: 1x
09.11.202313:00 - 14:30lectureHypolipidemics. An overview of the possibilities of pharmacological influence of the metabolic syndrome.MUDr. Nikolina Canová, Ph.D. 
průměr: 4, hodnoceno: 2x
714.11.202313:00 - 14:30seminarHypertension therapy overview + case reports. 
15.11.202314:45 - 16:15seminarHypertension therapy overview + case reports. 
16.11.202313:00 - 14:30lectureOverview of hormones. Corticosteroids. MUDr. Olga Bartošová, Ph.D. 
821.11.202313:00 - 14:30seminarTest - pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular system (antihypertensives and other vasodilators, antianginal drugs, pharmacotherapy of acute and chronic heart failure, antiarrhythmics). Pharmacotherapy of obesity and thyroid dysfunction.  
22.11.202314:45 - 16:15seminarTest - pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular system (antihypertensives and other vasodilators, antianginal drugs, pharmacotherapy of acute and chronic heart failure, antiarrhythmics). Pharmacotherapy of obesity and thyroid dysfunction.  
23.11.202313:00 - 14:30lectureDrugs used in diseases of the respiratory MUDr. Ondřej Slanař, Ph.D. 
928.11.202313:00 - 14:30seminarDrugs affecting homeostasis of calcium and other minerals. Pharmacotherapy of osteoporosis.  
29.11.202314:45 - 16:15seminarDrugs affecting homeostasis of calcium and other minerals. Pharmacotherapy of osteoporosis.  
30.11.202313:00 - 14:30lectureDrugs used in diseases of gastrointestinal tract.MUDr. Nikolina Canová, Ph.D. 
1005.12.202313:00 - 14:30seminarPharmacotherapy of respiratory tract system diseases - case reports. 
06.12.202314:45 - 16:15seminarPharmacotherapy of respiratory tract system diseases - case reports. 
07.12.202313:00 - 14:30lectureCell and gene therapy, biological treatment. Immunopharmacologyprof. MUDr. Ondřej Slanař, Ph.D. 
1112.12.202313:00 - 14:30seminarTest - pharmacotherapy of the respiratory tract system (with the exception of infectious diseases). Drugs affecting hemocoagulation: case reports (as a repetition and supplement to the lecture).  
13.12.202314:45 - 16:15seminarTest - pharmacotherapy of the respiratory tract system (with the exception of infectious diseases). Drugs affecting hemocoagulation: case reports (as a repetition and supplement to the lecture).  
14.12.202313:00 - 14:30lecturePharmacotherapy of anemia. Blood, plasma, blood substitutes, blood derivatives. Parenteral nutrition.MUDr. Karolína Hronová, Ph.D. 
1219.12.202313:00 - 14:30seminarPharmacotherapy of acute conditions – case studies. 
20.12.202314:45 - 16:15seminarPharmacotherapy of acute conditions – case studies. 
21.12.202313:00 - 14:30lectureDrugs used to treat diseases of the urogenital tract, drugs used in obstetrics.MUDr. Olga Bartošová, Ph.D. 
1302.01.202413:00 - 14:30seminarPharmacotherapy in rheumatology: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout. 
03.01.202414:45 - 16:15seminarPharmacotherapy in rheumatology: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout. 
04.01.202413:00 - 14:30lecturePharmacotherapy in pregnant women, breastfeeding, children and the elderly.MUDr. Karolína Hronová, Ph.D. 
1409.01.202413:00 - 14:30seminarRepetition of psychotropic drugs.  
10.01.202414:45 - 16:15seminarRepetition of psychotropic drugs.  
11.01.202413:00 - 14:30lectureDrugs in palliative therapyMUDr. Olga Bartošová, Ph.D. 
1516.01.202413:00 - 14:30seminarTest - psychotropic drugs. Repetition of prescription writing. CREDIT 
17.01.202414:45 - 16:15seminarTest - psychotropic drugs. Repetition of prescription writing. CREDIT 
18.01.202413:00 - 14:30lectureAcute and chronic drug intoxication – treatment and antidotes.PharmDr. Jan Hartinger, Ph.D. 
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