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CŽV 41 - Ethnomusicology Summer School (4680)
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CŽV 41 - Ethnomusicology Summer School
Kód varianty (CID): 5278
přijímací řízení ukončeno, kurz archivován
Zaměření: Program CŽV - zájmový
Fakulta: Fakulta humanitních studií
Program SHV - Společenskovědní modul [24-SM]
The participants of this short-term lifelong learning programme are eligible to attend two ethnomusicology courses as follows: Summer School: Romani Music: Music – Memory - Minorities(doc. Zuzana Jurková and guests) / Summer School: Music in Socialism and Postsocialism (David Verbuč,PhD and guests). Applicants can apply for one, or both summer school courses. It is designed as a combination of lectures (mornings), worskshops (afternoons) and concerts (evenings).

Summer School: Romani Music: Music – Memory - Minorities
Lecturers: doc. Zuzana Jurková and participants of the Music – Memory – Minorities colloquium.
It is organized in the framework of the Khamoro Romani Festival.
The lectures will focus on the relationship of music to memory, specifically in the case of minority communities. Collective memory is -- through (collective) acts of remembering -- one of the basic axes which bind and strengthen communities. Nevertheless, much more than by the past, remembering is formed by the present: by the needs of those who remember, and also by the available "materials of remembering." This is even true of institutions of memory (archives, museums...): they are shaped by the needs of their times. What are the factors which form remembering in Romani communities?

Summer School: Music in Socialism and Postsocialism
Lecturers: David Verbuč, PhD; doc. Mojca Piškor (Academy of Music, Zagreb, Croatia),with additional local guest lecturers
The summer school Music in socialism and postsocialism will provide students with a general understanding of social, cultural, political, and economic conditions of the European socialist and postsocialist states and societies, and the role of music in this regard. The class topics will be related to a variety of music cultures (art music, village music, folklore, rock, pop, and folk-pop) discussed in the context of culture and politics of socialism and/or postsocialism. Each class will be based on one or two case studies of particular music cultures form particular states. In addition to lectures, we will organize a discussion with Mira Wanek from a renowned Czech rock group Už jsme doma, who will speak to us about his experiences of making and performing music in socialism and postsocialism. We will also watch relevant movies, visit local museums and institutions (e.g., National gallery; Archiv bezpečnostních složek/Archive of Security Services), and attend music concerts, related to the topic of the summer school.
CŽV 41 - Ethnomusicology Summer School
Summer School: Romani Music: Music – Memory - Minorities (May 26 to June 1, 2019)
It is a combination of lectures in the mornings, participation in the Music – Memory – Minorities colloquium on the Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, as well as attendance of the festival concerts in the evenings.
The students become acquainted with the main areas in which Roma participated in the creation of distinctive music styles and through several case examples with the specificity of Romani music remembrance – its characteristics, stakeholders, and the influence of the majority culture.

Summer School: Music in Socialism and Postsocialism (June 2–10, 2019)
It is a combinationa of lectures, a discussion with a local musician, watching relevant movies, visits to local museums and institutions (e.g., National gallery; Archiv bezpečnostních složek/Archive of Security Services), and attendance of music concerts, related to the topic of the summer school.
Lectures will mostly focus on the case studies from Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia (and their postsocialist counterparts), but will also incorporate references to other countries (e.g., Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria). The main framework of analysis will be the topics of resistance (via Alexei Yurchak), memory/nostalgia (via Daphne Berdahl, and Svetlana Boym), and nationalism. Furthermore, students will have an opportunity to attend lectures by one international scholar (dr. Mojca Piškor, from Zagreb, Croatia), and several Czech academics.
Application form; CV.
(all in English)

Podrobnosti v rozvrhu
Statistika pro MŠMT
Sociologie a kulturologie (0314)
Podmínky absolvování a kvalifikace
Certifikace: Osvědčení o absolvování programu
4 ECTS each course
Garant a místo
doc. PhDr. Zuzana Jurková, Ph.D.
Program SHV - Společenskovědní modul
Program SHV - Společenskovědní modul
Termín a délka
letní semestr, Červen
56 (v hodinách celkem)
Poplatky a financování
100 EUR / kurz
Lower-income applicants can also apply for a reduced fee (see application forms).

Applicants who apply for both ethnomusicology summer courses only pay one participation fee.
zuzana.jurkova@fhs.cuni.cz (Romani Music); david.verbuc@fhs.cuni.cz (Music in Socialism and Postsoc)
Bc. Lenka Lukešová
251 080 334
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