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Perception of Time in the Novels of Virginia Woolf
Název práce v češtině: Vnímání času v románech Virginie Woolfové
Název v anglickém jazyce: Perception of Time in the Novels of Virginia Woolf
Klíčová slova: Virginia Woolfová|modernizmus|čas|Bergson|vnímanie|dichotómia
Klíčová slova anglicky: Virginia Woolf|modernism|time|Bergson|perception|dichotomy
Akademický rok vypsání: 2019/2020
Typ práce: bakalářská práce
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Ústav: Ústav anglofonních literatur a kultur (21-UALK)
Vedoucí / školitel: PhDr. Zdeněk Beran, Ph.D.
Řešitel: skrytý - zadáno a potvrzeno stud. odd.
Datum přihlášení: 13.11.2019
Datum zadání: 13.11.2019
Schválení administrátorem: zatím neschvalováno
Datum potvrzení stud. oddělením: 20.11.2019
Datum a čas obhajoby: 18.06.2020 00:00
Datum odevzdání elektronické podoby:27.05.2020
Datum proběhlé obhajoby: 18.06.2020
Odevzdaná/finalizovaná: odevzdaná studentem a finalizovaná
Oponenti: Mgr. Miroslava Horová, Ph.D.
Zásady pro vypracování
The aim of this thesis is to explore the perception of time in Virginia Woolf's novels To the Lighthouse, The Waves and Mrs. Dalloway. A clear distinction between mechanical clock time and psychological inner time which can be perceived in Mrs. Dalloway will be studied and compared to another vivid contrast expressed by the segments of the day in the novel The Waves. Coexistence of the past and the present as well as the stretching and contraction of time according to the mental state of the characters can be observed in the work To the Lighthouse. The idea and understanding of time in each of these novels is unique and the thesis will attempt to discuss it in relation to important late 19th and 20th centuries philosophical theories of time, primarily those of Henri Bergson and Paul Ricoeur. In addition, the impact of time and its perception on the experience and psychological being of the characters will be analyzed as well.
Seznam odborné literatury
Primary Sources:
Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Woolf, Virginia. The Waves. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Woolf, Virginia. To The Lighthouse. London: Penguin, 1992.

Secondary Sources:

Ardoin, Paul., et al., eds. Understanding Bergson, Understanding Modernism. New York:
Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.
Bardon, Adrian. A Brief History of the Philosophy of Time. New York: Oxford University Press,
Buivyte, Giedre, and Loreta Ulvydiene. “Embodiment of the Concept of Time in William
Faulkner´s As I Lay Dying and Virginia Woolf´s to the Lighthouse.Respectus
Philologicus. 58-65, 2013
Currie, Mark. Narrative Fiction and the Philosophy of Time. Edinburg: Edinburg University
Press, 2007.
Flis, Emilia."The Importance of the Ordinary Moments of Being in Virginia Woolf’s
Mrs. Dalloway". New Horizons in English Studies. 43-50, 2016.
Gillies, Mary Ann. Henri Bergson and British Modernism. Buffalo: McGill-Queen's
University Press, 1996.
Gualtieri, Elena. Virginia Woolf´s Essay: Sketching the Past. London: Macmillan Press, 2000.
Guerlac, Suzanne. Thinking in time: an Introduction to Henri Bergson. New York: Cornell
University Press, 2006.
James, William. The Principles of Psychology. New York: Halt, 1890.
Markosian, Ned. “Time.” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford University,
September 2016.https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2016/entries/time/
Ricoeur, Paul. Time and Narrative. Translated by Kathleen McLaughlin and David Pellauer.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1984.
Russell, Bertrand. The Philosophy of Bergson. Cambridge: Bowes and Bowes, 1914.
Riggs, Peter J., et al. “Contemporary Concepts of Time in Western Science and Philosophy.”
ANU Press (2015): 47–66. JSTOR www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt183q3h5.
Quigley, Megan. Modernist Fiction and Vagueness: Philosophy, Form and Language.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Woolf, Virginia. The Common Reader. Boston: Mariner Books, 2002.
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