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Brophy, Deligny, and Guattari: the Avant-Garde as Subsumption and Stratification
Název práce v češtině: Brophy, Deligny a Guattari: Avantgarda coby začleňování a rozvrstvování
Název v anglickém jazyce: Brophy, Deligny, and Guattari: the Avant-Garde as Subsumption and Stratification
Klíčová slova: Avant-Garde|Začlenování|Rozvrstování|Brigid Brophy|Fernand Deligny|Felix Guattari
Klíčová slova anglicky: Transversality|Subsumption|Stratification|Avant-Garde|Brigid Brophy|Fernand Deligny|Felix Guattari
Akademický rok vypsání: 2018/2019
Typ práce: diplomová práce
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Ústav: Ústav anglofonních literatur a kultur (21-UALK)
Vedoucí / školitel: Louis Armand, Ph.D.
Řešitel: skrytý - zadáno a potvrzeno stud. odd.
Datum přihlášení: 05.06.2019
Datum zadání: 05.06.2019
Schválení administrátorem: zatím neschvalováno
Datum potvrzení stud. oddělením: 17.07.2019
Datum a čas obhajoby: 09.09.2021 00:00
Datum odevzdání elektronické podoby:12.08.2021
Datum proběhlé obhajoby: 09.09.2021
Odevzdaná/finalizovaná: odevzdaná studentem a finalizovaná
Oponenti: Mgr. David Vichnar, Ph.D.
Zásady pro vypracování
The thesis aims at considering Felix Guattati’s The Machinic Unconscious (1979), Brigid Brophy’s In Transit (1969) and Fernand Deligny’s The Arachnean and Other Texts (1970s) as the avant-garde practices foregrounding the fact that the avant-garde’s ‘subversion’ syntax and ‘shock-value’ have long become appropriated. Therefore, the term ‘subsumption’ as an alternative to ‘subversion’ and ‘resistance’ will be suggested to reflect Guattari’s ‘machinic’ flows and stratified nature of experience. Because both form the strata of artistic products as subsumed heterogeneous phylum of ‘machinic production’, they provide for manipulation of the avant-garde’s own origins and sources. By looking at novelty and uniqueness as the features of on-going stratification within the avant-garde, it will be argued that the former allows novelty and uniqueness to acquire the nature of quantitative indices akin to Guattari’s ‘material assemblages, biological assemblages, social assemblages,’ and ‘heterogeneous complex universes’. The proposed thesis is expected to consist of three parts. To begin with, it aims at looking at Brigid Brophy’s In Transit as the literary avant-gardist praxis in the light of the dynamics of subsumption and stratification as outlined in The Machinic Unconscious. Against the latter, the second part of the thesis aims at the analysis of Deligny’s text in the context of his clinical practice of special education. Based on Brophy’s, Deligny’s and Guattari’s projects, the final part of the thesis aims at suggesting generalizations regarding the status of the avant-garde as the praxis.
Seznam odborné literatury
Armand, Louis. The Organ-Grinder’s Monkey. In Avant-post. The Avant-garde under ‘post’-conditions. Ed. Louis Armand. Literaria Pragensia. Prague. 2006. Print.
Adorno, Th.W. Aesthetic Theory. Ed. Adorno, Gretel and Tiedemann, Rolf. Trans. Robert Hullot-Kentor. Coninuum. London. New York. 1997.
Adorno, Th.W. Philosophy of New Music. Translated and edited Robert Hullot-Kentor. University of Minnesota Press. 2006.
Andermahr, Sonya. “Both/And Aesthetics: Gender, Art, and Language in Brigid Brophy’s In Transit and Ali Smith’s How to Be Both.” Contemporary Women’s Writing. Volume 12, Issue 2, July 2018, pages 248-263. Accessedhttps://academic.oup.com/cww/issue/12/2 on 23 Mar. 2019.
Andermahr, Sonya. “Introduction: Brigid Brophy.” Contemporary Women’s Writing. Vol. 12, Issue 2, July 2018, pages 248-263. Accessed https://academic.oup.com/cww/issue/12/2 on23 Mar. 2019.
Brophy, Brigid. In-Transit: An Heroi-Cyclic Novel. Macdonald. London. 1969.
Czekaj, Rafał. “Adorno and Practically Useless Art, or Autonomy Instead of Avant-Garde.”Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts. 2017, vol. XIX. pp.121-130. Accessedwww.jstor.org on May 12, 2019.
Deligny, Fernand. The Arachnean and Other Texts. Trans. by Drew S. Burk and Catherine Porter. Univoocal Publishing, Minneapolis, 2015.
Dosse, Francois. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari: Intersecting Lives. Trans. Glassman D., Columbia University Press, 2010. Print.
Guattari, Felix. The Machinic Unconscious. Essays in Schizoanalysis. Semiotext(e). 2011. Print.
Sarantaris, Achilleas. “Art and Resistance in Adorno. The avant-garde artwork as the foundation of social critique.” Pp.1-8. Accessed www.academia.edu on 12 May 2019.
Stenner, Paul. Review of The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in SchizoanalysisThe Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis by GuattariFelix, trans. Adkins T.. Los Angeles, CA: Semiotext(e), 2011, 367 pp., Body & Society, 19(4), 134–139. doi:10.1177/1357034x13489714 accessed on sci-hub.tw/10.1177/1357034X13489714 on 23 Mar. 2019.
Van Heerden, Chantelle Gray. “The Slightest Gesture: Deligny, the Ritornello and Subjectivity in Socially Just Pedagogical Praxis.” Education as Change. Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017, pp. 6–24 Accessedwww.educationaschange.co.za on 20 Mar. 2019.
Ziarek. Krzysztof. “The Turn of Art: The Avant-Garde and Power.” Literary History. Vol. 33, No. 1 (Winter, 2002), p 89-107. Accessedwww.jstor.org on 03 Mar. 2019.
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