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The Use of CAT Tools in University Translation Courses: A Case Study Based on Teaching with Memsource
Název práce v češtině: Použití CAT nástrojů v univerzitních překladatelských kurzech: Případová studie založená na výuce v programu Memsource
Název v anglickém jazyce: The Use of CAT Tools in University Translation Courses: A Case Study Based on Teaching with Memsource
Klíčová slova: CAT nástroje|překlad|technologie|lokalizace|výuka|vzdělávání|zaměstnatelnost|Memsource
Klíčová slova anglicky: CAT tools|translation technology|localization|training|education|employability|Memsource
Akademický rok vypsání: 2016/2017
Typ práce: diplomová práce
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Ústav: Katedra jihoslovanských a balkanistických studií (21-KJBS)
Vedoucí / školitel: Vít Baisa, Ph.D.
Řešitel: Mgr. Bc. Filip Šanca - zadáno a potvrzeno stud. odd.
Datum přihlášení: 18.06.2017
Datum zadání: 20.06.2017
Schválení administrátorem: zatím neschvalováno
Datum potvrzení stud. oddělením: 22.06.2017
Datum a čas obhajoby: 14.06.2018 13:00
Datum odevzdání elektronické podoby:30.04.2018
Datum proběhlé obhajoby: 14.06.2018
Odevzdaná/finalizovaná: odevzdaná studentem a finalizovaná
Oponenti: doc. PhDr. Bc. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D.
Zásady pro vypracování
Even though CAT tools are becoming increasingly important, and almost indispensable, in the translator’s work routine, the academic environment is still very hesitant to implement them into translation and localisation courses. The primary objective of this dissertation is to analyse and determine how CAT tools are used in translation courses at selected Balkan universities, which is extremely important from the point of view of translation pedagogy as a baseline for further research. The secondary objective of the dissertation is to possibly, depending on the results of the primary objective, devise pedagogical practices that help universities increase the teaching effectiveness of their current methods of using CAT tools. Finally, the tertiary objective is to eventually devise several instructional scenarios that could help potentially interested universities to implement CAT tools in their courses.
The main motivation of this dissertation is that the employment of CAT tools should, in the future, positively affect employability of translation students in comparison with those who do not have such experience. This motivation stems from the fact that there are very few scientific papers and reference works on how to use CAT tools in teaching at institutions of higher education, let alone papers that deal with syllabi reforms which aim at increasing employability in the domain of translation and/or translation studies.
The research is going to be done among universities that are part of the Academic Edition programme of Memsource, a Prague-based translation and project management platform. All of the proposed scenarios are thus going to be primarily designed for the Memsource platform, but their application will be possible in other Cloud-based platforms and tools as well.
Seznam odborné literatury
· BOWKER, Lynne. Computer-aided translation technology: a practical introduction. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2002. xx, 185 s. Didactics of translation series. ISBN 0-7766-0538-0.
· Evaluation of translation technology [online]. Antwerp, Belgium: Artesis University College Antwerp Department of Translators & Interpreters, 2009. Available at:http://site.ebrary.com/lib/natl/Doc?id=10781910.
· Technology as translation strategy [online]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2008. American Translators Association scholarly monograph series; v. 2. Available at:http://site.ebrary.com/lib/natl/Doc?id=10457009.
· Post-editing of machine translation: processes and applications [online]. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4438-5797-0. Available at:http://site.ebrary.com/lib/natl/Doc?id=10850131.
· Using computers in linguistics: a practical guide [online]. London: Routledge. Available at:http://site.ebrary.com/lib/natl/Doc?id=10056215.
· SIN-WAI, Chan. The Future of Translation Technology: Towards a World without Babel. London: Routledge, 2016. ISBN 978-1138842045.
· SOMES, Harold. Computers and translation: a translator's guide [online]. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 2003. Available at:http://site.ebrary.com/lib/natl/Doc?id=10032038.
· ZHANG, Yanchen. Computer-Aided Translation Teaching by Means of Modern Information Technology [online]. Mudanjiang: Mudanjiang Normal University, 2012. Available at:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6295376/?reload=true.
· SIN-WAI, Chan. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology. New York: Routledge, 2015. ISBN 978-0-415-52484-1.
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