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Geopolitics of faith: Russian Orthodox Church in Western Balkans
Název práce v češtině: Geopolitika víry: Ruská pravoslavná církev na západním Balkánu
Název v anglickém jazyce: Geopolitics of faith: Russian Orthodox Church in Western Balkans
Klíčová slova: Western Balkans, Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox Church, geopolitics of faith, soft power.
Klíčová slova anglicky: Západní Balkán, pravoslavná církev, ruská pravoslavná církev, geopolitika víry, měkká moc.
Akademický rok vypsání: 2020/2021
Typ práce: diplomová práce
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Ústav: Katedra politologie (23-KP)
Vedoucí / školitel: PhDr. Michael Romancov, Ph.D.
Řešitel: skrytý - zadáno vedoucím/školitelem
Datum přihlášení: 18.05.2021
Datum zadání: 18.05.2021
Datum a čas obhajoby: 14.09.2022 13:30
Místo konání obhajoby: Pekařská 16, JPEK312, 312, Malá učebna, 3.patro
Datum odevzdání elektronické podoby:01.08.2022
Datum proběhlé obhajoby: 14.09.2022
Oponenti: Mgr. Bohumil Doboš, Ph.D.
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Zásady pro vypracování
Theoretical framework
Considering the nature of the topic of this work, one can think of one theory that can be perfectly applicable to this work – soft power theory. This theory was developed by Joseph Nye Jr. and it offers a definition of soft power, antithesis of the more familiar hard power. Soft power, according to the author, is the ability of one country to influence others through persuasion and attraction as opposed to hard power tools like financial coercion or military. Having this in mind it is evident that the best way of considering the Russian Orthodox Church as the soft power tool and therefore analyze its activities through the prism of Nye’s soft power theory. Culture, values, and institutions are something that certain countries can ‘export’ and therefore influence others. When it comes to the topic of this thesis, culture and values seem to be the areas where the Russian Orthodox Church can be most influential in the Western Balkans, and therefore coinciding with this theory, proving its compatibility with the chosen topic. According to the theory, it could be assumed that the Russian Orthodox Church is shaping preferences of other “autocephalous” churches, and in case those churches play a significant role in their respective countries, the Russian Orthodox Church can also shape opinions of the general public and foreign policy.
Research hypothesis
In order to present research hypothesis, it can be useful to revisit the aforementioned research questions, and in accordance with them, formulate the hypothesis.
1. What are the ‘religious map’ and religious trends of the Western Balkans?
Religion always played a significant role in the Balkans, therefore one could assume that it is still an important part of people’s lives, especially in countries like Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska), Montenegro and North Macedonia. Other countries can be deemed as less religious, but this notion can be challenged. Eastern Orthodoxy is prevalent in the chosen region, and therefore the Russian Orthodox Church can influence it a great deal. As for the religious trends, one can assume that the relevance of the church is in decline.
2. What is the status of Orthodox Church (Russian and local) in the Western Balkan countries?
Orthodox Church is of significance in Serbia, Montenegro, BiH and North Macedonia. The relevance of church is especially evident in Montenegro, as clashes with the Serbian Orthodox Church continue to resonate in the society and oftentimes cause violent protests. One could say that the status of the Russian Orthodox Church is especially good in Serbia and Republika Srpska.
3. What are the trends in the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the region?
Russian Orthodox Church is active mostly in the cultural sphere of their ‘foreign policy’. It tries to cultivate the idea of ‘brotherhood’ and common history, within the Orthodox Christian tradition and therefore creating a positive image of Russia.
4. How are Russian foreign policy and activities of Russian Orthodox Church connected?
The most prominent example of the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian foreign policy are connected is how their policies coincide in Serbia and Republika Srpska. The mechanism could be a very simple one, and that is that the Russian Orthodox Church is simply following the incentive of the Russian government, acting as its ‘extension’. It can also be true that they have a common goal of improving their images and probably getting some financial gain – for Russia – concessions (especially energy related) and for the Church – expanding congregation. For proving this notion, however, more research is needed.
Empirical data and analytical technique
Nature of the chosen topic and available resources requires interpretative approach. To answer the aforementioned research questions, one can mostly rely on local media and official documents. All used resources will correspond with the set timeframe – 2005-present, excluding possible inclusion of older documents for the sake of the historical context. The outline of empirical data as well as analytical technique will be presented alongside the research questions it is set to answer.
RQ: What are the ‘religious map’ and religious trends of the Western Balkans?
- Analysis of census data over the selected time frame in relevant countries. The aim is to see the percentage of the population that considers itself Orthodox Christian. (Source: national statistical offices)
- Analysis of relevant research (level of ‘religiousness’) over the selected time frame in relevant countries. The aim is to measure the impact of religion on people’s lives by consulting specialized research on this topic. (Source: Pew Research Center)
RQ: What is the status of Orthodox Church (Russian and local) in the Western Balkan countries?
- Qualitative analysis of local media coverage and official documents related to activities od Orthodox Church (Russian and local) in order to extract the general sentiment. Socio-cognitive discourse analysis method, pioneered by Teun A. van Dijk will be used in the qualitative analysis of these and the following materials. The mentioned analysis method views discourse as a product of social interaction, which requires the researcher to put the discourse into a certain context, that is valid in the moment of the creation of the studied material. Source of the materials will be local news outlets (vijesti.me - Montenegro, rts.rs - Serbia, kurir.mk – North Macedonia, koha.net - Kosovo, ba.n1info.com - BiH, telegrafi.com - Albania). Official documents will be sourced on the websites of respective governments and the official website of Moscow Patriarchy (http://www.patriarchia.ru).
- Possible analysis of social media using free sentiment analysis software (ex. Social Mention, MeaningCloud, Google Trends) to extract the general sentiment and measure the relevance of the chosen events. (Source: Twitter etc.)
RQ: What are the trends in the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the region?
- Qualitative analysis of local media coverage and relevant official documents, using the aforementioned socio-cognitive discourse analysis method. Sources will correspond to those used for answering the previous RQ.
RQ: How are Russian foreign policy and activities of Russian Orthodox Church connected?
- Qualitative analysis of Russia’s foreign policy in the region by consulting media coverage and relevant official documents, using the aforementioned socio-cognitive discourse analysis method. Sources correspond to those that will be used to answering previous RQs.
- Comparison of the results to the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the region, tracking the time and type of activities undertaken, as well as the reaction of the general public (public events, resonance in the media) in all the countries of the studied region.
- Qualitative analysis of media coverage and official documents dedicated to the relationship between aforementioned actors using the socio-cognitive discourse analysis method and sources.

Seznam odborné literatury
Maraš, Darija. Geopolitics of faith: Russian Orthodox Church in the Western Balkans. Praha, 2022. 58 pages. Master’s thesis (Mgr.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Studies. Geopolitical Studies. Supervisor Michael Romancov, Ph.D.
Předběžná náplň práce
Studie se snaží prozkoumat vliv ruské pravoslavné církve na region západního Balkánu v letech 2005-2014 s využitím teorie měkké moci, jejímž průkopníkem je Joseph Nye. Existující kulturní vazby mezi většinově pravoslavnými zeměmi v regionu a ruskou pravoslavnou církví vytvořily prostředí, které je náchylné ke kulturnímu vlivu pocházejícímu od církve. S využitím popisu mechanismu veřejné diplomacie Josepha Nye (který stojí za aplikací měkké síly) tato práce analyzuje aktivity ruské pravoslavné církve v regionu a zjišťuje, že největší prioritou v rámci veřejné diplomacie církve se ukázalo být Srbsko, následované v tomto pořadí Černou Horou, Severní Makedonií a Republikou Srbskou. Jak předpokládá teorie měkké moci, její aplikace musí přinést určité změny, které jsou vyvolány silou přitažlivosti. Není překvapením, že Srbsko přijalo řadu zákonů, které odpovídají podnětům přicházejícím od církve, ve zbývajících třech zemích se to podařilo méně, ale s viditelnými výsledky spojenými s veřejnou diplomacií církve. Práce upevňuje představu, že ruská pravoslavná církev má měřitelný vliv na určité politické výsledky v zemích západního Balkánu.
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce
The study seeks to explore the Russian Orthodox Church’s influence on the Western Balkan region from 2005 to 2014, using the soft power theory pioneered by Joseph Nye. The existing cultural ties between majority Orthodox countries in the region and Russian Orthodox Church created an environment that is prone to cultural influence coming from the Church. Using Joseph Nye’s description of the public diplomacy mechanism (which is behind soft power application), this work analyzes Russian Orthodox Church activities in the region, establishing that Serbia appeared to be the most prioritized in the Church’s public diplomacy, followed by Montenegro, North Macedonia and Republika Srpska respectively. As soft power theory assumes, its application must bring out certain changes, that are produced by the power of attraction. Not surprisingly, Serbia adopted a number of laws that correspond to the stimuli coming from the Church, with less success in the remaining three countries, but with visible results associated with the Church’s public diplomacy. The work solidifies the notion that the Russian Orthodox Church has a measurable effect on certain political outcomes in the Western Balkan countries.
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