Opticky aktivní nanokapaliny
Název práce v češtině: | Opticky aktivní nanokapaliny |
Název v anglickém jazyce: | Nanofluids with optical activity |
Klíčová slova anglicky: | nanoparticles, low-temperature plasma, magnetron sputtering, Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, liquid polymer |
Akademický rok vypsání: | 2022/2023 |
Typ práce: | bakalářská práce |
Jazyk práce: | |
Ústav: | Katedra makromolekulární fyziky (32-KMF) |
Vedoucí / školitel: | prof. Ing. Andrey Shukurov, Ph.D. |
Řešitel: |
Zásady pro vypracování |
Study plasma-based methods of the preparation of metal nanoparticles
Study plasmonic properties of metal nanoparticles Preparation of nanofluids and characterization of their basic optical properties |
Seznam odborné literatury |
Y. Huttel, Gas-Phase Synthesis of Nanoparticles, Wiley-VCH 2017. |
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce |
A nanofluid is a mixture consisting of nanometer-sized particulates (nanoparticles, nanotubes, etc.) dispersed in a liquid base. The nano-objects may be very diverse, including metals and metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs), carbon nanotubes, graphene sheets, etc. Typical liquid matrices involve water-based solutions, ethylene glycol, ionic liquids, and oils.
Let’s have fun…but on a physical basis! The student will prepare differently colored nanofluids (and learn how to manipulate with the color) by a plasma-based method that has never been used before. We will match seemingly unmatchable: metal nanoparticles produced in a gas phase by magnetron sputtering, and liquids. We will choose the metals that exhibit Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) in the visible light range (Ag, Cu, Au) and liquid polymers that are characterized by low vapor pressure. The goal is to understand how the concentration, size distribution, and mixing of the nanoparticles influence the LSPR and the color of the nanofluid. |