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Analysis of stock market sentiment with social media
Název práce v češtině: Analýza sentimentu akciového trhu pomocí sociálních médií
Název v anglickém jazyce: Analysis of stock market sentiment with social media
Klíčová slova: sentiment Twitteru, vnoření slov, volatilita, reprezentace textu
Klíčová slova anglicky: Twitter sentiment, Word embeddings, volatility
Akademický rok vypsání: 2015/2016
Typ práce: diplomová práce
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Ústav: Institut ekonomických studií (23-IES)
Vedoucí / školitel: doc. PhDr. Jozef Baruník, Ph.D.
Řešitel: skrytý - zadáno vedoucím/školitelem
Datum přihlášení: 22.07.2016
Datum zadání: 22.07.2016
Datum a čas obhajoby: 20.06.2018 08:30
Místo konání obhajoby: Opletalova - Opletalova 26, O206, Opletalova - místn. č. 206
Datum odevzdání elektronické podoby:11.05.2018
Datum proběhlé obhajoby: 20.06.2018
Oponenti: PhDr. Pavel Vacek, Ph.D.
Kontrola URKUND:
Seznam odborné literatury
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Předběžná náplň práce

Thousands and thousands tweets are posted every minute. Considerable
part of this massive stream of information includes personal opinions or expression
of posters attitude about some topic. There have been several papers studying
methods how to extract the sentiment inside the twitter micro messages. For example
(Kolchyna, 2015) used for the sentiment classification machine learning as well as
lexical methods. In the paper, they further showed that machine learning approach
of sentiment classification outperformed the lexical approach and these two combined
yielded even more precise classification.
According the efficient market hypothesis proposed by (Fama, 1970), there should
be no way how to exploit the knowledge of the sentiment and generate abnormal
return on the stock market. However, recently there has been much research done
about the effect of twitter based sentiments on stock markets. For example (Fermut
2014) analyzed aggregated twitter data using lexical method and found out that
there is significant relation at long investment horizon and this effect diminishes with
shortening the horizon. Also in (Ranco 2015), authors showed significant dependence
in case of events characterized by twitter peeks for several days after such event, but
resulting only in small cumulative abnormal returns.
In my thesis we will use twitter sentimental analysis to model returns and volatility
of selected stock market indices. To do so, we will analyze huge dataset of all
tweets that does include specific keywords related to stock indices of thirteen technological
companies such Google and Microsoft over the past 20 months. The dataset
was collected using official Twitter streaming API.


Hypothesis #1: We are able to quantify and measure the sentiment or mood
in society using Twitter and other text based social media, such as blogs
Master’s Thesis Proposal xii

Hypothesis #2: Using suitable twitter hashtags and word combinations as
sentiment indicator, we are able to set index with better predictive power than
lexical index based on agregated words.

Hypothesis #3: Sentiment is significant variable for explaining future returns
and especially future volatility.

Hypothesis #4: In case of significant exogeneous events (earthquakes, terrorist
attack, etc.) the market reaction is faster than corresponding reaction of social
media, leaving no room for arbitrage.


With such enormous amount of twitter messages, we will need to
use methodology with regards to extra large dataset in order to process all relevant
information regarding the sentiment inside the tweets in reasonable time. This will
be done using suitable algorithms and data structures.
Correlation of sentiment indices and real financial data will be measured using
both standard discrete methodology for time series such as Granger causality
methods and vector autoregressive regression. In addition of these methods, fit of
matching the two types of data will also be measured using other approaches such
as wavelets.
In order to fully exploit the benefits of high frequency dataset, for modeling
volatility we will use techniques based on realized volatility, such as heterogeneous
autoregressive models. We will compare performance of such models with standard
GARCH family models. For detecting outlying events in stock market data, bipower
variation method will be used. This method will allow us to mark outliers in market
data and match them to events in twitter using methods described in paragraph

Expected Contribution

Main goal of the thesis is to show relation between twitter
based sentiments and financial markets on different time horizons, with emphasis on
analysis of volatility. We will use unique data of tweets specifically tailored for
sentimental analysis of technological stock indices. The combination of the twitter
data and tick by tick stock market data let us use all benefits of high frequency
methodology and continuous approximation of the time series. With such dataset,
using machine learning approach allows us to create sentiment indices tweets to
precisely fit the market data. In this way, we are able to test our hypothesis with
much greater precision than in case of past research.
The thesis will examine the possibilities of creating trading algorithms based on
twitter sentiments. On the other hand, we want also explore new risk management
approaches based on social media. For Risk management and hedging strategies,
Master’s Thesis Proposal xiii
measuring magnitude of social media reaction to market events or vice versa, can be
extremely appealing.

1. Introduction
2. Literature review
3. Methodology
4. Data description
5. Results of analysis
6. Discussion of the results
7. Conclusion
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce

Thousands and thousands tweets are posted every minute. Considerable
part of this massive stream of information includes personal opinions or expression
of posters attitude about some topic. There have been several papers studying
methods how to extract the sentiment inside the twitter micro messages. For example
(Kolchyna, 2015) used for the sentiment classification machine learning as well as
lexical methods. In the paper, they further showed that machine learning approach
of sentiment classification outperformed the lexical approach and these two combined
yielded even more precise classification.
According the efficient market hypothesis proposed by (Fama, 1970), there should
be no way how to exploit the knowledge of the sentiment and generate abnormal
return on the stock market. However, recently there has been much research done
about the effect of twitter based sentiments on stock markets. For example (Fermut
2014) analyzed aggregated twitter data using lexical method and found out that
there is significant relation at long investment horizon and this effect diminishes with
shortening the horizon. Also in (Ranco 2015), authors showed significant dependence
in case of events characterized by twitter peeks for several days after such event, but
resulting only in small cumulative abnormal returns.
In my thesis we will use twitter sentimental analysis to model returns and volatility
of selected stock market indices. To do so, we will analyze huge dataset of all
tweets that does include specific keywords related to stock indices of thirteen technological
companies such Google and Microsoft over the past 20 months. The dataset
was collected using official Twitter streaming API.


Hypothesis #1: We are able to quantify and measure the sentiment or mood
in society using Twitter and other text based social media, such as blogs
Master’s Thesis Proposal xii

Hypothesis #2: Using suitable twitter hashtags and word combinations as
sentiment indicator, we are able to set index with better predictive power than
lexical index based on agregated words.

Hypothesis #3: Sentiment is significant variable for explaining future returns
and especially future volatility.

Hypothesis #4: In case of significant exogeneous events (earthquakes, terrorist
attack, etc.) the market reaction is faster than corresponding reaction of social
media, leaving no room for arbitrage.


With such enormous amount of twitter messages, we will need to
use methodology with regards to extra large dataset in order to process all relevant
information regarding the sentiment inside the tweets in reasonable time. This will
be done using suitable algorithms and data structures.
Correlation of sentiment indices and real financial data will be measured using
both standard discrete methodology for time series such as Granger causality
methods and vector autoregressive regression. In addition of these methods, fit of
matching the two types of data will also be measured using other approaches such
as wavelets.
In order to fully exploit the benefits of high frequency dataset, for modeling
volatility we will use techniques based on realized volatility, such as heterogeneous
autoregressive models. We will compare performance of such models with standard
GARCH family models. For detecting outlying events in stock market data, bipower
variation method will be used. This method will allow us to mark outliers in market
data and match them to events in twitter using methods described in paragraph

Expected Contribution

Main goal of the thesis is to show relation between twitter
based sentiments and financial markets on different time horizons, with emphasis on
analysis of volatility. We will use unique data of tweets specifically tailored for
sentimental analysis of technological stock indices. The combination of the twitter
data and tick by tick stock market data let us use all benefits of high frequency
methodology and continuous approximation of the time series. With such dataset,
using machine learning approach allows us to create sentiment indices tweets to
precisely fit the market data. In this way, we are able to test our hypothesis with
much greater precision than in case of past research.
The thesis will examine the possibilities of creating trading algorithms based on
twitter sentiments. On the other hand, we want also explore new risk management
approaches based on social media. For Risk management and hedging strategies,
Master’s Thesis Proposal xiii
measuring magnitude of social media reaction to market events or vice versa, can be
extremely appealing.

1. Introduction
2. Literature review
3. Methodology
4. Data description
5. Results of analysis
6. Discussion of the results
7. Conclusion
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