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The Defamation Charges and Violence Against Journalists in Indonesia
Název práce v češtině: Obvinění z pomluvy a násilí proti novinářům v Indonésii
Název v anglickém jazyce: The Defamation Charges and Violence Against Journalists in Indonesia
Klíčová slova: obvinění z pomluvy, Indonésie, žurnalistika, násilí
Klíčová slova anglicky: defamation charges, Indonesia, journalism, violence
Akademický rok vypsání: 2022/2023
Typ práce: diplomová práce
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Ústav: Katedra žurnalistiky (23-KZ)
Vedoucí / školitel: Mgr. Jan Miessler
Řešitel: skrytý - zadáno vedoucím/školitelem
Datum přihlášení: 26.10.2022
Datum zadání: 26.10.2022
Seznam odborné literatury
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Association of European Journalists Bulgaria. (2021, February 11). #JusticeForDimiter: Bulgaria Turns a Blind Eye to Police Violence Against Journalist Dimiter Kenarov. АЕЖ-България. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://aej-bulgaria.org/en/justice-for-dimiter-kenarov/
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce
Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Defamation charges and violence against journalists happen everywhere, for example back in December 2021, a Polish Journalist, Ewa Siedlecka, was fined by the court for criminal defamation for slander and insult (Spicer, 2021).

Other than the ones that happened in Poland, on September 2, 2020, in Bulgaria, masked men wielding metal bars attack a newspaper editor (Bayer, 2021) while covering a violent anti-government demonstration Despite repeatedly identifying himself as a reporter, he was dragged away by three police officers and subjected to abuse while handcuffed. A forensic doctor confirmed his injuries and bruises the next morning (Association of European Journalists Bulgaria, 2021).

Defamation charges and violence against journalists are also happening in Europe, and those unfortunate events also happened in Indonesia. According to Independent Journalists Alliance (AJI), the number of violence cases related to journalists reached 928 cases from 2006 to 2022. From January to September 2022 there are several cases of violence against journalists, which spread in over 2 terrors and intimidations, 13 physical violence, 5 coverage bans, 9 digital attacks, 2 legal prosecutions, 2 deletions of coverage results, 2 destruction or seizure of equipment, 1 sexual or gender-based violence and 7 journalists being detained.

The government issued Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the press. The said law explained that the freedom of the press is guaranteed as Indonesian human rights and the national press will not be subject to censorship and bans, but all the statistics that were acquired throughout the years do not seem to reflect the law.

There is only one Indonesian journal that is talking about this topic which titled Urgency of Legal Protection of Journalists Against the Crime of Defamation According to the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (Urgensi Perlindungan Hukum Jurnalis Terhadap Tindak Pidana Pencemaran Nama Baik Menurut Undang-Undang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik) by Manfaati, N., Setiyanto, B. and Lukitasari, D. (2020). This Journal is only discussing the defamation charge in the scope of Indonesian law, there is no Indonesian journals talking about the defamation charges and violence against journalist in the scope of sociology and media studies which means there is a research gap on the matter, and I would like to be the one who starts to close the gap.

This research will be using Pierre Bordieu’s Journalistic Field theory. Because, according to Bordieu (2012), it is apparent that authorities, particularly the government, exert influence on the media not just via economic pressure, but also through their monopoly on valid information, of which official sources are the most visible example. The said quote from Bordieu’s theory immensely resonance with the research.

This research will also be using Petros Iosifidis’ (2011) notion of The Public Sphere, Social Networks and Public Service Media where he believes the media should strive to maximise disputes over political ideas and contribute to public information and argumentation, both of which are critical to democracy's survival Public knowledge is vital for both expressing shared interests and participating in debates concerning those interests. Iosifidis also stated that although the historical significance of Habermas' thesis is debatable, he is nonetheless was a pioneer in pointing out that the public sphere - a mental rather than physical area - and democracy - expressed via logical debate - are inextricably linked. Through the contributions and limits of his thesis, Habermas' thought gives essential theoretical tools to address critical concerns linked to a democratic society in the modern day. The scholar provided an excellent beginning point for comprehending the function of the media in public communication. The problem of whether and how the media defines the public sphere has a significant influence on people's understanding of social and political concerns, activities, and identities.
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