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doc. Alexander Wilkie, Dr. [32-KSVI], Introduction to Colour Science [NPGR025, přednáška]
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 18.02.2024, 1. ročník, Informatika, bakalářské
The lecturer presented the topics in a very digestible way, and explained them thoroughly and well. The course even included a tour of the colour lab in Trója, which put a lot of the topics into a practical perspective, and helped cement the knowledge.
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 17.02.2024, 1. ročník, Computer Science, bakalářské
The prof was very informative and wanted to tell as much as possible and shared his opinions and experiences with us which was really valuable.
Václav Krňák, 26.01.2024, 4. Ročník, Informatika, bakalářské
It's really great that Doc. Wilkie is so enthusiastic about his teaching, and it was wonderful that he shared some side stories from his field. However, sometimes, it was difficult to follow what he was teaching."
Připomínka k předmětu, Introduction to Colour Science [NPGR025, přednáška]
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 18.02.2024, 1. ročník, Informatika, bakalářské
A very interesting subject, which taught me a lot of practical knowledge. The topics were presented in an way that was easy to understand and easy to remember, due to how interesting they were.
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 17.02.2024, 1. ročník, Computer Science, bakalářské
The course was really interesting and the professor made the lectures interactive.
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 07.02.2024, 3. Ročník, Informatika, bakalářské
Well structured subject.
+ lecture recordings exist
+ pdf with exam questions
+ interesting subject overall
Václav Krňák, 26.01.2024, 4. Ročník, Informatika, bakalářské
I would love to hear more about color theory. For example, how to choose colors that look good together, how to create a color palette, what is color harmony, or about tints and shades.
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