Termíny zkoušek - přihlašováníTermíny zkoušek - přihlašování(verze: 227)
Prohlížení do roku 2023/2024 letní
   Přihlásit přes CAS
Detail termínu
Fakulta :Fakulta sociálních věd
Garant termínu :Katedra bezpečnostních studií (23-KBS)
Datum :22.01.2024 - Pondělí
Hodina :10:00
Konec :22.01.2024 00:00
Přihlašování od :06.12.2023 00:00
Odhlásit do :21.01.2024 23:59
Zápis do :21.01.2024 00:00
Budova :JJIN3 - Areál Jinonice
Místnost :B316 (č. dveří 316), Areál Jinonice, U Kříže 8
Učitel :prof. Mgr. Oldřich Bureš, Ph.D., M.A.
Kapacita :30
Počet přihlášených :17
Poznámka :Final exam Terrorism and Counterterrorism - prof. Oldrich Bures
Informace :Since we are back to in-person teaching, I originally planned the exams to be in-person as well. I was, however, alerted that many of you will no longer be in Prague after Christmas, so all of the exams will be administered online via Moodle. If you prefer to take the exam in-person, I will keep the second exam date (January 22, 2024) both in person (room B316 in Jinonice) and online via Moodle. The other two exam dates (January 8 and February 12, 2024) will be administered online only.

On each exam date and time specified in the SIS, you will be able to see and take the final exam from any computer anywhere. I will e-mail all students registered in the SIS for the date/time the password to open&take the exam (within 24 hours before the exam).

The exam has two sections. The first section covers the key ideas, concepts and findings covered in my lectures and slides. For example, what is the difference between new and old terrorism? In the second section, you will answer questions on required readings, including those assigned for the small group presentations (you cannot choose the reading assigned by your group). The questions are the same as those listed in the slides for my lectures. You will have a choice from several readings, picking the ones you remember the most.

Please keep in mind that the readings assigned by small groups will also be part of the second section of the final written exam.
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JPM706 FSV Terrorism and Counterterrorism 2023/2024 zimní Zk

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