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Předmět, akademický rok 2019/2020
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European Political Philosophy: Freedom, Equality, Solidarity - JPM649
Anglický název: European Political Philosophy: Freedom, Equality, Solidarity
Zajišťuje: Katedra politologie (23-KP)
Fakulta: Fakulta sociálních věd
Platnost: od 2019 do 2020
Semestr: letní
E-Kredity: 6
Způsob provedení zkoušky: letní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: letní s.:2/0, Zk [HT]
Počet míst: 30 / neurčen (26)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Poznámka: předmět je možno zapsat mimo plán
povolen pro zápis po webu
při zápisu přednost, je-li ve stud. plánu
Garant: Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Vyučující: Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Třída: Courses for incoming students
Termíny zkoušek   Rozvrh   Nástěnka   
Soubory Komentář Kdo přidal
stáhnout Reading for Class 01 - Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EUx.pdf Reading for Class 01 - Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 02 - Human DIGNITY as Basis of Political Entitlements - KALEB & NUSSBAUM & WALDRON.pdf Reading for Class 02 - Human DIGNITY as Basis of Political Entitlements Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 03 - LIBERTY - in Knowles.pdf Reading for Class 02 - LIBERTY - in Knowles Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 04 - EQUALITY - Arneson & Sterba.pdf Reading for Class 04 - EQUALITY - Arneson & Sterba Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 05 - SOLIDARITY - Stjerno.pdf Reading for Class 05 - SOLIDARITY in Stjerno Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 06 - European vs American SOCIAL MODELS - from Europes Promise by S Hill.pdf Reading for Class 06 - European vs American SOCIAL MODELS - from Europes Promise by S Hill Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 07 - Individualism and Political Modernity in America and Europe - Rifkin & Gillespie.pdf Reading for Class 07 - Individualism and Political Modernity in America and Europe Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 08 - Political Philosophy of Property in America and Europe - Rifkin.pdf Reading for Class 08 - Political Philosophy of Property in America and Europe Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 09 - POLYPHONIC Vision of European Integration - Jan Zielonka of Oxford University.pdf Reading for Class 09 - POLYPHONIC Vision of European Integration - Jan Zielonka of Oxford University Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 10 - TRANSNATIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION in the European Union - Daniel Innerarity.pdf Reading for Class 10 - TRANSNATIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION in the European Union Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 11 - RUSSIAN CONSERVATISM by Elena Chebankova - Carleton University.pdf Reading for Class 11 - RUSSIAN CONSERVATISM by Elena Chebankova - Carleton University Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 12 - Chinese Communitarianism - Ihara & Wong.pdf Reading for Class 12 - Chinese Communitarianism - Ihara & Wong Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
stáhnout Reading for Class 13 - Islam and Human Rights - from Dalacoura.pdf Reading for Class 13 - Islam and Human Rights - from Dalacoura. Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Sylabus - angličtina



European Political Philosophy: Liberty, Equality, Solidarity - JPM649

Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague


Instructor: Dr. Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.

ETCS: 6 credits

Prerequisites: None


PLACE: PEKARSKA campus & online: https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/91064715360

TIME: Tuesday, 8.00-9.20



Office hours: Tuesday, 9.30-11.00 in the office in Butovice; also online:  https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/4572739330 (ONLINE consultations possible also at other times after appointment)
Email: janusz.salamon at univ-oxford.com


This course is political philosophy is designed primarily for students of political science, European studies and other social sciences and humanities, whose future work may benefit from an in-depth knowledge of the sources and the logic of the European value system which is presupposed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and constitutes the foundation of the emerging pan-European identity. The exploration of the distintiveness of the European political tradition (primarily the 'Continental European' political tradition as opposed to the Anglo-Saxon tradition) will be just one of two focal points of the course, the other being comparative analysis of the European and the non-European (especiall the American) political traditions. The vital question looming in the background of the entire course is the special place of the European project in the context of the globalizing, yet increasingly fragmented multi-polar world with the apparent decline of the American global hegemony creating a vacuum which is likely to be filled by a number of global powers each one underpined by a distinctive political philosophy.



All readings will be available in electronic format available for download from the course website (in the SIS). Principal readings will be drawn from the following books:

J.T. Checkel & P.J. Katzenstein (eds), "European Identity"

R. Robyn (ed.), "The Changing Face of European Identity"

F. Cerutti & S. Lucarelli, "The Search for a European Identity: Values, Policies and Legitimacy of the European Union"

S. Lucarelli & I. Manners (eds), "Values and Principles in European Union Foreign Policy"

D.M. Green, "The Europeans: Political Identity in an Emerging Polity"

J.H.H. Weiler, "The Constitution of Europe: Do The New Clothes Have an Emperor and Other Essays on European Integration"

G. Delanty & C. Rumford, "Rethinking Europe: Social Theory the Implications of Europeanization"

R.C.M. Mole, "Discursive Constructions of Identity in European Politics"

E. Fligstein, "Euroclash: The EU, European Identity and the Future of Europe"

G. Sheridan, "Asian Values, Western Dreams: Understanding the New Asia"

L. Avonius & D. Kingsbury, "Human Rights in Asia: A Reassessment of the Asian Values Debate"

A. Hurrell, "On Global Order: Power, Values and the Constitution of International Society"

A. Black, "History of Islamic Political Thought"

V.J. Cornell, "Voices of Islam"

J.N. Pieterse, "Globalization and Culture: Global Melange"

U. Hannerz, "Transnational Connections: Culture, People, Places"




Final essay (ca. 2500 words)    50%

Final Exam                               50%

Total                                         100%



The Final Exam instruction will be provided in class since it requires a detailed explanation, with Q&A session




  • A = 91-100 % – excellent
  • B = 81-90 % – very good
  • C = 71-80 % – good
  • D = 61-70 % – satisfactory
  • E = 51-60 % – minimal pass
  • F = 0-50 % – fail


Poslední úprava: Salamon Janusz, Ph.D. (12.02.2022)
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