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Systémy, které kombinují kvantové a klasické stupně volnosti v nerovnováze
Název práce v češtině: Systémy, které kombinují kvantové a klasické stupně volnosti v nerovnováze
Název v anglickém jazyce: Quantum-classical systems out-of-equilibrium
Klíčová slova: nerovnováha|spinová dynamika|transport
Klíčová slova anglicky: nonequlibrium|spin dynamics|transport
Akademický rok vypsání: 2023/2024
Typ práce: disertační práce
Jazyk práce: čeština
Ústav: Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látek (32-KFKL)
Vedoucí / školitel: RNDr. Martin Žonda, Ph.D.
Řešitel: skrytý - zadáno a potvrzeno stud. odd.
Datum přihlášení: 25.01.2024
Datum zadání: 25.01.2024
Datum potvrzení stud. oddělením: 12.02.2024
Konzultanti: RNDr. Pavel Baláž, Ph.D.
Zásady pro vypracování
The main initial goal for the student will be to implement a method based on a quantum-classical approach, that allows to calculate non-equilibrium transport through a system, where the correlations between the electrons play a significant role. This is a common situation for various experimental setups including different devices relevant for molecular electronics and molecular spintronics. We will apply this method to address such systems. Next challenge for the student will be to develop a method suitable for the investigation of non-equilibrium dynamics of a correlated system coupled to superconducting leads. This is relevant for the investigation and manipulation of the so-called Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states or Andreev bound states which play a crucial role in phenomena like quantum phase transitions and might be relevant for building gates in future quantum computers.
Seznam odborné literatury
[1] R. Smorka, P. Baláž, M. Thoss, M. Žonda, Nonequilibrium dynamics in a spin valve with non­
collinear magnetizatio, Phys. Rev. B 106, 144435 (2022)
[2] R. Smorka, M. Žonda, M. Thoss Electronic transport through correlated electron systems with nonhomogeneous charge orderings, Phys. Rev. B 101, 155116 (2020)
[3] P. Mondal, A. Suresh, and B.K. Nikolić, When can localized spins interacting with conduction
electrons in ferro­ or antiferromagnets be described classically via the Landau­Lifshitz equation:
Transition from quantum many­body entangled to quantum­classical nonequilibrium states, Phys.
Rev. B 104, 214401 (2021)
[4] P. W. Anderson, More is Different, Science
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce
The physics of condensed matter is full of open problems with a huge number of interacting constituents that one must deal with. That is, in general, a hard problem becoming unsolvable if quantum description is necessary. There are many strategies for how to address it. In some cases, one can construct a classical approximation which is then used to simulate large systems. However, this is not always an option, as the property in question might not have a classical analogy at all. On the other hand, a full quantum mechanical description can be often effectively applied only on small systems of few constituents. Here the issue is that more is different, even an exact solution of a small system might not capture the physics of the large one.

In many scenarios a compromise can be utilized, namely, a hybrid method that combines classical and quantum degrees of freedom. Here one takes slow, heavy or “continuous enough” degrees of freedom and approximates them by classical dynamics. The rest of the system is treated quantum-mechanically. For example, in the case of magnetic systems these methods consider classical localized magnetic moments interacting with quantum conduction electrons. For correlated electron systems, we can use classical fluctuations to describe the correlations between the electrons beyond mean-field approximation. In this way, one can use quantum mechanics where it is necessary and classical dynamics where the enormous size of the system plays a crucial role.
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