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Připomínky k výuce (Oba semestry)
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Při výběru garanta předmětu se zobrazují připomínky jak k němu, tak ke všem vyučujícím daného předmětu. Při výběru vyučujícího, který garantem není, se zobrazují připomínky vztažené pouze k němu.
Bernadette Higgins, M.A. [41-KAJL], Anglická literatura 19. století [OB2301011, cvičení]
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 07.01.2016, 2. Ročník, Specializace v pedagogice, bakalářské
I'd prefer an oral examination at the end of each semester. The seminars are practical and definitely enriching.
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 21.01.2016, 2. Ročník, Specializace v pedagogice, bakalářské
It was very nice :)
Barbora Imrišková, 14.01.2017, 3. Ročník, Specializace v pedagogice, bakalářské
The seminars were inspiring and enjoyable, Ms Higgins encourages students to take part, speak up and share their opinions. The required literature was also well-chosen and analysed. My only issue was with the essay topics, which were sent only after the book/poem has been dealt with at the seminar, sometimes with a delay, therefore the students wishing to write about the last book had to wait until mid-December to get the topic. I would have preferred to have the topics beforehand, in order to avoid time pressure near the deadline.
Bernadette Higgins, M.A. [41-KAJL], Anglická literatura 19. století [OB2301011, přednáška]
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 04.01.2016, 2. Ročník, Specializace v pedagogice, bakalářské
The entire department is lovely! Bernie's lectures and seminars are enthralling and always offer a fresh new perspective with a little bit of humour, too.
Barbora Imrišková, 14.01.2017, 3. Ročník, Specializace v pedagogice, bakalářské
The lectures were comprehensive, well-structured and lively.
Bernadette Higgins, M.A. [41-KAJL], Aspekty genderu v literatuře I [ON2301019, seminář]
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 31.01.2015, 2. Ročník, Učitelství pro střední školy, navazující magisterské
The assigned reading in this course is very interesting and enriching. I would, however, appreciate more structured seminars. Bernie is a great person who establishes friendly and safe atmosphere but too often she gets carried away and talks about whatever comes into her mind, sometimes repeating what she has already talked about in previous seminars. I think it would be better if she decided what to talk about in advance and then more or less stuck to her plan, and if she made the students comment on each point and moderated their discussion. This is just a friendly suggestion for improvement, though. I enjoyed Bernie's course very much and am looking forward to its continuation.
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