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Výsledky projektu Dopady účasti v programech hospodářské spolupráce na sociální charekteristiky a ekonomické ukazatele místních komunit.


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(Celkem 2 zázn.)
Holets, Tetyana, Approved Discussion Paper No. 2015 – 233 is attached. Working paper is planned to be submitted in June 2015. After the paper is published within the CERGE-EI Working Papers series, it is planned to be submitted to a journal. We consider the following journals: Journal of Development Economics (impact factor 2.13), World Development (impact factor 1.43), and Journal of Development Studies (impact factor 0.71). First we will submit the paper to a journal with higher impact factor. [Jiný výsledek]
Holets, Tetyana, A PDF copy of the results obtained so far is attached. The main conclusion is that we cannot reject hypothesis that the treated in the CBA-I communities reveal better social capital characteristics than the control communities. We observed significant causal effects of the social capital on the growth in a number of economic indicators for all analyzed groups of the communities. Hence, positive changes in the levels of social capital caused by the participation in the CBA will result in the growth in the economic indicators as well. The impact on social capital characteristics appear to be more considerable than on economic indicators. It can be explained with the limited CBA’s budget and narrow specialization of the implemented micro projects. [Jiný výsledek]