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Výsledky projektu Společné dlouhodobé a krátkodobé rizikové faktory: Přístup s pomocí panelové kvantilové regrese


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(Celkem 4 zázn.)
Baruník Jozef, Kraicová Lucie. Common Cycles in Volatility and Cross Section of Stock Returns. IES Working Papers, 2017, sv. 19/2017, s. 0–20. ISSN 0000-0000. [Článek v časopise]
We study the relationship between conditional quantiles of returns and the long-, medium- and short-term volatility in a portfolio of financial assets. We argue that the combination of quantile panel regression and wavelet decomposition of the volatility time series provides us with new insights into the pricing of risk and increases the accuracy of our estimates of re-turn quantiles. Our results contribute to the literature on the risk-return relationship with an emphasis on portfolio management under various investment horizons. Moreover, the analytical framework that we introduce should be applicable to a wide range of problems outside of our research area.

The paper is currently after several revisions and soon it will be ready for a submission to a journal with an impact factor. Proper dedication to this GAUK project will be included also in the final publication.
Baruník Jozef, Kraicová Lucie, Presentation at the Humbolt University Research Seminar- Haindorf (2018). [Jiný výsledek]
Baruník Jozef, Kraicová Lucie, Presentation at the 11th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics in London (2017) [Jiný výsledek]
Kraicová Lucie, Baruník Jozef, We presented our preliminary results in the form of a poster at the conference in Sevilla in December 2016. The results were considered interesting by several researchers, whereas some of them even expect to apply our methodology once it is properly tested and fully described. [Jiný výsledek]