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Výsledky projektu Zobecněná averze ke zklamání, pojištění učení a rozptylu


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(Celkem 2 zázn.)
Babiak, Mykola, Generalized Disappointment Aversion, Learning, and Asset Prices, CERGE-EI WP Series 606, 2017 [Jiný výsledek]
Babiak, Mykola, I have attended and presented my paper at the following conferences and workshops: Zurich Initiative for Computational Economics (ZICE) organized by Prof. Kenneth Judd at the University of Zurich, 18th Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (SGF) in Zurich, 22nd International Conference Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF) in Bordeaux, 31st European Economic Association meeting (EEA) in Geneva [Jiný výsledek]