Termíny zkoušek - přihlašování
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všechny předměty
Ústav dějin Univerzity Karlovy a archiv Univerzity Karlovy
Centrum pro teoretická studia
Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí
Centrum pro přenos poznatků a technologií
Katolická teologická fakulta
Evangelická teologická fakulta
Husitská teologická fakulta
Právnická fakulta
1. lékařská fakulta
2. lékařská fakulta
3. lékařská fakulta
Lékařská fakulta v Plzni
Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové
Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové
Filozofická fakulta
Přírodovědecká fakulta
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta
Pedagogická fakulta
Fakulta sociálních věd
Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu
Fakulta humanitních studií
Ústav jazykové a odborné přípravy
Ústřední knihovna
Centrum pro ekonomický výzkum a doktorské studium
Rektorát Univerzity Karlovy
Centrum jazykové a pedagogické přípravy (23-KJP)
Institut ekonomických studií (23-IES)
Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky (23-IKSZ)
Institut mezinárodních studií (23-IMS)
Katedra bezpečnostních studií (23-KBS)
Katedra evropských studií (23-KZS)
Katedra marketingové komunikace a public relations (23-KMKPR)
Katedra mediálních studií (23-KMS)
Katedra mezinárodních vztahů (23-KMV)
Katedra německých a rakouských studií (23-KNRS)
Katedra politologie (23-KP)
Katedra ruských a východoevropských studií (23-KRVS)
Katedra severoamerických studií (23-KAS)
Katedra sociologie (23-KS)
Katedra veřejné a sociální politiky (23-KVSP)
Katedra žurnalistiky (23-KZ)
neurčeno (23-N)
Teorie a praxe akademické práce - JMD017
Metodologie mezinárodních teritoriálních studií - JMD020
Dějiny evropské integrace - JSZ019
Dějiny zemí západní Evropy - JSZ025
Aktuální problémy západní Evropy - JSZ026
History of European Integration - JSZ543
Current Economic, Political, Social and Legal Issues in European Integration - JSZ544
Aktuální ekonomické, politické, sociální a právní problémy v evropské integraci, aktuální problémy postavení ČR v EU - JSZ591
Moderní dějiny západní Evropy - JTB020
Evropská integrace - JTB021
Seminář k dějinám západní Evropy - JTB030
Seminář k evropské integraci - JTB031
Mezinárodní vztahy po roce 1990 - JTB040
Evropská integrace - JTB045
Soudobé dějiny západní Evropy - JTB050
Současná západní Evropa - JTB062
Evropská unie - vybrané problémy - JTB065
Česká republika v integračních procesech - JTB066
Introduction to Government and Politics - JTB113
European Integration - JTB120
Peace, War and Justice: Introduction to International Ethics - JTB212
Západní Evropa po roce 1989 - JTB233
Moderní britské dějiny - JTB265
Britská zahraniční politika od roku 1945 do současnosti - JTB286
Religion, secularity and laicity in Europe (19th-21th centuries) - JTB303
Current developments in British Politics: Brexit, Parties and the Constitution - JTB310
Key Economic Issues in the EU - JTB339
Risk Intelligence for Global Public and Private Sector: A Practical Introduction - JTB341
Geopolitics of European Territorial Waters - JTB346
Understanding a small state: Czech Republic in a nutshell - JTB348
Theory and Practice of Academic Work - JTD001
Metodologie teritoriálních studií - JTD004
Area Studies Research Seminar - JTD021
Kulturní a historický rámec evropské integrace - JTM020
Velké debaty evropské integrace - JTM021
Právní a institucionální rámec evropské integrace - JTM022
European Union in International Affairs - JTM023
European Economic Integration - JTM024
Evropa států a regionů - JTM025
Hlavni problémy moderních dějin západní Evropy - JTM038
Kultura a politika v západní Evropě - JTM039
Západní Evropa a svět - JTM040
European Comparative Politics and Society - JTM041
Societal changes in Western European countries - JTM042
Comparative Capitalisms of Western Europe - JTM043
Introduction to Research Design - JTM045
Kvalitativní metody ve společenských vědách - JTM059
Kvantitativní metody ve společenských vědách - JTM060
Language Course - JTM081
Language Course extended - JTM082
European Culture and Society - JTM083
Current Challenges in Europe - JTM084
Methodology - Quantitative Methods - JTM087
Introduction to Finances in the EU - JTM088
Thesis and Methods in International Relations Research - JTM091
Open Borders and Fundamental Rights in Europe - JTM092
Economics of the EU - JTM093
Internship - JTM096
MA Thesis Seminar I in Krakow - JTM097
MA Thesis Seminar II and Thesis in Krakow - JTM098
Internship - JTM099
MA Thesis Writing in Leiden - JTM100
Internship - JTM101
MA Thesis Writing in Barcelona - JTM102
Fundamentals of Social and Political Research - JTM103
Construction of the European Union and its Consequences on European Citizens - JTM104
Qualitative Research Methods - JTM105
Techniques of Statistical Analysis - JTM106
Internship for MAS - JTM207
European cooperation since 1919 - JTM209
Prezentace v médiích - JTM277
Cohesion Policy of the EU in Central and East European Countries - JTM285
Contemporary Mediterranean - JTM286
EU Policies - JTM288
International Morality between Ethical Ideals and Reality - JTM290
Migration and mobility: comparative issues in Western European Countries - JTM292
Political Geography - JTM294
Grand Debates of European Integration - JTM318
Small States in the EU - JTM325
EU Institutions - JTM382
Dutch Political Institutions - JTM395
Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union - JTM405
Energy Policy of the EU - JTM406
Social Europe - JTM408
Parliaments in the European Union - JTM409
Internal and External Security Policy in the EU - JTM417
International Security in Post-Cold War Europe - JTM420
Contemporary European Philosophy - JTM421
European Models of Cultural Policies - JTM422
Disintegration of Yugoslavia and Post-Conflict Transition in International Context - JTM423
Antisemitism after Auschwitz in Comparative Perspective - JTM424
International Operations Planning and Management - JTM425
Contemporary Cultures and Literatures of Central and Eastern Europe - JTM435
Culture in the EU: Programmes, Projects, Funds (Practical Approach) - JTM436
Polish Language and Culture - JTM437
Polish Course - Level A2 (I) - JTM438
Polish Course - Level A2 (II) - JTM439
Development Contested: Globalization and its Alternatives - JTM446
Dutch Beginners - JTM447
Environmental Policy - JTM448
Political Parties Compared - JTM450
The Notion of Nature in Modern Societies - JTM468
Jean Monnet Module. From Multi- to Interdisciplinarity: Europe in the World - JTM473
Current Issues of (post)Constitutional European Integration - JTM478
Contemporary Migration and Asylum in Europe: Policies, Politics and Strategies - JTM480
Economy of Central Europe: from Transition to EU Membership - JTM482
History and Theory of European Integration - JTM486
History of Europe from Below: Past and Present - JTM487
Management of Cultural Projects: From an Idea - JTM488
Meaning and Value of Democracy from a Philosophical Perspective - JTM489
Moderne Multi-kulturelle Gesellschaften in Europa – die Dilemmanta von Toleranz und Pluralismus - JTM490
Preliminary Magister (MA) Seminar - JTM491
Trauma, Silence and Denial in Cultural Memory - JTM492
Digital Government-Citizen Interaction - JTM510
Regionalism in World Politics - JTM511
Data-driven Policy Making - JTM512
Capita Selecta - JTM513
Security Governance - JTM514
Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the present - JTM520
Modern United States Foreign Policy - JTM521
Global Conflict in the Modern Era - JTM522
Geopolitics of the European Airspace and Space Exploration - JTM525
EU Diplomacy, its Security and Defence Policy in action (examples Ukraine, Africa, Middle East) – Shaping Global Security and tackling crises - JTM527
EU negotiation - JTM528
Russian Course Level A1 - JTM530
French Course Beginners - JTM531
Polish Course Level B1 - JTM532
German Course Beginners - JTM533
Animal Studies: An Introduction - JTM540
Battle of Words: What Can We Learn about the Middle Eastern Conflict - JTM541
Bioethical Concepts in the Nazi Ideology and their Aftermath - JTM542
EU Foreign and Security Policy: Europe and Global Challenges - JTM543
EU Foreign and Security Policy - part 2 - JTM544
EU Institutions and Decision-Making Process - part 1 - JTM545
EU Institutions and Decision-Making Process - part 2 - JTM546
Eurocompetences - JTM547
Europe as a Normative Power: Central European Perspectives - JTM548
Key Concepts in Contemporary Security Studies - JTM549
Religion, Diversity and Toleration in Central and Eastern Europe - JTM550
Security and Democracy in Europe after 1989. A Central European Experience - JTM551
The European Convention on Human Rights - JTM552
Internship - JTM554
Political Parties Compared - JTM559
Central Asia and the Caucasus between Russia, Islam and the Chinese Dragon - JTM561
Contemporary Crises and Conflicts - JTM564
TransAtlantic Studies - JTM565
Transatlantic Diplomacy after 1989 - JTM566
Women’s Rights and Feminist Movements in the Different Countries of the European Union - JTM567
War by Contract? - JTM568
Architectures of International and European Governance - JTM569
Global Labour Studies - JTM570
Gender and Race in Historical International Relations - JTM571
Governance and Human Security - JTM572
Legitimacy and Political Obligation - JTM573
Global Order in Historical Perspective - JTM574
Culture and Politics - JTM575
Foreign Policy of the Gulf Countries - JTM576
Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East - JTM577
Contemporary Balkan History: from the breakup of Yugoslavia to the EU Integration (1980-2007) - JTM600
Democracy, Identity and Civil Society in CEE - JTM601
Transitional Justice & Collective Memory - JTM602
Strategy and Grand Strategy in Theory and Practice - JTM603
EU External Relations - JTM604
Historians and Ideology: Images of the German Past between Reichsgründung and National Socialism - JTM605
Researching the Influence of Lobbying in the EU - JTM606
Global Transformations and Governance Challenges - JTM607
Issues in Latin American Foreign Policies - JTM608
German 1 Beginners - JTM609
Spanish 1 Beginners II - JTM610
French 1 Intermediate - JTM611
French 3 Advanced - JTM612
Mandarin 1 Beginners - JTM613
Mandarin 1 Beginners: Extension - JTM614
Citizenship, Mobility and Multiculturalism in Europe: From Concepts to Practices - JTM620
You Are What You Eat: Gender, Class, Ethnicity and Food Culture - JTM630
EU and Africa - JTM631
International Intervention - JTM632
History of European Integration - JTM633
Russia in and against Europe: Entangled Socio-Political Transformation after the Cold War - JTM635
Educational leadership: current issues - JTM636
Learning-oriented leadership - JTM637
Operational and management issues - JTM638
International Conflicts in Europe and Beyond - JTM639
Human Rights and Civil Society Institutions in Post-Soviet Countries - JTM640
The United States and the Global Environment - JTM641
Minority Rights - JTM642
European Integration: Theory and practice - JTM643
Spanish 1 Intermediate - JTM644
German 1 Intermediate - JTM645
Violent Rebels in International Affairs - JTM646
U.S. Culture and Identity in an Age of Globalization - JTM647
Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from World War II till the collapse of the Communist system - JTM648
Anti-Discrimination in Politics and Education: Challenges and Strategies - JTM649
Informality, Exclusion and (adverse) Inclusion; Foundations and Key Concepts - JTM654
EU Environmental Policy and Law - JTM655
Academic Periodical - JTM656
Global Labour Studies - JTM657
Antropology of Heritage and Memory in Europe - JTM658
Culture and Society in Central Europe. Dilemmas of Identity and Pluralism - JTM659
Spanish Course Beginners - JTM660
Internship-shortened - JTM661
French Course Beginners (II) - JTM662
Geopolitics of the Climate Crisis - JTM663
Social Justice Course - JTM700
European Solidarity in the Process of Political and Society Integration. A Philosophical Perspective - JTM702
New and Critical Approaches to Security in Europe - JTM703
Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from the turn of Centuries to the end of World War II - JTM704
Refugee Crisis in Europe - Mediatization and Politicization - JTM705
Theory and Practice of Heritage - JTM706
Polish Course - Level B2 - JTM707
Man and the Transformation of our worldviews from the Greek to (post)modernity - JTM708
Culture and Politics - JTM709
Post-Soviet Wars and the Violent Collapse of the USSR - JTM710
Global Political Economy - JTM711
Global Social Policy - JTM712
Political economy of southeast asia - JTM713
Minority Rights - JTM714
China and Global Cyberspace - JTM715
Methods in Political Science: Qualitative track - JTM716
Understanding the EU as Global Actor: the Role of Disciplines and Disciplinarity - JTM717
Dutch 1 Beginners - JTM718
The Rise of Banal Nationalism - JTM719
In the Time of Cities: Space, Place, and Politics in the Urban Middle East - JTM720
Neoliberalism in L.A.: Varieties, Similarities and Alternatives - JTM721
The Environment and Global Capitalism - JTM722
The Law and Politics of the Use of Force - JTM723
German 1 Intermediate - JTM724
Non-state Actors in International Peace and Conflict - JTM725
Gender and Race in Historical International Relations - JTM726
Migration and Development - JTM727
Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from World War II till the collapse of the Communist system - JTM729
Introduction to the theories on EU integration - JTM732
Party Democracy in the EU: crisis and consequences - JTM733
European Comparative Politics - JTM750
Kasáková Zuzana, PhDr., Ph.D.
Mejstřík Martin, PhDr.
Šlosarčík Ivo, prof. JUDr. PhDr., Ph.D., LL.M.
Váška Jan, Mgr., Ph.D.
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