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    Detail programu/oboru

    Society, Communication and Media (0314TA250008)

    Fakulta: Fakulta sociálních věd
    Studijní program: Society, Communication and Media (N0314A250008)
    Forma studia: prezenční
    Druh studia: navazující magisterské
    Jazyk výuky: angličtina
    Standardní doba studia: 2 roky
    Krátká poznámka: Tuition fee based English-taught study programme
    Forma přihlášky: Elektronická
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Termín podání přihlášky: 31.08.2024
      Poznámka k termínu:

      Applications fully submitted by June 30, 2024 will already be evaluated during July.

      Important note for visa-seeking students: Please read about the visa process carefully before applying. You are responsible for organizing your legal stay in Czechia and the visa application process can get quite lengthy. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to obtain the visa in time because the June and August deadlines are fairly close to the start of the academic year on September 30, 2024. The extended deadlines are therefore strongly recommended to students who already possess the legal right to long-term stay in Czechia.

      Programme without specialization.

    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Poplatek za elektronickou formu přihlášky: CZK 880 (approx. EUR 39)

      Poplatek lze uhradit kartou nebo převodem na účet.

      Banka: Komerční banka, Praha 1

      Účet: 85033011/0100

      Variabilní symbol: uchazeči bude v inf. systému vygenerován individuální variabilní symbol - číslo elektronické přihlášky.

      Specifický symbol: 2024

      Upozorňujeme, že při platbě ze zahraničí bankovní poplatek hradí plátce.

    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)

      Master in Society, Communication and Media (SCM) is a two-year graduate programme, which provides students with knowledge and analytical skills in the fields of Media Studies and Sociology. The programme helps students to understand and analyse the role of mass media and social media in contemporary societies. Graduates will become familiar with the knowledge of classic and up-to-date theories of mass society, mass media and social media, which are essential for future experts in the field. Moreover, graduates will gain an in-depth knowledge of  methodologies and learn to apply them  in the field  of Media Studies and Sociology. The programme emphasises development of students’ critical thinking and practical skills in the field of empirical research. Thanks to the broad scope of knowledge and skills acquired and deepened during their studies, graduates become highly valued experts in many professions in the fields of the media industry, public relations, applied social research, public administration, local and global governance, NGOs, think-tanks, political parties, and academia.

      More information about the programme is available here. Questions can be emailed to: admissions@fsv.cuni.cz or terezie.hanzlikova@fsv.cuni.cz.

    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)

      Description of verification and evaluation criteria:

      In addition to the application form, every applicant needs to provide the following documents:

      a) Copy of a diploma to show completed Bachelor (or higher) studies or confirmation that ongoing Bachelor studies will be completed in the current academic year

      b) Transcript of records and academic results from previous studies

      c) Structured CV

      d) Motivation letter

      e) Document showing the level of English proficiency

      f) Writing sample - The writing sample has to be in English, up to 1,000 words long. The text has to provide an academic reflection on any of the topics relevant to the Society, Communication and Media MA programme. An original piece of work or an excerpt from a previously submitted work (e.g., a conclusion section from a course essay or an undergraduate/graduate thesis) could be provided. The submitted writing sample will be checked for plagiarism and by an AI content detector. 

      Ad a) Confirmation of studies may be substituted with a transcript of records, provided that these are from the same academic year as the application.

      Ad d) The recommended length of the motivation letter is approximately 2 000 characters, including spaces.

      Ad e) Applicants should provide a certificate from one of the following standardized tests:

      • IELTS Academic - the minimum required overall band score of 6.5, with band score 6.0 or above in all four components;
      • TOEFL Internet-Based Test (iBT) & TOEFL iBT Home Edition - the minimum required overall score of 83, with a minimum scaled score in the four sections: reading 21, writing 22, listening 20, speaking 20;
      • Cambridge ESOL FCE - minimum Cambridge English Scale Score of 180;
      • Cambridge ESOL CAE and CPE receiving a certificate.

      A standardized English test is not required from applicants who:

      • are native English speakers;
      • have studied in English at the secondary school level for at least two years;
      • have studied in English at the university level for at least one year;
      • have worked for at least one year at a company where the language of communication was English.

      When a score from an English-language test is not presented, the applicants should provide a certificate of their use of English during their prior studies or employment to support their claim. The certificate should contain contact information (an email address and a telephone number) to a person (a programme director, or an employee supervisor) who can confirm the scope of the use of the English language in the program or employment.

      The admissions committee will assess applicants on the basis of the submitted documents. Firstly, the documents proving English proficiency are examined for the level required for study. Only those applications that fulfill the requirements for English proficiency are assessed further by the admissions committee and given a ranking from 0 - 100 points. The following criteria will be evaluated: (i) Quality of school (0-30), (ii) Undergraduate degree study results (0-30),  (iii) Motivation based on the motivation letter (0-30), (iv) Bonus based on supporting documents (such as diploma thesis) and their relevance for SCM (0-10). The point limit for accepting applicants is set by the Dean with respect to the number of applicants and the capacity of the programme.

    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)

      Podmínkou přijetí ke studiu v magisterském studijním programu je dosažení středního vzdělání s maturitní zkouškou. Podmínkou přijetí ke studiu v magisterském studijním programu, který navazuje na bakalářský studijní program, je rovněž řádné ukončení studia v kterémkoliv typu studijního programu.

      Způsob ověření: jiná forma
      Datum ověření (přijímací zkoušky) od: Do:
      Náhradní termín (přijímací zkoušky):
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      The graduate has knowledge of current media and sociological theories as well as qualitative and quantitative methods applicable for empirical research in Sociology and Media Studies. They are also able to prepare, lead and implement sociological or media research. The program has prepared the graduate for a wide range of professions in an agency or an applied research environment whether it be in the non-profit, for profit or public sector. The graduate can take on different positions ranging from a Mass Media Analyst or a Public Relations Representative. The graduate is also prepared to further pursue studies in Sociology or Media Studies in Czechia or abroad.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Výše poplatků [EUR] / za období: 6000 EUR / rok