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    Detail programu/oboru

    Political Science (0312VD200015)

    Fakulta: Fakulta sociálních věd
    Studijní program: Political Science (P0312D200015)
    Forma studia: kombinovaná
    Druh studia: doktorské
    Jazyk výuky: angličtina
    Standardní doba studia: 4 roky
    Forma přihlášky: Elektronická, Listinná
    Možnost upuštění od přijímací zkoušky: ano

    Poměr přijatých a přihlášených v minulém akad. roce

    0 / 5

    • Na tento program/obor nyní nelze podat elektronickou přihlášku.

    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Termín podání přihlášky: 30.04.2022
      Poznámka k termínu: The study program Political Science is without specialization.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      The study program is primarily designated for the graduates with a Master’s degree in Political Science or any other field of Social Sciences who intend to deepen their knowledge in Political Science, focusing on the issue of democratic and nondemocratic forms of government (changes in political systems, with a special emphasis on development trends connected with modernization and democratization, other issues of comparative analysis, including national and regional identities, or the analysis of individual elements of political systems).
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)

      1.   To be eligible to apply for the PhD programme, an applicant must have graduated in a Master’s level form of study in Political Science or Social Sciences (Sociology, History). 

      2.   The dissertation proposal should be submitted by the applicant electronically to cds-ips@fsv.cuni.cz no later than 13th May 2022. The dissertation proposal in the range of 6-7 pages (1800 characters per page, including spaces) must contain the following parts: 

      1. a brief introduction of the topic, 

      2. the definition of the topic, 

      3. goals and work hypothesis, 

      4. methodological basis, 

      5. intended structure, 

      6. state of the art and literature review.  


      3.  The admission procedure runs in two rounds.

      In the first round, the admission board evaluates the research proposal based on its academic value and its compatibility with the priority topics offered by the Departments and sets the required threshold in 15 points for the advance to the second round. The threshold will be determined on the basis of the quality of their projects and the representation of priority themes among the applicants. Applicants who pass the threshold are invited for the second round, which takes the form of an interview. In the first round, the applicant may receive up to 30 points.


      In the second round, the entrance committee evaluates:

      1. The dissertation proposal quality and the ability of the applicant to defend the chosen topic and to put it into a broader research context (relevance of the proposed dissertation topic in the context of contemporary Czech, respectively international research, proposal should demonstrate applicant´s own contribution to the proposed theme).

      2. The candidate must demonstrate that the theme of the project has not yet been carried out and that the work on the topic is beneficial to the current state of research (bringing new empirical and theoretical knowledge or using original methodological procedures, etc.). Committee also takes into account an applicant´s orientation in the field of specialization or previous publications.


      The decisive criteria for the applicant’s evaluation are:

      1. The quality of the dissertation proposal, which the concept, the theoretical and the methodological basis, must be the candidate able to defend in the admission interview (20 points maximum). 

      2. The motivation for study based on the list of literature read (at least 30 titles of scientific articles or books, which the candidate is required to send electronically to cds-ips@fsv.cuni.cz no later than three days before date of the second round) (5 points maximum). 

      3. The Admissions Committee will take into account the overall professional profile of the applicant and his/her possible publications and teaching activities so far (5 points maximum).


      In the second round, the applicant may receive up to 30 points.


      The applicant may receive up to 60 points in total.


      When all candidates finish their entrance examination (i.e. interviews), the admission committee prepares a record. It includes a point evaluation of the candidates and their ranking according to the number of points gained.


      4. The maximum score for the entrance exam is 60 points. The point limit for accepting applicants is set by the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, taking into account the number of applicants and the capacity of the faculty.


      See also the General and faculty requirements

    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)

      Podmínkou přijetí ke studiu v doktorském studijním programu je řádné ukončení studia v magisterském studijním programu.

      Způsob ověření: přijímací zkouška
      Datum ověření (přijímací zkoušky) od: 06.06.2022 Do: 17.06.2022
      Náhradní termín (přijímací zkoušky): 27.06.2022 Do: 08.07.2022
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Based on the request of the applicant for doctoral studies and the recommendation of the guarantor of the doctoral study programme, the Dean may waive the entrance examination if the applicant is a member of the research team of the ERC or ERC-CZ project.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      The aim of our program is to train highly qualified experts who are able to pursue basic and applied research in academic institutions and universities. They will likewise be ready to work in the Czech public sector (especially in government agencies) and to represent Czech interests in the international arena, particularly at the EU level. Embracing a wide array of methodologies and subjects in its sweeping compass, our doctoral program in Political Science provides our graduates with comprehensive professional skills both in theory and practice.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Výše poplatků [EUR] / za období: 500 EUR / rok