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    Detail programu/oboru

    International Relations (0312VD200002)

    Fakulta: Fakulta sociálních věd
    Studijní program: International Relations (P0312D200002)
    Forma studia: kombinovaná
    Druh studia: doktorské
    Jazyk výuky: angličtina
    Standardní doba studia: 4 roky
    Forma přihlášky: Elektronická, Listinná

    Poměr přijatých a přihlášených v minulém akad. roce

    0 / 2

    • Na tento program/obor nyní nelze podat elektronickou přihlášku.

    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Termín podání přihlášky: 30.04.2021
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      The study program International Relations is without specialization.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)

      Admission procedure follows the Study and Examination Rules of the Charles University and the admission requirements published in the SIS

      The admission procedure is commenced on the basis of a research proposal for a PhD dissertation. Applicants are required to send the proposal by 14th May 2021 in a hard-copy to Centre for PhD Studies of the Institute of Political Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, as well as in electronic version to phd.mv@seznam.cz and cds-ips@fsv.cuni.cz.

      Centre for PhD Studies, Institute of Political Studies
      Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences
      Pekarska 16
      158 00 Prague
      Czech Republic


      The proposal should cover

      ·         clear definition and substantiation of the topic

      ·         review of the literature and the current state of the art in the area of the project

      ·         objectives of the project

      ·         assumed methodology

      ·         a list of references


      For more details on requirements regarding the standards of social science research, originality and conditions of implementation, see the IR Department's webpage. 

      Applicants for the doctoral program in the field of International Relations may choose a dissertation topic from the list of priority topics provided by the Department of International Relations (IR) and the Department of Security Studies for the given academic year (these topics are published on the IR Department’s webpage by 1st February 2021 at the latest).

      The applicants are strongly advised to consult potential supervisor regarding the research proposal prior to its submission. 


      The admission procedure runs in two rounds. In the first round, the admission board evaluates the research proposal on the basis of its academic value and its compatibility with the priority topics offered by the Departments and sets the required threshold in points for the advance to the second round. The threshold will be determined on the basis of the number of applicants, the quality of their projects, the representation of priority themes among the applicants and the distribution among the proposed supervisors. Applicants who pass the threshold are invited for the second round which takes the form of an interview. In the first round, the applicant may receive up to 40 points.


      The interview aims to assess

      ·         objectives of the research project

      ·         theoretical and methodological framework of the proposed project

      ·         feasibility of the research plan, its limits


      The interview is evaluated in points as well, and the applicant may receive up to 30 points. In the second round is possible to receive an eventual bonus up to 10 points for publications (articles, essays) related to the topic of the dissertation project.

      In the second round, the applicant may receive up to 40 points.

      The applicant may receive up to 80 points in total.


      Criteria for final assessment:

      The candidate must be a Master degree graduate, preferably in the fields of social science and humanities.

      The point limit for accepting applicants is set by the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, taking into account the number of applicants and the capacity of the faculty.


      See also the General and faculty requirements

    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Podmínkou přijetí ke studiu v doktorském studijním programu je řádné ukončení studia v magisterském studijním programu.

      Způsob ověření: přijímací zkouška
      Datum ověření (přijímací zkoušky) od: 07.06.2021 Do: 18.06.2021
      Náhradní termín (přijímací zkoušky): 28.06.2021 Do: 09.07.2021
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)



    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Graduates of the doctoral program of International Relations are well-equipped to find work as highly qualified experts in academia, i.e. in research institutions, universities, as well as think-tanks. Their qualification allows them to apply their skills in managerial positions in government agencies, the administration of international organizations, international NGOs and a whole spectrum of private-sector institutions.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Výše poplatků [EUR] / za období: 500 EUR / rok