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    Detail programu/oboru

    Pedagogická psychologie (7701V003)

    Fakulta: Pedagogická fakulta
    Studijní program: Psychologie (P7701)
    Forma studia: kombinovaná
    Druh studia: doktorské
    Jazyk výuky: angličtina
    Předpokládaný počet přijímaných: 1
    Standardní doba studia: 4 roky
    Forma přihlášky: Elektronická, Listinná

    • Na tento program/obor nyní nelze podat elektronickou přihlášku.

    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Termín podání přihlášky: 30.04.2019
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Characteristics of the Study
      The PhD studies in Educational Psychology are training the student in scientific research work in educational psychology, i.e. in psychology applied to educational topics. The studies are not to compensate for the pre-gradual (Master Degree) instruction in Psychology, if requested by Chambers or Associations of Psychologists as the condition for the psychology practice or for further studies (especially in medicine). They add researchers’ competence in the field of education by means of psychology and by grasping the context of other sciences of education.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Entrance Examination
      Discussion of the applicant’s research projekt proposal up to 10 pages including bibliography, which demonstrates their depth of focus in the research theme they would like to address in their doctoral studies. The research project must be sent together with the application to the Department of Science, Faculty of Education, Charles University. The project should include the characteristics of the research problem, the basic idea of the objectives and structure of the issue and the considered methods from theoretical, research and professional literature. Preferably, the project would be co-signed by the mentor in spe, specialist in the topic.

      Evaluation Criteria: The applicant can get a maximum of ten points, the number of points for the admission to study is getting at least seven points.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Podmínkou přijetí ke studiu v doktorském studijním programu je řádné ukončení studia v magisterském studijním programu.

      Způsob ověření: přijímací zkouška
      Datum ověření (přijímací zkoušky) od: 14.06.2019 Do: 14.06.2019
      Náhradní termín (přijímací zkoušky): 09.07.2019 Do: 09.07.2019
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      The graduate is trained for scientific research work in two occupations: 1) as psychologist-university teacher and 2) as psychologist-practitioner (counselling psychologist, school psychologist, psychologist in other institutions with any educational concern). He is able to carry out an empiric research in his field of interest; to discuss it with his scientific peers; to lecture it to his students; to apply with it for a scientific grant.
      The Studies are not to compensate for the Master studies in Psychology, if requested by Chambers or Associations of Psychologists as the condition for the psychology practice or for further studies (especially in medicine). It is adding to the previous instruction the competence for psychological research in education.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Výše poplatků [CZK] / za období: 2000 CZK / rok