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    Detail programu/oboru

    Kmenový obor: Všeobecné lékařství (5103V000)

    Fakulta: 1. lékařská fakulta
    Studijní program: Experimentální chirurgie (P5105)
    Forma studia: prezenční
    Druh studia: doktorské
    Jazyk výuky: angličtina
    Standardní doba studia: 4 roky
    Forma přihlášky: Elektronická

    • Na tento program/obor nyní nelze podat elektronickou přihlášku.

    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Termín podání přihlášky: 30.04.2019
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      The entrance procedure must be undergone by each applicant in the presence of his/her intended Supervising Tutor. The entrance examination is held in the form of interview before a board (the number of its members is provided by the organization rules of DSPB) and it checks the student’s capacity for scientific work in the given field as well as significance and practicability of the project that the applicant enters the procedure with.

      The board evaluates:
      (1) Quality of the thesis project and quality of rendering – the project must be structured as follows:
      introduction; literature search, including several basic citations; hypothesis and objective(s) of the thesis, in accordance with the type and subject matter of the project; and the planned methods to be used.
      Maximum score – 40 points
      (2) Previous professional (scientific) activity in the given field of surgery. Previous activities related to the project or to other scientific activity are evaluated, preferably publications and lectures (Student Scientific Conference or other conferences), participation in grant projects.
      Maximum score – 20 points
      The applicant will receive the full number of points as the first author, or 50 % as a co-author.
      (3) Financial coverage of the project – a grant (a mere grant application does not mean financial coverage of the project), research concepts, sponsorship – is bonified as well as the Principal Researcher’s written consent to support the project financially.
      Maximum score – 40 points
      (4) A written consent of the Head of the unit to allow implementation of the applicant’s project at the institution that he/she is in charge of.
      (5) As the field is called experimental surgery, at least part of the project must be performed in co-operation with an experimental institution, or at an accredited institution for basic research. A written consent of the Head or Manager to co-operation on the project must be enclosed.
      (6) At clinical units, the applicant’s project must be approved by the Ethical Committee.

      Scoring is done by each member of the examining board. The standing of the applicants will be set according to the resulting number of points. Minimum points requiered is 50.
      The lists with standings of the applicants for the full-time studies and combined studies will be made up separately.
      Requirements stated in points 4 to 6 should be met through the documents submitted by the applicant at the Dean Office of the 1st Faculty of Medicine by 30th April 2019. These documents will be considered by the board.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Podmínkou přijetí ke studiu v doktorském studijním programu je řádné ukončení studia v magisterském studijním programu.

      Způsob ověření: přijímací zkouška
      Datum ověření (přijímací zkoušky) od: 03.06.2019 Do: 24.06.2019
      Náhradní termín (přijímací zkoušky): 01.07.2019 Do: 22.07.2019
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Graduates in Experimental surgery Postgraduate Doctor degree studies in Biomedical Sciences (PhD programs) are usually physicians who have deep knowledge of theoretical disciplines, and control the basic and the advanced laboratory techniques. The graduates should be able to build a hypothesis, select appropriate methods to test the scientific hypothesis, to interpret the results of their work, to publish in scientific journals (with impact factor) and to present the result on scientific symposia and congesses. Graduates in PhD program in Experimental surgery have excellent qualification to advance with his/her career in surgery and to achieve university degrees.
      The duration of doctoral degree programs (PhD. programs) in biomedicine is at least 4 years, with the possibility to participate on international projects.
    • sbalit Rozbalit (další informace – např. detail přihlášky)
      Výše poplatků [CZK] / za období: 150000 CZK / rok