The course is aimed at acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for work with information resources, didactic programs and cloud educational and collaborative environments, (tools) in teaching, learning and education. Listed knowledge and competences follows didactics and methodology of software applications, information resources and cloud educational and collaborative environments. The course also focuses on practical use of tablets in education and the use of cloud-based systems for administration and management processes at primary and secondary schools.
Poslední úprava: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (09.10.2018)
Cíl předmětu - angličtina
The main aim of the course is acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for work with information resources, didactic programs and cloud educational and collaborative environments, (tools) in teaching, learning and education.
Poslední úprava: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (09.10.2018)
Literatura - angličtina
- on-line resources placed in Google Classroom course and Moodle course - - - - -
Poslední úprava: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (09.10.2018)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina
- Attendance and active participation in course lessons
- Production of the set of electronic output in a cloud environment
- Demonstration of appropriate level of skills when working with tools of cloud environment in the form of solving the assigned tasks within the final test.
Poslední úprava: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (09.10.2018)
Sylabus - angličtina
- Information sources - classification, analysis, evaluation (issues of perception, search, analysis, evaluation), portals, e-books - Information sources and synchronous and asynchronous communication, computer-aided communication - theory, applications, social and psychological aspects - Didactic software - taxonomy, analysis, evaluation (history, terminology, methods), computer games, practice, test, self test - Implementation of didactic software and information resources into various forms of educational activities - Didactic and methodological questions of SW application and information sources - Cloud Services, Tablets:
ORIENTATION IN CLOUD SERVICES - The principle and possibilities of cloud storage, connection with applications, quota - Network communication resources (mail, chat, social networks) - Networking resources (office formats, graphic and media editors) - Network Collaboration Resources (Sharing, Commenting, Reviewing, Editing Suggestions) - Working on a shared project (Form, mind maps, diagram, role) - Publishing cloud data (creating and publishing information system)
SELECTED CLOUD ENVIRONMENT AND THEIR APPLICATIONS - Google Apps and Google Apps for Education - access to service, accounts and accounts in your own domain - Features of services available within Google Apps for Education - Disk, Text, Table, Forms, Presentations, Drawing, Map, Youtube, Sites,, etc. - Another online office environment - 365 and One Drive, Zoho and OnlyOffice, Libre Office stream - Online data storage - Dropbox, Box, Asus Eee Storage etc. - Social networks, especially Google+ for Google Apps for Education - Communities, Circles and Groups in G +, Video Conferencing, Realtime API - Project timeline - shared calendars, Events, - Real Time Communication Tools, Presentations and Collaboration - Google Hangouts - Linking services within Disk, Domain, Account and Project - The issue of external apps linked to Google Apps for Education through user account sharing
Poslední úprava: Tocháček Daniel, PhDr. (16.05.2019)