Kurs pokrývá chemické reakce probíhající v živé hmotě jako paralela k reakcím známým z laboratoře: enzymy katalyzovaná nukleofilní substituce, elektrofilní adice, Michaelova adice, eliminace, aldolová reakce, Claisenova kondenzace, aminace-deaminace, oxidace, redukce, molekulární přesmyky a kaskádové reakce. Stereochemie jednotlivých procesů, izotopové značení. Úloha vybraných biomolekul v živém organismu. Biosyntéza vybraných biomolekul a možnosti jejich ovlivnění s výhledem na vývoj nových léčiv. Mechanismus účinku vybraných léčiv na molekulární úrovni a využití těchto znalostí k vývoji nových farmak.
Poslední úprava: Matoušová Eliška, PharmDr., Ph.D. (11.09.2024)
Základní literatura: J. E. McMurry, T. Begley: The Organic Chemistry of Biological Pathways, 2nd edition, Roberts & Co Publishers, Greenwood Village, Colorado, 2016 (ISBN 9781936221561) Doporučená literatura: D. Van Vranken, G. A. Weiss: Introduction to Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Garland Science, 2012, (ISBN 9780815342144) Poslední úprava: Rubešová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (01.04.2018)
This course is focused on a detailed mechanistic description of fundamental reactions proceeding in living organisms as a parallel to the reactions known from chemical laboratory. The following reactions, known from the course on organic chemistry, will thus be shown in new light – as part of enzyme-catalyzed processes: (1) Nucleophilic substitution (2) Electrophilic additions (3) Elimination reactions (4) Electrophilic aromatic substitution (5) Redox reactions (6) Aldol reactions (7) Claisen condensation (8) Molecular rearrangements (e.g., Wagner-Meerwein and Claisen rearrangements) (9) Pericyclic reactions (e.g., 6π-electron cyclization in the biosynthesis of vitamin D) (10) Radical reactions (11) Carbene-catalyzed reaction (e.g., those using vitamin B1 as a coenzyme) (12) Reactions catalyzed by iron complexes (e.g., cytochrome) (13) Cascade transformations (14) Photocatalytic reactions
The course will also focus on the following topics: (1) Stereochemistry of individual reactions (2) Isotopic labeling for elucidation of reaction mechanisms (3) Fluorescent probes for elucidation of processes in living cells (4) The role of selected biomolecules in living organisms (5) Biosynthesis of selected biomolecules (e.g., lipids, steroids, carbohydrates, antibiotics) (6) Mechanism of action of selected medicinal drugs at a molecular level (7) Design of new medicinal drugs based on their interference in certain metabolic pathways (8) Concept of prodrugs (incl. the principle of self-immolative linkers) (9) Targeted delivery of medicinal drugs to the cell (namely click chemistry) (10) Controlled release of drugs in the cell by specific chemical reactions Poslední úprava: Matoušová Eliška, PharmDr., Ph.D. (11.09.2024)
Znalost organické chemie a biochemie v rozsahu přednášek chemických bakalářských oborů. Poslední úprava: Rubešová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (01.04.2018)
This course will help you understand biochemical reactions that are not detailed in lectures on biochemistry. At its end you should be able to: (1) Propose a mechanism for an enzymatic reaction not previously seen. (2) Suggest a method for probing that mechanism. (3) Suggest a fluorescent probe to elucidate the events in a living cell. (4) Figure out the mechanism of action of medicinal drugs. (5) Design new medicinal drugs based on the known mechanism of biochemical processes. (6) Design a target delivery system for medicinal drugs. Poslední úprava: Matoušová Eliška, PharmDr., Ph.D. (11.09.2024)