The course focuses on history and recent developments in the field of European Union’s Cohesion policy and its
implementation in Central and Eastern European countries, including both new member states and candidate countries. Starting with introduction to common policies and the origins of Cohesion policy, the course will focus on operation of Cohesion policy, the impacts of Eastern enlargements on current Cohesion policy, principles of its implementation, budgeting, aims and means of achieving them, and on possible future developments. Within the course, the students will also discuss various tensions, contrasts and myths present within the field of Cohesion policy. Please find the complete syllabus and latest info in Moodle: https://dl2.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=3329 Poslední úprava: Tomečková Jiřina, Mgr. (26.09.2023)
For detailed information see the syllabus below. Poslední úprava: Tomečková Jiřina, Mgr. (26.09.2023)
Grading is based on the Dean's Measure no. 20/2019: https://fsv.cuni.cz/deans-measure-no-20/2019
Poslední úprava: Lochmanová Sára, Mgr. (05.10.2023)
Recommended Reading: Cohesion Policy Regional Policy – InfoRegio. http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/index.cfm/en/ European Structural and Investment Funds Regulations 2014-2020. ESIF Funds. http://ec.europa.eu/contracts_grants/funds_en.htm Investment for Jobs and Growth. 6th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion. Report from the Commission. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union, 2014. Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic: EU Funds Management. www.strukturalni-fondy.cz Bache, I. and Andreou, G. (eds). Cohesion Policy and Multi-level Governance in South East Europe, Routledge, Oxford 2011 Gorzelak, G. and Bachtler, J.F. and Smetkowski, M. Regional development in Central and Eastern Europe: development processes and policy challenges. Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series . Routledge, United Kingdom 2010 European Structural and Investment Funds Journal – Available online through ProQuest through Library (http://ckis.cuni.cz/F/?func=direct&doc_number=001995191&local_base=CKS01&format=999) Piattoni, S., Polverari, R. (eds.). Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2016
Basic Reading on European Union Kenealy, Daniel; Peterson. John; Corbett, Richard (eds.): The European Union - How Does it Work? 4th ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015 Dinan, Desmond: Ever Closer Union: An Introduction to European Integration, 4th ed., Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2010 McCormick, John: Understanding the European Union. A Concise Introduction, 6th ed., Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2014
Recent Developments: EU Press Room: http://europa.eu/newsroom/index_en.htm Politico: www.politico.eu (formerly European Voice) EU Observer: http://euobserver.com Euractiv: http://www.euractiv.com Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com (or Google: Bloomberg Brexit Bulletin) Luxembourg Presidency 2015: http://www.eu2015lu.eu/ Netherlands Presidency 2016: http://www.nl2016.eu/ Slovak Presidency 2016: http://www.sk16.eu/ Maltese Presidency 2017: http://deputyprimeminister.gov.mt/en/Pages/ODPM.aspx Estonian Presidency 2017: https://www.eu2017.ee/ Bulgarian Presidency 2018: https://twitter.com/eu2018bg?lang=en, http://www.eu2018bg.bg/
Think Tanks http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/ http://www.delorsinstitute.eu/ http://jeanmonnetprogram.org/papers/ European Union Internet Resources (by University of California, Berkeley): http://guides.lib.berkeley.edu/european-union
EU Institutions www.ec.europa.eu www.ecb.europa.eu www.eib.europa.eu www.curia.europa.eu Poslední úprava: Tomečková Jiřina, Mgr. (26.09.2023)
In person with on-line Moodle resources - for detailed information see the syllabus below and Moodle here: https://dl2.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=3329. Poslední úprava: Tomečková Jiřina, Mgr. (26.09.2023)
Course requirements:
The grading standard will be as follows:
Poslední úprava: Tomečková Jiřina, Mgr. (26.09.2023)
Please find the complete syllabus and latest info in Moodle: https://dl2.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=3329 Aim of the Course Programme * 1. Introduction, Distribution of Presentation Topics, Introduction to common policies of the European Union Poslední úprava: Hauser Jan, PhDr. (11.09.2024)