New Trends in Pharmacology - FG50034
Termíny zkoušek Rozvrh
The goal of subject is the introduction of students to new trends in selected fields of pharmacology with the accent to their importance for clinical practice. Poslední úprava: Kalhousová Hana (05.02.2019)
Recommend literature
Poslední úprava: Kalhousová Hana (05.02.2019)
Credit Basic prerequisite for finalization of the subject is the presence on lectures and seminars (maximum 20% of absence); in the case of 2 and more absences, the student will be asked to create the short communication on the topic/s. Poslední úprava: Kalhousová Hana (05.02.2019)
Practical courses & seminars Lecturers
Poslední úprava: Kalhousová Hana (05.02.2019)