Recommended literature 1) Mokrý J., Mazurová Y., Mráz J., Čížková D., Hrebíková H., Soukup T.: Handbook of practical classes in histology and embryology. Powerprint, Praha, 3rd ed., 2017. ISBN 978-80-7568-048-8 (you can buy it in secretary office at Dept. of Histology) E-books (available on faculty web site): 2) Young B., Woodford P., O’Dowd G.: Wheather´s 1. Functional Histology. A Text and Colour Atlas. Elsevier Saunders, 6th ed., 2014. ISBN 9780702054884 http://www.elsevier-etextbooks.com/product/wheaters-functional-histology56064 3) Moore, K.L., Persaud T.V.N., Torchia M.G. The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology. Elsevier Saunders, 9th ed., 2013. ISBN 978-1-4377-2002-0 http://www.elsevier-etextbooks.com/searchresults?option=catalog_shelf&keyword=embryology&type=quick or any other text-book of Histology and Embryology Poslední úprava: Ulrichová Markéta (16.06.2020)
Credit: The participation in all seminars is required. Only one (in advance excused) absence will be accepted. Another 1 (to max. 2) excused absences have to be compensated by written essay on the missed theme (min. 4 handwritten pages, size A4) which must be handed to the assistant within 1 week after your return to school. If the absences are unexcused or their number exceeds 3 (50%), the student will be excluded from elective subject! Poslední úprava: Ulrichová Markéta (16.06.2020)
Practical courses & seminars Lecturers
Poslední úprava: Ulrichová Markéta (02.09.2020)