Preventivní lékařství je medicínský obor, který se zabývá ochranou a podporou zdraví. Ochrana zdraví zahrnuje studium faktorů životního a pracovního prostředí (biologických, chemických a fyzikálních), které mohou vyvolávat vznik a rozvoj onemocnění (zejména kardiovaskulárních, metabolických a nádorových), a poskytuje návrhy na snížení jejich rizik. Podpora zdraví zahrnuje studium faktorů životního stylu, které mohou vyvolávat vznik výše uvedených onemocnění. V kurzu jsou probírány možnosti primární a sekundární prevence včetně zásad zdravého životního stylu.
Poslední úprava: Malířová Iva, Bc. (16.07.2024)
Preventive medicine is a medical field that focuses on the health protection and promotion. Health protection involves studying environmental and occupational factors (biological, chemical, and physical) that can cause the onset and development of diseases (especially cardiovascular, metabolic, and cancerous diseases) and provides recommendations to reduce their risks. Health promotion includes studying lifestyle factors that can lead to the development of the aforementioned diseases. The course discusses the possibilities for primary and secondary prevention, including the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
Poslední úprava: Malířová Iva, Bc. (16.07.2024)
Cíl předmětu - angličtina
The student will gain an understanding of the concepts of health protection and promotion with a focus on primary and secondary prevention.
The student will acquire basic information about the structure of health protection and promotion systems.
The student will develop a foundational understanding of environmental, occupational, and lifestyle intervention options.
Poslední úprava: Malířová Iva, Bc. (16.07.2024)
Literatura - angličtina
Annually updated study materials presented on the Moodle system, including presentations, e-learning courses, supplementary texts for lectures and seminars, and recordings of lectures and seminars. The materials are prepared by all teaching staff of the Institute of Preventive Medicine and fully cover the required knowledge.
Bencko V. et al.: Hygiene and Epidemiology. selected chapters. 2nd edition. Prague, Charles University, Karolinum Press, 2019, p. 236. ISBN 978-80-246-4306-9
Poslední úprava: Malířová Iva, Bc. (16.07.2024)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina
Rules for obtaining credit:
preparation for the seminar and active participation in seminars
sending one related question one week before the seminar
a minimum of 30 points in the partial tests (maximum score is 50 points)
one absence is tolerated at seminars
in case of two absences, it is possible to replace one with another group or to be tested (by the lecturer) on the given topic
try to avoid more than two absences (there is a risk of repeating the year)
extraordinary cases will be dealt with by the subject Guarantor together with the Head of the Institute
Course repetition rules: The conditions for repeating the course are identical to those for the initial enrollment.
Health protection and Health promotion. Addictions. Alcohol and selected drugs. (Fiala, Holmannová)
Mental hygiene and its importance in the occupational psychology application. Psychological hazards and stress. Evaluation of psychical load. Work and resting. Fatigue and overwork. Night duties and their health effects. (Zusková)
Nutrition– indirect risks - chemical risks in nutrition. Prevention of indirect nutritional risks. Bio and GMO foods. (Střítecká)
Epidemiology of emergent infectious diseases and vaccination options. (Prymula)
Practical courses and seminars:
Hana Střítecká, M.Sc., PhD.
Tomáš Soukup, M.D., Ph.D.
Michaela Hanzlová, M.Sc., Ph.D
Kateřina Javorská, M.D.
Pavel Borský, M.D., Ph.D.
Nutrition – direct risks. Direct effect of nutrition of unsuitable composition, energy and biological value of nutrition. (Střítecká)
Hygiene of children. Child development, nutrition, main risks in children, education. (Střítecká)
Physical activity and health - markers of physical condition, basic types of physical activities, insufficient/excessive physical activity, basic principles of regular and suitable physical activity (type, volume, intensity, frequency). (Soukup)
Primary and early secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Practical part: examination of CVD risk factors and nutritional status of students (blood pressure and waist circumference measurement, bioimpedance measurement on Tanita scale) and blood sampling (determination of glycaemia, cholesterol, and TAG). (Javorská, Hanzlová)
Aging as a risk factor. Causes of aging, biological age markers and possible interventions (prolonging/healthy lifespan in patients and population in general). (Borský)