PředmětyPředměty(verze: 964)
Předmět, akademický rok 2024/2025
   Přihlásit přes CAS
Pharmacology I - FG10028
Anglický název: Pharmacology I
Zajišťuje: Ústav farmakologie (15-310)
Fakulta: Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové
Platnost: od 2020
Semestr: letní
Body: 0
E-Kredity: 4
Způsob provedení zkoušky: letní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: letní s.:17/27, Z [HS]
Počet míst: neomezen
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Garant: prof. MUDr. Stanislav Mičuda, Ph.D.
Prerekvizity : {General Medicine 1st year}, FG10016
Neslučitelnost : FV10024
Záměnnost : FA0106041, FV10024
Je neslučitelnost pro: FV10024, FVP024
Je prerekvizitou pro: FG50035, FG50034, FG10036, FG10047
Je záměnnost pro: FV10024, FVP024
Ve slož. prerekvizitě: FG10050, FG10051, FG10052, FG10054, FG10055, FG10056, FG10057, FG10058, FG10059, FG10060, FG10061, FG10062, FG10063, FG10064, FG10065, FG10066, FG10067, FG10068, FG10076, FG10077, FG10078, FG10079, FG10080, FG10081, FG10092, FG10093, FG10094, FG10095, FG10097
Anotace -
Farmakologie I. je úvodním předmětem do studia oboru farmakologie. Výuka je proto na začátku zaměřena na představení základních principů sdružených do oblasti obecné farmakologie. Student je seznamován se zákonitostmi farmakodynamiky, tj. účinků léčiv a farmakokinetiky, tj. osudu léčiva v organismu. Postupně jsou představovány kapitoly popisující způsoby fungování léčiv v organismu počínaje molekulární úrovní až po celkové reakce organismu na léčivo. Osud léčiva v organismu je analyzován na úrovni absorpce, distribuce, metabolismu a exkrece včetně matematického vyjádření těchto procesů. Poté jsou studenti uvedeni do problematiky farmakoterapeutických komplikací typu nežádoucích účinků a lékových interakcí a jejich prevence za použití monitorování účinku nebo plazmatických koncentrací. Následuje seznámení s principy farmakogenetiky, vývoje léčiv a s klinicky významnými databázemi léčivých přípravků a jejich efektivním používáním. Po kapitolách věnovaných obecné farmakologii následují kurzy věnované speciální farmakologii léčiv užívaných u onemocnění centrálního a periferního nervového systému. Postupně jsou probírány kapitoly věnované autonomnímu nervovému systému, léčbě bolesti, schizofrenie, deprese, poruch spánku a úzkosti, neurodegenerativních onemocnění a spasticity. Praktická výuka je orientovaná na využití získaných znalostí pro řešení konkrétních farmakoterapeutických situací, které lze pozorovat v klinické praxi.
Poslední úprava: Kalhousová Hana (06.02.2024)
Cíl předmětu - angličtina

Outcomes (subject Pharmacology I):

1. the student acquires theoretical knowledge of general pharmacology, which is necessary for understanding the general properties of drugs and their use in clinical practice

2. the student acquires theoretical knowledge of the special pharmacology of the nervous system with emphasis on the practical use of drugs in specific clinical situations.

3. the student will acquire basic practical skills for analysis of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs, evaluation of complications in pharmacotherapy, monitoring pharmacotherapy, and using drugs affecting the central and peripheral nervous system.

4. the student will be able to recognize the drugs discussed and describe their basic properties.

Poslední úprava: Kalhousová Hana (06.02.2024)
Literatura - angličtina

Compulsory literature

Katzung BG, Trevor AJ: Basic and clinical pharmacology, 15th ed. 2021, ISBN-13: 9781260452310 (or the latest edition available)

Recommend literature

• Rang HP, Ritter JM et al: Rang & Dale's Pharmacology. 9th ed., Churchill Livingstone Inc., New York, 2019. ISBN: 9780702074486 (or the latest edition available)
• Whalen K: Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology 7th edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2018. ISBN: 149638413X (or the latest edition available)

Completive literature 

Poslední úprava: Kalhousová Hana (16.01.2023)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina


Conditions for granting credit in pharmacology:

a) Attendance at classes
Participation in seminars and practical exercises is mandatory. One absence is tolerated (the reason does not need to be documented); late arrivals to classes will also be counted as absences if they are significant. In case of two absences, the student will be examined in detail on the issue of both missed practical exercises in order to receive credit. Due to three or more absences, the student will be tested for the entire semester in order to receive credit. In case of absence within this extent, it is also necessary to provide official reasons and appropriate confirmations (e.g. from a doctor, from the office, etc.).

b) Worksheets
During the semester, in practical courses and seminars, students solve model clinical situations presented through worksheets or by the teacher's oral assignment. Students must submit written solutions to these assignments upon request.

c) Knowledge
At each practical course, a graded check of students' knowledge takes place in written or oral form. The grade point average received during classes in the semester must be less than or equal to 3.00 (absences do not affect the grade point average). Due to the grade point average > 3.00 - the student will be examined in the scope of the entire semester.

d) In the event of a forced transition to online teaching
Practical teaching will take place in a distance form through MS TEAMS using materials in MOODLE LFHK. Students will be required to have the cameras on for the possibility of checking their presence and activity. Repeated technical problems on the part of the student will be considered an absence. The main content of the practical teaching will be a moderated discussion and the solution of examples from clinical practice using written or oral assignments. Knowledge testing will take place continuously online orally, or in the form of a face-to-face credit test when the epidemiological situation allows it.

Poslední úprava: Kalhousová Hana (06.02.2024)
Sylabus - angličtina


  • Prof. Stanislav Micuda, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martin Sterba, Ph.D.
  • Assoc. Prof. Jaroslav Chladek, M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • Jolana Schreiberová, M.D., Ph.D.
  • PharmDr. Olga Lenčová, Ph.D.


The lectures will take place face-to-face in MS Teams in the form of "live" transmission, or an academic staff member will prepare a Powerpoint presentation with inserted voice comments. Video of the lecture will then be uploaded to our Moodle page. The presenting teacher will be online to answer questions during class time or will be available to students for consultations or questions about the lecture in another adequate way. The method of presentation will be up to the individual lecturer. The students will be informed about this in advance. The recorded lectures will be permanently available on the corresponding Moodle page.

1. Basic principles of pharmacology. Pharmacodynamics.
2. Pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetic parameters. 
3. Adverse and toxic effects. Drug interactions.
4. Cholinergic transmission: cholinergic agonists and antagonists. 
5. Noradrenergic transmission: adrenergic agonists and antagonists. 
6. Opioid analgesics.

Practical courses & seminars

1. Basic principles of pharmacology. Pharmacodynamics.
     1.1. Nature of drug targets, receptors and their types.
     1.2. Well-established second messengers.
     1.3. Dose-response curve.
     1.4. Potency and efficacy.
     1.5. Agonists and antagonists.
     1.6. Up and down regulations.
     1.7. Variation in drug responsiveness.
     1.8. Practical demonstrations: PC simulation - Isolated ileum stimulation. The demonstration will be performed by the lecturer.
     1.9. Analysis of cases studies.
     1.10. Test
2. Pharmacokinetics of the drugs.
     2.1. Main mechanisms determining pharmacokinetics of a drug (physico-chemical properties, permeation through biomembranes, binding).
     2.2. Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion (ADME).
     2.3. Pharmacokinetic parameters, pharmacogenetics, bioavailability, bioequivalence.
     2.4. Practical demonstrations: PC simulation using the PkSims software. The demonstration will be performed by the lecturer.
     2.5. Analysis of cases studies.
     2.6. Test
3. Adverse and toxic effects of drugs. Drug interactions. Drug development.
     3.1. The seminar on: the above given topics, drug information and its sources.
     3.2. Practical demonstrations: SPC (Summary of Product Characteristics), AISLP (Electronic version of the Czech Drug Formulary). The demonstration will be performed by the lecturer.
     3.3. Analysis of cases studies.
     3.4. Test
4. Drugs affecting cholinergic transmission: cholinergic agonists & antagonists - seminar.
     4.1. Practical demonstrations: PC simulation - Cardio heart rate and blood pressure (in vivo). The demonstration will be performed by the lecturer.
     4.2. Analysis of cases studies.
     4.3. Test
5. Drugs affecting adrenergic transmission: adrenergic agonists & antagonists - seminar.
     5.1. Practical demonstrations: PC simulation - Cardio heart rate and blood pressure (in vivo). The demonstration will be performed by the lecturer.
     5.2. Analysis of cases studies.
     5.3. Test
6. Control of pain - seminar.
     6.1. Basic and clinical pharmacology of analgesics, both opioid and non-opioid (including NSAIDs!).
     6.2. Analysis of cases studies.
     6.3. Test
7. Neuroleptic, antidepressant agents, anxiolytics - microlesson and seminar.
     7.1. The seminar on: Basic and clinical pharmacology of drugs used in psychotic, affective and anxiety disorders.
     7.2. Video presentation: Extrapyramidal syndrome due to neuroleptics.
     7.3. Analysis of cases studies.
     7.4. Test
8. Hypno-sedatives, antiparkinsonics and antiepileptics - microlesson and seminar.
     8.1. The seminar on: Basic and clinical pharmacology of hypno-sedative, antiparkinsonic and antiepileptic drugs.
     8.2. Practical demonstrations: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in antiepileptic therapy.
     8.3. Analysis of cases studies.
     8.4. Test
9. Skeletal muscle relaxants. General and local anesthetics.
     9.1. The seminar on: Local anesthetics and skeletal muscle relaxants.
     9.2. Microlesson: General anesthetics.
     9.3. Analysis of cases studies.
     9.4. Test.
     9.5. The Credit.


  1. Students are supposed to be theoretically prepared on each practical lesson/seminar.
  2. Consultations with any teacher of the Department of Pharmacology are possible by prior arrangement.


Poslední úprava: Kalhousová Hana (06.02.2024)
Vstupní požadavky - angličtina

Entry requirements: prerequisites: completed Physiology II.

Poslední úprava: Kalhousová Hana (06.02.2024)
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