Cílem předmětu je porozumět lékařským terminologickým frázím. Letní semestr je zaměřen na četbu autentických lékařských materiálů.
Poslední úprava: Česenková Tereza (24.01.2023)
1. the student gets an overview of the structure of Latin and international medical terminology concerning grammar, word-forming, and vocabulary Poslední úprava: Česenková Tereza (24.01.2023)
Compulsory literature 1. Study Materials from Moodle Latin Medical Terminology https://moodle.lfhk.cuni.cz/moodle2/course/view.php?id=581 2. Visual Materials from Moodle https://moodle.lfhk.cuni.cz/moodle2/course/view.php?id=2405 Recommended literature: 1. Creason, Ch., Steps to Success in Medical Language. Lippincott William & Wilkins 2011. 2. Fremgen, B., Frucht, S., Medical Terminology. Pearson 2013. 3. Self-study materials on Moodle https://moodle.lfhk.cuni.cz/moodle2/course/view.php?id=815 4. Bujalková, M., Jurečková, A., Introduction to Latin Medical Terminology. Univerzita Komenského Bratislava 1996. 5. Svobodová, D., An introduction to Greco-Latin medical terminology. Univerzita Karlova, Praha 1997. 6. Černý, K., Guide to Basic Medical Terminology. Karolinum 2013. Poslední úprava: Česenková Tereza (09.09.2022)
Credit 1. As for attendance, it is permitted to miss one practical class. If more, an official document must confirm the reason for the absence. 2. Student has to pass all the micro-tests successfully. 1) Prefixes Unit 10 + Word formation Unit 13; Vocabulary 2) Greek components I, II, III; Vocabulary 3) Greek I – III, greek components from Unit 13, prefixes from Unit 10; Vocabulary 3. Student has to pass the Credit test successfully Students have three chances to pass the credit test. The 1st date (during the 8th practical class) is obligatory for all students. If a student does not come, he/she loses the 1st chance. During the summer examination period, several dates for the 2nd attempt will be posted in the SIS, from which a student can choose. For those who do not pass or do not come for the 2nd attempt by the end of June, the 3rd attempt will be organized in September. Each student has to sign up for any test in the SIS. 4. Task completion on Moodle
Final Exam The final examination consists of medical phrase translation (from Latin to English and English to Latin), etymological explanation of medical terminology, memorabilia, remedia, and abbreviations used in medical terminology. The final examination includes all the materials provided in the winter and summer semesters.
Students can not use electronic devices during seminars (mobile phones, notebooks, clever watches, ear help, and others). If the student breaks this rule in any test, he/she will be evaluated as failed. Student fails the test as well if he/she cheats on the test, and we will pass any fraud to the ethics commission of faculty. Poslední úprava: Česenková Tereza (24.01.2023)
Lecturer: Mgr. Eva Schánělová
1) Review and practice winter term topics. UNIT 9 – Participles, Numerals, and Adverbs used in typical anatomical phrases. Introduction to clinical and pathological terminology. Unit 13 - Word Formation – Greek Composed Nouns + Hybrids (gastrorrhexis X gastropexis, nephrotomia X nephrectomia X nephrostomia, etc.) 2) Unit 10 - Word formation – Latin and Greek Prefixes (perivertebralis X paravertebralis, intra X inter, etc.) Examples in medical and pathological reports. 3) Test (Prefixes Unit 10 + Word formation Unit 13) Unit 11 – Word Formation – Latin and Greek Suffixes. Greco-English-Latin bases III. 4) Test (Greek components I, II, III) Unit 12 - Word Formation – Latin Composed Words. 5) Unit 12, 13 - Word Formation – Greek Composed Nouns + Hybrids (gastrorrhexis X gastropexis, nephrotomia X nephrectomia X nephrostomia, etc.) Reading authentic clinical diagnoses. 6) Unit 13. Examples in medical and pathological reports. A reading of autopsy certificates. 7) Test (Testing of knowledge of greek I – III, greek components from Unit 13, Latin, and greek prefixes from Unit 10 in recognizing the meaning in terms such as metrorrhagia, hidrorrhoea, iatrogenes,….) Unit 14 - Review and practice - preparation for the credit test. 8) The written credit test. Preparation for the final exam. Memorabilia (in situ, clinici scriptu), remedia (names as analgetica, tocolytica, etc.), abbreviations (lat. dx., vs.) Poslední úprava: Česenková Tereza (24.01.2023)
Latin Medical Terminology I Poslední úprava: Česenková Tereza (24.01.2023)