OS - Winter Sports Course - cross country skiing (XC) - DVA1150
The course introduces students to the technique of cross-country skiing - classic style and skating.
Registration will be possible through the registration system of the Institute of Physical Education 2.Lf UK and will be available at the beginning of October.
12.12.-15.12.2024 "Předvánoční běžky 2024" Poslední úprava: Gajdošík Jan, PhDr., Ph.D. (10.10.2024)
The primary goal of the course is the development of cross-country skiing techniques. The secondary goal is to acquaint with the issue of the development of motor skills, which are the essence of performance in cross-country skiing. Poslední úprava: Kovaříková Andrea, Mgr. (22.11.2024)
Completion of one weekend course and three different one-day courses. Poslední úprava: Gajdošík Jan, PhDr., Ph.D. (03.09.2024)
Cross-country skiing with classic technique - theory and practice. Cross-country skiing by skating technique - theory and practice. Cross-country skiing by double pole technique - theory and practice. Introduction to the issue of cross-country skiing training. Introduction to the issue of lubrication of cross-country skis. Poslední úprava: Kovaříková Andrea, Mgr. (22.11.2024)