The first Bohemian monarchy created and developed by the local dynasty of Přemyslids from a duchy to the kind of typical Latin-West high-medieval kingdom. The tradition of home dynasty and their saintly ruler Wenceslas then affected the choice of a new king who, by marriage with the “heiress” of Přemyslid dynasty, established the new ruling dynasty of Luxembourg, which deepened the relations with the Holy Roman Empire with Charles IV being the first Bohemian king and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire at the same time. The period of the Luxembourgs, however, ended with a pre-reformation revolution of the John Hus followers. Their initial success later created a “kingdom of two confessions” governed by a ruler controlled by the powerful estates and nobles. The local king George of Poděbrady was too weak to fulfill his reign by the creation of his own dynasty and gave the throne to a cadet branch of the ruling Polish Jagiello-house. A central European confederation was created with the Hungarian kingdom joining the “personal union” which only after two generations of rulers fell victim to the Turkish invasion to the Balkans. The Habsburg dynasty was elected to lead the Bohemian state of the chaos of particularism and state-debt which eventually created a new Central European confederation - the Early New Age Habsburg Empire surviving until the 20th century. The population and powerful estates however not willingly participated in the new Habsburg family project which caused periodical uprisings culminating with the Bohemian prequel to the Thirty Years War. The stalemate of Westphalia gave Bohemia to the Catholic Habsburgs who then started the three hundred years era of relatively stable, but not always appreciated absolutistic rule. The Habsburgs introduced the baroque culture, catholic reform, later even the moderate Enlightenment and bureaucratic reforms with certain modernization and industrialization (even though slower one). The robust Habsburg state was able to defeat the Turks and later play a vivid part of the “concert of superpowers” of the 18th and 19th Century. On the other hand, Bohemian national tradition often denounced the forced “recatholization” of people, the diminishing of the tradition of the Bohemian crown inside the unifying Habsburg state and finally the silent support the Habsburg rule indirectly provided to the German nationalism growing since the end of 18th century. The course will end with a summary of the first parts of the “Czech national revival”.
In case of online education, the course will occur as realtime online meetings in the given dates. Poslední úprava: Izdný Jakub, PhDr., Ph.D. (07.09.2021)
The course is supposed to give a basic overview of the key topics of Medieval and Early Modern Period in Bohemia. The course covers a period from the very beginning of the Bohemian statehood in the 7th century to forming a modern nation in the late 18th and 19th centuries. Poslední úprava: Izdný Jakub, PhDr., Ph.D. (06.02.2020)
1.) Introduction. Geography. Basic questions of the local historiography. State structures, pre-state formations in the area. · AGNEW, Hugh LeCaine: The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, Stanford 2004. · BRÁZDIL, Rudolf – KOTYZA, Oldřich: History of Weather and Climate in the Czech Lands, Zürich (several parts) · CURTA, Florin: East European Dark Ages: Slavs and Avars (500-800), in: Florin Curta, Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages (500-1300), Leiden – Boston 2019, s. 41-64. · CURTA, Florin: The Making of the Slavs: History and Archaeology of the Lower Danube Region, c. 500–700. Cambridge 2001. · GEARY, Patrick J.: The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe, Princeton 2003. · LEDVINKA, Václav - PEŠEK, Jiří: Prague, Prague 2001. · PÁNEK, Jaroslav – TŮMA, Oldřich (edd.): A History of the Czech Lands, Praha 2014. (2nd edition 2018) 2.) Great Moravian Empire · BETTI, Maddalena: The Making of Christian Moravia (858-882), Leiden – Boston 2014. · BOWLUS, Charles R.: Franks, Moravians and Magyars: The Struggle for the Middle Danube, Philadelphia 1995. · CURTA, Florin: Conversion to Christianity: Moravia and Bulgaria in: Florin Curta, Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages (500-1300), Leiden – Boston 2019, s. 179-213. · CURTA, Florin: Great Moravia in: Florin Curta, Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages (500-1300), Leiden – Boston 2019, s. 113-127. · DITTRICH, Zdeněk R.: Christianity in Great Moravia, Groningen 1962. · HAVLÍK, Lubomír E.: Constantine and Methodius in Moravia, Sborník prací filosofické fakulty brněnské university C 11, 1964, s. 27-50. · HLADÍK, Marek: Mikulčice and Its Hinterland: An Archaeological Model for Medieval Settlement Patterns on the Middle Course of the Morava River (7th to Mid-13th Centuries), Leiden – Boston 2020. · MACHÁČEK, Jiří – WIHODA, Martin (eds.): The Fall of Great Moravia: Who Was Buried in Grave H153 at Pohansko near Břeclav?, Leiden – Boston 2019. 3.) Přemyslid-duchy Translated sources: · COSMAS of Prague: Chronicle of Czechs; transl. WOLVERTON, Lisa, Cosmas of Prague: The chronicle of the Czechs, Washington 2009. · KANTOR, Marvin: Medieval Slavic Lives of Saints and Princes, 1983. · KANTOR, Marvin: The Origins of Christianity in Bohemia: Sources and Commentary, Evanston 1990. Literature: · BEREND, Nora, URBAŃCZYK, Przemysław, WISZEWSKI, Przemysław: Central Europe in the High Middle Ages: Bohemia, Hungary and Poland (c. 900-c.1300), Cambridge 2013. (Czech Chapters) · CURTA, Florin: New Powers (III): Přemyslid Bohemia, in: Florin Curta, Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages (500-1300), Leiden – Boston 2019, s. 389-409. · CHARVÁT, Petr: The Emergence of the Bohemian State, Leiden – Boston 2010. · CHARVÁT, Petr: Notes on the Social Structure of Bohemia in the 11th-12th Century, Památky archeologické 83, 1992, s. 372-384. · KALHOUS, David: Anatomy of a Duchy: The Political and Ecclesiastical Structures of Early Přemyslid Bohemia, Leiden-Boston 2012. · MACHÁČEK, Jiří: The Rise of Medieval Towns and States in East Central Europe. Early Medieval Centres as Social and Economic Systems, Leiden - Boston 2010 · PETRÁČEK, Tomáš: Power and Exploitation in the Czech Lands in the 10th–12th Centuries: A Central European Perspective, Leiden – Boston 2017. · SOMMER, Petr, TŘEŠTÍK, Dušan, ŽEMLIČKA, Josef, OPAČIĆ: Zoë, Bohemia and Moravia in: Nora Berend (ed.), Christianization and the rise of Christian monarchy: Scandinavia, Central Europe and Rus' (c. 900-1200), Cambridge 2007, s. 214-262. · WOLVERTON, Lisa: Hastening toward Prague: Power and Society in the Medieval Czech Lands, Philadelphia 2001. · ŽEMLIČKA, Josef: Origins of Noble Landed Property in Přemyslide Bohemia, in János M. Bak, Nobilities in Central and Eastern Euorpe: Kinship, Property and Privilege, Budapest–Krems 1994, s. 7-24. 4.) Last Přemyslids · ANTONÍN, Robert: The Ideal Ruler in Medieval Bohemia, Leiden – Boston 2016. · KLÁPŠTĚ, Jan: The Czech Lands in Medieval Transformation, Leiden – Boston 2012. · WIHODA, Martin: Vladislaus Henry: The Formation of Moravian Identity, Leiden – Boston 2016. 5.) First Luxembourgs · BENEŠOVSKÁ, Klára (ed.): King John of Luxembourg (1296-1346) and the Art of His Era. Prague 1998. · BŘÍZOVÁ, Daniela: Bohemia and England: cultural relations in the 14th century: the transmission of cultural and artistic influence in the Middle Ages. Saarbrücken 2014. · Charles IV - Emperor by the grace of God: culture and art in the reign of the last of the Luxembourgs 1347-1437: catalogue of the exhibition: Prague Castle 16 February - 21 May 2006 Bamberg: Arthis, 2006. · CLAUDE, Michaud: The Kingdoms of Central Europe in the Fourtheenth Century, in: Michael Jones, New Camridge Medieval History vol. VI., c. 1300 - c. 1415, Cambridge 2000, p. 735-763. · MENGEL, David Ch.: Bones, Stones and Brothels: Religion and Toporaphy in Prague under Emperor Charles IV. (1346-1378), Diss. University of Notre Dame 2003 · PYNSENT, Robert B.: Czech Nationalism after Dalimil and before Hus, In. Doležalová, Eva – Pánek, Jaroslav (edd.): Confession and Nation in the Era of Reformation, Praha 2011, p. 9-34. · ROSARIO, Iva: Art and Propaganda: Charles IV. of Bohemia, 1346-1378, Woodbridge 2000. · ROYT, Jan: The Prague of Charles IV. Prague: Karolinum Press, 2016. · ŠMAHEL, František: The Parisian Summit, 1377-1378. Emperor Charles IV. and King Charles V. of France, Chicago - Prague 2014. 6.) The fall of the Luxembourg era. Hussite revolution · BOEHM, Barbara – FAJT, Jiří (edd.): Prague. The Crown of Bohemia, 1347-1437, New York 2005. · DRAKE BOEHM, Barbara (ed.): Prague – The Crown of Bohemia 1347-1437, Prague 2000. · FUDGE, Thomas: Jan Hus. Religious Reform and Social Revolution, London 2010. · FUDGE, Thomas: The Magnificent Ride. The First Reformation in Hussite Bohemia, Aldershot 1998. · FUDGE, Thomas: The Trial of Jan Hus: Medieval Heresy and Criminal Procedure, New York 2013. · GRANT, Jeanne: For the Common Good: The Bohemian Land Law and the Beginning of the Hussite Revolution, Leiden – Boston 2015. · HEYMANN, Frederick G.: John Žižka and the Hussite Revolution, Princeton 1955 (2nd edition New York 1969). · HEYMANN, Frederick G.: The Role of the Bohemian Cities during and after the Hussite Revolution, In: Király, Béla K. (ed.): Tolerance and Movements of Religious Dissent in Eastern Europe, London 1975, p. 27-41. · HORNÍČKOVÁ, Kateřina - ŠRONĚK, Michal (edd.): From Hus to Luther. Visual Culture in the Bohemian Reformation (1380-1620), Turnhout 206. · KAMINSKY, Howard: A History of the Hussite Revolution, Berkeley 1967. · KLASSEN, John Martin: The Nobility and the Marking of the Hussite Revolution, New York 1978. · KLASSEN, John Martin: Warring Maidens, Captive Wives and Hussite Queens, New York 1999. · MORÉE, Peter: Preaching in Fourteenth-Century Bohemia: The Life and Ideas of Milicius de Chremsir, Heršpice 1999. · SCHMIDT, Ondřej: John of Moravia between the Czech Lands and the Patriarchate of Aquileia (ca. 1345–1394), Leiden – Boston 2019. · SOUKUP, Pavel: Jan Hus. The Life and Death of a Preacher, West Lafayette 2019. · SPINKA, Matthew: John Hus. A Biography, Princeton 1968. · SPINKA, Matthew: John Hus’ Concept of the Church, New Jersey 1966. · ŠMAHEL, František: The Idea of the "Nation" in Hussite Bohemia I, Historica 16, 1969, p. 143-247; II, Historica 17, 1969, p. 93-197. · ŠMAHEL, František - PAVLÍČEK, Ota (edd.): A Companion to Jan Hus, Leiden - Boston 2015. · VAN DUSSEN, Michael – SOUKUP, Pavel (edd.): Religious Controversy in Europe, 1378–1536. Textual Transmission and Networks of Readership, Turnhout 2013. · VAN DUSSEN, Michael – SOUKUP, Pavel (edd.): A Companion to the Hussites, Leiden – Boston 2020. · WELTSCH, Ruben Ernst: Archbishop John of Jenstein (1348-1400). Papalism, Humanism and Reform in Pre-Hussite Prag, Den Haag 1968. · ZEMAN, Jarold. K.: The Hussite Movement and the Reformation in Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia (1350-1650), Ann Arbor 1977. 7.) George of Poděbrady and the Jagiellonian dynasty · BOUBÍN, Jaroslav (2011). The Bohemian Crownlands under the Jagiellons (1471–1526). In: Pánek, Jaroslav; Tůma, Oldřich (eds.). A History of the Czech Lands. Charles University in Prague. pp. 173–187. · HEYMANN, Frederick G.: George of Bohemia. King of Heretics, Princeton-New Jersey 1965. · HEYMANN, Frederick G.: The Role of the Towns in the Bohemia of the Later Middle Ages, Cahiersd’ histoire mondiale 2, 1954/1955, p. 326-346 · KNOZ, Tomáš (ed.): Political Culture in Central Europe. (10th-20th Century). Part 1, Middle Ages and Early Modern Era, Praha – Warszaw 2005. · MACEK, Josef: "The monarchy of the estates". In Teich, Mikuláš (ed.). Bohemia in History. Cambridge 1998, pp. 98–116. · MOLNÁR, Miklós: A Concise History of Hungary, Cambridge University Press, 2001, Chapter 2, esp. pp. 54–85. · ODLOŽILÍK, Otakar: The Hussite King: Bohemia in European Affairs 1440-1471, New Brunswick 1965. · ŠMAHEL František: Divided Nation, In: James R. Palmitessa (ed.): Between Lipany and White Mountain. Essays in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Bohemian history in Modern Czech Scholarship, Leiden 2014, p. 63-93 · VOREL, Petr: Nationality and Confession in the Political Life under the Jagiellonian dynasty, in: Confession and Nation in the Era of Reformation, In. Doležalová, Eva – Pánek, Jaroslav (edd.): Confession and Nation in the Era of Reformation, Praha 2011, p. 113-122. 8.) The first Habsburg rulers · EVANS, Robert. J. W.: Making of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1550-1700. An Interpretation, Oxford 1979. · EVANS, Robert J. W. - THOMAS, T. V. (edd.): Crown, Church and Estates. Central European politics in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Basigstoke, 1991. . JOHSON, Lonnie: “The Counter-Reformation. The Roman Catholic Church and the Habsburg Dynasty Triumphant”. In: Central Europe. Enemies, Neighbors, Friends, New York, 2011, 81–97. · KANN, Robert A.: A History of the Habsburg Empire, 1526–1918, Berkeley 1974 (2nd corr. ed. 1977). (related chapters) · KOHLER, Alfred: Ferdinand I., 1503-1564: Fürst, König und Kaiser, Munchen 2003. · VOREL, Petr: From the Czech Silver Tolar to a Worldwide Dollar (The Birth of the Dollar and its Journey of a Monetary Circulation in Europe and the World from the 16th to the 20th Century), New York 2012. · WHALEY, Joachim, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. Volume I: Maximilian to the peace of Westphalia 1493–1648, Oxford 2012. 9) Rudolf II and the splendid era of Czech early modern period · EVANS, Robert John Weston: Rudolf II and his world: A study in intellectual history, 1576–1612, Oxford 1953 (2nd ed. 1984). · FUČÍKOVÁ, Eliška et al.: Rudolf II and Prague: the Court and the City, Praha - London - Milan 1997. · CHRASTILOVÁ, Jiřina. Praha: Praha renesanční = Renaissance-Prag = Renaissance in Prague: [1520-1620]. Praha 2003. · KONEČNÝ, Lubomír, BUKOVINKSKÁ, Beket, MUCHKA, Ivan: Rudolf II, Prague and the world: papers from the international conference, Prague, 2–4 September, 1997, Praha 1998 (English and German). · KOHLER, Alfred: Kaiser Maximilian II.: Kultur und Politik im 16. Jahrhundert, Wien 1992. · MARSHALL, Peter: The mercurial emperor: the magic circle of Rudolf II in Renaissance Prague, London 2007 · MILLER, Jaroslav: Urban Societies in East-Central Europe. 1500–1700, Aldershot 2008. · SUTTER FICHTNER, Paula: Emperor Maximilian II, New Haven 2001. · VÁLKA, Josef: „Rudolfine culture“, In: Teich, Mikuláš (ed.). Bohemia in History, Cambridge 1998, p. 117–142. 10) Bohemian revolt, Thirty Years War and the restoration of the Habsburg dynasty · ASCH, Ronald G.: The Thirty Years War. The Holy Roman Empire and Europe, 1618-1648, Basingstoke 1997. · LOUTHAN, Howard: Converting Bohemia. Force and Persuasion in the Catholic Reformation (New Studies in European History), Cambridge 2011. · PETRÁŇ, Josef - PETRÁŇOVÁ, Lydia: The White Mountain as a symbol in modern Czech history. In: Teich, Mikuláš (ed.). Bohemia in History. Cambridge 1998, pp. 143–163. · POLIŠENSKÝ, Josef: Tragic triangle. The Netherlands, Spain and Bohemia 1617-1621, Praha 1991. · PURSELL, Brennan C.: The winter king. Frederick V of the Palatinate and the coming of the Thirty Years' War, Aldershot 2003. · SNIDER, Frederick: The Restructuralization of the Bohemian Nobility, in: Češi a svět. Sborník k pětasedmdesátinám Ivana Pfaffa, Praha 2000, p. 55–61. · ŠRONĚK, Michal and HAUSENBLASOVÁ, Jaroslava: Gloria et Miseria 1618-1648. Prague during the Thirty Years War, Praha 1998. · WILSON, Peter H.: Europe's tragedy. A history of the Thirty Years War, London 2009. 11) Maria Theresa, Joseph II, and the Czech lands in the era of Engligthment · BEALES, Derek Edward Dawson: Joseph II. [Vol.1 In the Shadow of Maria Theresa 1741–1780. Cambridge 1987. · BEALES, Derek Edward Dawson: Joseph II. [Vol.2] Against the world, Cambridge 2009. · DUFFY, Christopher: The Army of Maria Theresa. The Armed Forces of Imperial Austria 1740-1780, New York 1977. · HEPPNER, Harald, Peter URBANITSCH a Renate ZEDINGER: Social change in the Habsburg Monarchy, Bochum 2011. · IBY, Elfriede, ed. et al. Maria Theresa 1717-1780: strategist, mother, reformer, Wien 2017. · KERNER, Robert Joseph: Bohemia in the eighteenth century: a study in political, economic and the history with special reference to the reign of Leopold II, 1790-1792, New York 1932. · OKEY, Robin: The Habsburg Monarchy c. 1765–1918: From Enlightment to Eclipse, London 2001. · VOVK, Justin C.: In Destiny's Hands: Five Tragic Rulers, Children of Maria Theresa, Bloomington 2009. 12) Bohemia during and after the Napoleonic wars. · GABRIËLS, Jos: Cutting the cake: the Congress of Vienna in British, French and German political caricature, In: European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire 24.1 (2017),pp. 131–157. illustrated · GOOD, David F.: The economic rise of the Habsburg empire 1750–1918, Berkeley 1984. (Chapter 1 and 2.) · LÁNÍK, Jaroslav: The development of Czech towns in the 1830´s to 1850´s , Hospodářské dějiny – Economic History 15, 1986, pp. 377–410. · PRAHL, Roman a DIATKOVÁ, Nataša: Prag 1780-1830: Kunst und Kultur zwischen den Epochen und Völkern, Prag 2000. · SKED, Alan: Metternich and Austria: An Evaluation, Basingstoke 2008. · UHLÍŘ, Dušan: The battle of the three emperors. Austerlitz 1805, Brno 2005. · VICK, Brian: The Congress of Vienna. Power and Politics after Napoleon, Cambridge 2014. · VONDRÁČEK, Radim (ed.): Biedermeier: art and culture in the Bohemian lands 1814-1848, Prague 2010. Poslední úprava: Jarošová Eva, Mgr., Ph.D. (22.11.2023)
The course has a controlled attendance and aims for the final test. The test will be in form of multiple choice with one answer correct and will ask the basic facts from the course. We hope for some general colloquium as evaluation of the course. Test terms will occur during January, for those unable to attend (serious reasons only), the test will be available online in Moodle. Preliminary grade system:
Additional work in form of a working list or short essay is possible if necessary for the final grade. Poslední úprava: Izdný Jakub, PhDr., Ph.D. (19.09.2022)
The course is a prequel to the modern-era course “Milestones of Modern Czech History (1848-1989)” taught in summer. Poslední úprava: Izdný Jakub, PhDr., Ph.D. (25.09.2020)
Jakub Izdný: 1. (2. 10. 2024) Introduction. Geography of the Bohemian basin. Basic questions of the local historiography. State structures, pre-state formations in the area. 2. (9. 10. 2024) The Great Moravian Empire. The Beginning of the Bohemian State. 3. (16. 10. 2024) Přemyslid-duchy, Early and High Middle Ages in Bohemia. 4. (23. 10. 2024) Kingdom of the Last Přemyslids. 5. (30. 10. 2024) The first Luxembourgs on the Bohemian Throne. 6. (6. 11. 2024) The fall of the Luxembourg era. Hussite revolution Eva Jarošová: 7. (13. 11. 2024) The heretic king George of Poděbrady and the Jagiellonian dynasty. Rise of the State of Estates. 8. (20. 11. 2024) Week of Humanities: Excursion: Old Prague in the eyes of historian 9. (27. 11. 2024) The first Habsburg rulers: Ferdinand, Maximilian and the Golden Age of the Bohemian aristocracy. 10. (4. 12. 2024) Rudolph II, his splendid Era, and Turkish wars 11. (11. 12. 2024) The Estates’ uprising, Prague defenestration, Thirty Years War and the restoration of the Habsburg dynasty 12. (18. 12. 2024) Maria Theresa, Joseph II, and the Czech lands in the era of absolutism and Enlightenment 13. (8. 1. 2025) The fire of revolution. Bohemia during and after the Napoleonic wars. Poslední úprava: Izdný Jakub, PhDr., Ph.D. (17.09.2024)
The course is intended primarily for Erasmus students. Poslední úprava: Izdný Jakub, PhDr., Ph.D. (06.02.2020)