FALL 2023
Charles University Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies (This is not a class for Erasmus students) Daniele De Santis, Ph. D. Office hours: Thursday 14:30-15:30 Room: 223 Email: daniele.desantis@ff.cuni.cz Contemporary Theoretical Philosophy A Being, Beings and Consciousness An Introduction to One of the Basic Problems of Philosophy Lecture: Thursday 9:10-10:45 (Room: 217) Seminar: Thursday 12:30-14:05 (Room: P225V) 1. General Description and Aims of the Module The present module wants to be an opinionated introduction to 20th century philosophy, with special focus on problems of ontology. More explicitly, the module would like to address the way in which the “problem of being” (whatever this expression may mean) was addressed – sometimes critically and in order to dismiss it once and for all – over the course of the last century. But the question of being will be addressed primarily from the standpoint of that entity which alone experiences being or to which being is given, namely, “consciousness” (or some of its variations). A priority question will have to be raised: what is the relationship between consciousness and being? What determines what? The problem will be tackled by first considering the Master of Suspicions (Marx, Nietzsche, Freud): they will usher us into the 20th century all the way to the beginning of the 21st century. The phenomenological tradition will be first studied, along with the Vienna Circle, Croce and the Italian neo-idealism; then, we will move on to the neo-Parmenidean movement, and finally to some of the recent developments of bio-politics. Is the latter meant to represent a (new) paradigm shift? Poslední úprava: Mokrejšová Eva, Mgr. (11.06.2024)
Requirements for completing the course:
(a) Regular attendance of both lectures and seminars (students should read in advance the material for each class). 3 absences maximum are allowed.
(b) Active participation in class
(c) The third requirement can be fulfilled in two alternative manners:
Either by doing a presentation in one of the seminars. The handout for the presentation should be submitted one week in advance, i.e. no later than the Thursday before your presentation is scheduled (the structure of the handout should be discussed with the teacher beforehand).
Or by writing a paper on a topic of your choice from those discussed during the semester. The deadline for submission of the paper by January 18, 2024. Poslední úprava: Mokrejšová Eva, Mgr. (11.06.2024)
Essential Bibliography for the Reading Seminar (all the texts will be available on Moodle)
S. Freud, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalyses (selection) / K. Marx, The German Ideology R. H. Lotze, System of Philosophy I. Three Books on Logic (selection from Book III) E. Husserl, Cartesian Meditations (selection) B. Croce, History as the Story of Liberty (selection) M. Heidegger, Being and Time (§4, 9, 32-35) M. Heidegger, The Origin of the Work of Art (from Off the Beaten Track) E. Severino, Returning to Parmenides (from The Essence of Nihilism) R. Carnap, Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language W. Sellars, Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind (selection) G. Agamben, What is the Act of Creation? (from Creation and Anarchy) Poslední úprava: Mokrejšová Eva, Mgr. (11.06.2024)