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Předmět, akademický rok 2024/2025
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Seminar of Contemporary Art II: Reaching Out - Creating Community (Bc from 2016) - ADU100444 ((Bc od 2016))
Anglický název: Seminar of Contemporary Art II: Reaching Out - Creating Community (Bc from 2016)
Zajišťuje: Ústav pro dějiny umění (21-UDU)
Fakulta: Filozofická fakulta
Platnost: od 2020
Semestr: letní
Body: 4
E-Kredity: 4
Způsob provedení zkoušky: letní s.:písemná
Rozsah, examinace: letní s.:0/2, Zk [HT]
Počet míst: neurčen / neurčen (neurčen)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: nevyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Poznámka: předmět je možno zapsat mimo plán
povolen pro zápis po webu
Garant: Mgr. Zuzana Štefková, Ph.D.
Třída: Exchange - 03.6 History of Art
Prerekvizity : ADU100202
Rozvrh   Nástěnka   

Reaching Out – Creating Community

Lecturer: Mgr. Zuzana Štefková Ph.D.

Tel: 731 512 512; e-mail: zuzana.stefkova@ff.cuni.cz

Consultations: After previous e-mail request in the room no. 416 at the Institute of Art History, Celetná 20, Prague 1

Class Time: Friday 10:50 am – 12:25 pm

Location: Galleries and locations according to the syllabus

Course Description:

This seminar seeks to acquaint students with different approaches and strategies of contemporary art and introduce a wide range of figures operating within Czech and international contemporary art scene. During this spring we will concentrate on various strategies, by means of which contemporary art institutions, and creative individuals reach out, broaden their audiences, and activate their potential. Together we will explore Prague galleries and art institutions, meet artists and curators and discuss their approaches to art, audience(s) and the society at large. The choice of the sites of interest will reflect current offer of the local art scene.

Course Requirements:

Exhibition journal

Students should keep an exhibition journal throughout the semester with short (max. 1800 characters with spaces) analysis of visited exhibitions. The journal should most importantly show your opinions on strategies used by artists and curators to appeal to their audience (i.e. you). You can asses the visual / intellectual accessibility of the works in question and reflect on the artworks / concepts that you felt touched by in any way or on the other hand felt alienated by and why. The journal is due on May 22 (23:59 pm)).

Writing Assignment - Final essay

Students are asked to write a paper on topic related to issues addressed during the gallery visits. It should most importantly show your ability to contextualize the works, exhibitions, curatorial concepts related to the topic of the course i.e. reaching out / establishing new audiences / thinking outside of the white cube. The paper must have at least 9000 characters, bibliography, and footnotes (preferably in Chicago style: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html ) Students should feel free to consult their topic and submit the first draft of their paper beforehand. The deadline for choosing the topic is the end of November. Please e-mail the chosen topic to the lecturer by November 30 at the latest. The deadline for submission of the final essay is May 22. Essays delivered after this deadline will by downgraded by 10 %.

Oral presentation

Part of the evaluation is a short (10-15 minutes) oral presentation of each student’s final essay topic. This presentation will be delivered in class, during the last two weeks of the spring semester. The presentation should be spoken or read and include visual aids (for example Powerpoint presentation).

Assessment and final grade:

The final grade will be based on the results of in-class presentation 20 %, final paper 20 %, gallery journal 30 %, and active participation on the seminar's activities and discussions 30 %.

The following weekly schedule may be subject to change. Please check the location prior every class. The updated syllabus and the list of topics for in class presentation will be accessible on googledocs. Students will receive the link.

Week 1:


Introduction of the course

Institute of Art History

Celetná 20, Classroom no. 415, 4th floor

Week 2:


Class cancelled

Alternative program: The Art of Ungrowth

GAVU Academy of Fine Art

U Akademie 4

Tuesday Feb 25 evening https://www.facebook.com/ekobunkaavu/

Week 3:


Johana Pošová and Barbora Fastrová

Entrance Gallery

Orangery of Břevnov Monastery

Markétská 28/1


Week 4:


Salon Tchécoslovaque: Contemporary Czech and Slovak Painting

National Technical Library

Technická 6, Prague 6 https://www.techlib.cz/en/2746-gallery-ntk

Week 5:


Ovine Techno and Other Stories: Michal Cáb, Marek Hlaváč, Tomáš Kajánek and Matěj Smrkovský


Jeronýmova 88/9 (entrance from Husitská)


Week 6:


Choreography of Thought

Gallery AMU

Hartigovský palace,

Malostranské sq. 12, entrance from passage to Tržiště


Week 7:


Mothers Artlovers

Academy of Fine Arts: New Media II Studio

U Akademie 4 www.avu.cz

Week 8:


NO CLASS – Easter Holiday

Week 9:


Apolena Rychlíková, Vladimír Turner: City Memory

Artwall Gallery

Embankment Kapitána Jaroše and Edvarda Beneše, Prague 7 www.artwallgallery.cz

Week 10:


Matter of Art – Biennale


Dittrichova 9/337, Prague 2 https://matterof.art/

Week 11:


NO CLASS – Bank Holiday

Alternative program will be specified

Week 12:


NO CLASS – Bank Holiday

Alternative program will be specified

Week 13:


Student Presentations

Classroom no. 415

Institute of Art History, Celetná 20, Prague 1

Week 14:


Student Presentations

Classroom no. 415

Institute of Art History, Celetná 20, Prague 1
Poslední úprava: Adamcová Kateřina, Mgr., Ph.D. (21.02.2020)
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