Recommended readings:
Aikhenvald, Alexandra (2005) Evidentiality. Oxford: OUP
Anderson, Stephen R. (1992) A-morphous morphology. Cambridge: CUP
Anttila, Arto (1997), Deriving variation from grammar. In Hiskens, Frans L. et al. (eds), Variation, Change and Phonological Theory. Amsterdam – Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 35–68
Aronoff, Mark (1994) Morphology by Itself. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press
Audring, J., F. Masini (eds, 2017) The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford: OUP
Babby, Leonard H. (1987) Case, Prequantifiers, and Discontinuous Agreement in Russian. Natural
Language and Linguistic Theory 5(1): 91–138
Bauer, Laurie (20032) Introducing Linguistic Morphology. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Bauer, Laurie (2004) Morphological Productivity. Cambridge: CUP
Blevins, James P. (2016) Word and Paradigm Morphology. Oxford: OUP
Campbell, Lyle (2004) Historical Linguistics: An intruduction. Edinburgh: EUP
Chomsky, Noam, Morris Halle (1968). The sound pattern of English. New York: Harper and Row
Clackson, James (2007) Indo-European Linguistics. An Introduction. Cambridge: CUP
Dixon, Robert M. W (1994) Ergativity. Cambridge: CUP
Goldsmith, John (1990) Autosegmental and metrical phonology. Oxford–Cambridge, MA: Blackwell
Hockett, Charles F (1987) Refurbishing our Foundations: Elementary Linguistics from an Advanced Point of View. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Keller, Rudi (20033[1990]) Sprachwandel. Tübingen–Basel: Francke
Klaiman, Miriam H. (1991) Grammatical Voice. Cambridge: CUP
de Lacy, Paul (2006), Markedness: Reduction and Preservation in Phonology. Cambridge: CUP
Lüdtke, Helmut (ed., 1980) Kommunikationstheoretische Grundlagen des Sprachwandels. Berlin–New York: Walter de Gruyter
Matthews, Peter H. (1974) Morphology: An Introduction to the Theory of Word Structure. Cambridge: CUP
Nevins, Andrew (2011) Phonologically conditioned allomorph selection. In: Van Oostendorp, Marc et al. (eds), The Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Malden, MA/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2357–2382.
Spencer, Andrew (1991) Morphological theory: an introduction to word structure in generative grammar. Oxford: Blackwell
Poslední úprava: Mudrová Andrea, Bc. et Bc. (13.01.2020)
Recommended readings:
Aikhenvald, Alexandra (2005) Evidentiality. Oxford: OUP
Anderson, Stephen R. (1992) A-morphous morphology. Cambridge: CUP
Anttila, Arto (1997), Deriving variation from grammar. In Hiskens, Frans L. et al. (eds), Variation, Change and Phonological Theory. Amsterdam – Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 35–68
Aronoff, Mark (1994) Morphology by Itself. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press
Audring, J., F. Masini (eds, 2017) The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford: OUP
Babby, Leonard H. (1987) Case, Prequantifiers, and Discontinuous Agreement in Russian. Natural
Language and Linguistic Theory 5(1): 91–138
Bauer, Laurie (20032) Introducing Linguistic Morphology. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Bauer, Laurie (2004) Morphological Productivity. Cambridge: CUP
Blevins, James P. (2016) Word and Paradigm Morphology. Oxford: OUP
Campbell, Lyle (2004) Historical Linguistics: An intruduction. Edinburgh: EUP
Chomsky, Noam, Morris Halle (1968). The sound pattern of English. New York: Harper and Row
Clackson, James (2007) Indo-European Linguistics. An Introduction. Cambridge: CUP
Dixon, Robert M. W (1994) Ergativity. Cambridge: CUP
Goldsmith, John (1990) Autosegmental and metrical phonology. Oxford–Cambridge, MA: Blackwell
Hockett, Charles F (1987) Refurbishing our Foundations: Elementary Linguistics from an Advanced Point of View. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Keller, Rudi (20033[1990]) Sprachwandel. Tübingen–Basel: Francke
Klaiman, Miriam H. (1991) Grammatical Voice. Cambridge: CUP
de Lacy, Paul (2006), Markedness: Reduction and Preservation in Phonology. Cambridge: CUP
Lüdtke, Helmut (ed., 1980) Kommunikationstheoretische Grundlagen des Sprachwandels. Berlin–New York: Walter de Gruyter
Matthews, Peter H. (1974) Morphology: An Introduction to the Theory of Word Structure. Cambridge: CUP
Nevins, Andrew (2011) Phonologically conditioned allomorph selection. In: Van Oostendorp, Marc et al. (eds), The Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Malden, MA/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2357–2382.
Spencer, Andrew (1991) Morphological theory: an introduction to word structure in generative grammar. Oxford: Blackwell
Poslední úprava: Mudrová Andrea, Bc. et Bc. (13.01.2020)