The course introduces the principal themes of Christian iconography as depicted in the medieval art. It focuses on the process in which an iconographic motif (e.g. biblical scene, various depictions of Christ) developed into its final „form“ from the very beginning in visual arts of ancient civilisations (Egypt, Greek and Roman Antiquity) up to the Late Middle Ages. Students get thus the opportunity to follow how schemes and motifs were endowed by different meanings in order to correspond to the changing needs of their readers. In the centre of the course are key stories from life of Christ and Virgin Mary as well as non-narrative representations of devotional or dogmatic character. The aim of the course is to approach medieval images with their specific visual vocabulary und make them readable also for a postmodern student of the 21th century. Poslední úprava: Freitas Lopesová Zuzana, Mgr. (13.02.2018)
Protože přehledová literatura neexistuje, případně je těžko dostupná, doporučuje se hojná účast na přednáškách.
Doporučená literatura (týkající se východní oblasti): David Talbot Rice, Art of Byzantine Era, London 1966, 1977ad. André Grabar, Christian Iconography, Washington 1968, 1980 ad. Wilhelm Nyssen, Frühchristliches Byzanz, Leipzig 1972 Kurt Weitzmann, Icons. Princeton 1976 Poslední úprava: Freitas Lopesová Zuzana, Mgr. (13.02.2018)
Zápočet bude získán za vypracování eseje k vybranému tématu. Literatura bude poskytnuta vyučujícími. Poslední úprava: Brůhová Gabriela, PhDr., Ph.D. (07.10.2014)
19 Feb 2018 Signs, Attributes, Gestures and their Meaning - iconography and iconology; introduction into methodology - Erwin Panofsky, Aby Warburg, Ernst Gombrich
26 Feb 2018 Out of Cave: Nativity scenes and Christ´s apocryphal childhood
5 March 2018 Changing Stones into Bread: Christ as a „Magician“
12 March 2018 Reading Week no class
19 March 2018 The Suffering Christ
26 March 2018 Crucifixion: Narrative and Symbolics
2 Apr 2018 Easter Monday no class
9 Apr 2018 To the Hell and Back: Scenes after Christ´s Death on the Cross
16 Apr 2018 Struggling with Satan: Last days of the World
23 Apr 2018 In the Beginning: Creation and Renovation
30 Apr 2018 How Lucifer Fell from Heaven and Became Satan
7 May 2018 Virgin Mary: Mother and Church
14 May 2018 Medieval Cult of Saints and its Audiences Poslední úprava: Freitas Lopesová Zuzana, Mgr. (13.02.2018)