This course covers, with a focus on both theory and empirics, essential topics in international (interregional) trade
and trade policy analysis at the undergraduate level. These basics are complemented by hands-on work with
empirical data, and discussions of topic which appear in current debates on trade policies and protectionism. The
course attempts to provide insight into the following questions:
- Why do countries (regions) trade? And how does trade influence the welfare of their citizens?
- What determines which goods/services will be exported/imported by particular countries?
- How do trade policies influence the effects of trade on economies and their welfare?
- How are US and EU policies formed and how do they differ? If US uses “Buy America/n”, is there something like
“Buy European”?
- How can we identify and evaluate vulnerabilities caused by dependencies on countries such as China, Russia,
- What kind of sanctions can be used (and are used by the USA, EU, and China), and how do they influence
Poslední úprava: Skladanová Nikola, Mgr. (01.09.2023)
This is one of the courses of the AEP programme (previously UPCES - the Undergraduate Program in Central European Studies); Poslední úprava: Skladanová Nikola, Mgr. (03.02.2025)
Students are required to follow the instructions and requirements specified in the course syllabus. Attendance is mandatory. Regular attendance is necessary in order to get credit and grade. Exam Dates Winter Semester: beginning of November (midterm exams); before the middle of December (final exams) according to the course syllabus Summer Semester: end of March / the first half of April (midterm exams); the middle of May (final exams) according to the course syllabus Poslední úprava: Skladanová Nikola, Mgr. (31.07.2023)
This is one of the UPCES courses held in cooperation with the partner institution CERGE-EI, designed for the US students and the Czech and international students of the Faculty of Humanities. These courses are scheduled either twice (2x90 min.) or once (1x180 min.) a week in the CERGE-EI classrooms (Politických vězňů 7, Praha 1). Attendance is mandatory. Regular attendance is necessary in order to get credit and grade. Poslední úprava: Skladanová Nikola, Mgr. (31.07.2023)
Students are required to follow the instructions and requirements specified in the course sylabus available at https://upces.cerge-ei.cz/academic-life/upces-courses-a-z Scroll for the UPCES Course List and click on the particular course for course description and syllabus. Reading materials: the coordinators of the UPCES programme will inform the enrolled students where to get them. Poslední úprava: Skladanová Nikola, Mgr. (31.07.2023)
Poslední úprava: Skladanová Nikola, Mgr. (29.07.2024)