An interdisciplinary block seminar in English sponsored by the departments of Old Testament, New Testament, and Systematic Theology. All students of the PTF, including doctoral and Erasmus students, are invited. The seminar takes the form of a series of four lectures followed by an open discussion. To receive the credits, students must attend the lectures on October 22, 2024, and submit a review of a given scholarly survey to one of the four lecturers by the end of this semester. Poslední úprava: Sláma Petr, doc., Ph.D. (08.10.2024)
To receive the two credits for the course, students must attend the lectures on October 22, 2024, and submit a review of a given scholarly survey to one of the four lecturers by the end of this semester. Poslední úprava: Sláma Petr, doc., Ph.D. (08.10.2024)
The block seminar takes place on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 15:00–15:45 Petr Sláma: The Glory of God between Priestly and Non-Priestly Texts 15:45–16:30 Thomas Wagner: Visible or Invisible? God‘s Glory as Theological Topos in the Early Jewish Literature 16:30-17:00 coffee break 17:00–17:45 Jan Roskovec: “Greater Glory“: Paul‘s Metaphorical Argument in 2 Cor. 3 17:45–18:30 Petr Gallus: Crucified Lord of Glory. Divine kenosis as divine plerosis Poslední úprava: Sláma Petr, doc., Ph.D. (08.10.2024)