The course consists of theoretical and practical instruction, in which aspects of theory and practice in sports
gymnastics are translated from the perspective of the specific needs of individual gymnastic sports.
Poslední úprava: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (10.11.2023)
By taking this course, students acquire knowledge primarily in the theory of sports preparation in gymnastic sports. The knowledge is based on a common foundation, didactics of gymnastic sports, staging, and periodization of training, taking into account the specifics of individual gymnastic sports. Practical instruction is derived from current knowledge and trends in training methodology. Graduates master basic professional skills associated with the profession of a coach in a specific gymnastic sport.
Upon completing the course, students:
Understand and can explain the significance and content of individual stages of sports preparation in the context of planning, monitoring, and evaluating specific attributes of sports performance in a particular gymnastic sport, using examples.
Understand and can explain the connections between various gymnastic sports, using examples.
Create, lead, and evaluate a training session within the context of an annual training plan.
Effectively lead and communicate with athletes and members of the coaching team during the stages of sports pre-preparation and basic training.
Use qualitative and quantitative methods of motion analysis in practice, especially for didactic interventions.
Understand and can explain, using examples, the coach's behavior in areas such as counter-shock prevention, safety in gymnastic exercises, and ethics in coaching. Poslední úprava: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (10.11.2023)
Participation in classes at least 85% of the total hours according to the subject scope.
Seminar work on assigned topics.
Active participation in OPVŠ (Physical Education at Higher Education Institutions) or ČAH (Czech Gymnastics Association). Poslední úprava: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (10.11.2023)
Povinná literatura: DOVALIL, J. a kol. Výkon a trénink ve sportu. Praha: Olympia, 2002. ISBN 80-7033-760-5. KOLEKTIV. Gymnastika. Praha : Karolinum, 2003, 90 s. ISBN 80-246-0661-5. KRIŠTOFIČ, J. Pohybová příprava dětí. Praha: Grada Publishing. 2006. 112 s. ISBN 80-247-1636-4. KRIŠTOFIČ, J. Fyzikální aspekty sportovní techniky. Praha: UK, 1996. ZÍTKO, M., CHRUDIMSKÝ, J Akrobacie. Praha: ČASPV 2006. II. rozšířené vydání. ISBN 80 - 86586 - 17 - 0.
Doporučená literatura: APPELT, K., LIBRA, M., STEJSKALOVÁ, I. Základy názvosloví tělesných cvičení. Praha: Palestra, 2004. KRIŠTOFIČ, J. Gymnastické posilování - motoricko-funkční příprava. Praha: FTVS UK. 2014. 160 s. ISBN 978-80-87647-15-8. PERIČ, T. Sportovní příprava dětí. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2004, 198 s, ISBN 80-247-0683-0 ZÍTKO, M. Kompenzační cvičení. Praha: Svoboda, 1998, 51 s. ISBN 80-205-0529-6. AHLQUIST, S. M., RUSSELL, K., FINK, H. at all. Foundation of Gymnastics. Ruschkin : Saskatoon, 2010. ISBN 978-2-8399-0663-0. JEMNI, M. The science of gymnastics. New York: Routledge, 2011. ISBN 978-0-203-87463-9. JEMNI, M. The science of gymnastics:Advance Concepts. New York: Routledge, 2017. ISBN-13: 978-1138701939 MASSIMO, J., MASSIMO, S. Gymnastics Psychology. Newport News. Morgan James Publishing líc, 2012. 334s. ISBN 13 9781600379482. SKOPOVÁ, M., ZÍTKO, M. Basic Gymnastics. Praha : Karolinum, 2010. s. 180. ISBN 978-80-246-1779-4. Poslední úprava: Mejsnarová Linda, Mgr., Ph.D. (06.02.2019)
Poslední úprava: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (10.11.2023)
Lecture Content:
Introduction, organizational instructions, methodology of seminars and final projects. Didactics System of Gymnastics. Professional terminology of exercises on the floor and apparatus. Talent selection. Sports pre-preparation in gymnastics. Motor-functional preparation. Technique of movement activities. Biomechanical foundations of movement activities. Biological foundations of movement activities (anatomical-functional). Movement and dance preparation. Dietary aspects of preparation in gymnastics. Compensation exercises. Concluding seminar.
Practical Training Content:
Specifics of warm-up in gymnastics. Practical application of individual blocks of motor-functional preparation. Didactics of acrobatics - basic acrobatics. Didactics of acrobatics - forward somersaults. Didactics of acrobatics - backward somersaults. Use of the trampoline in gymnastics - didactics of straight and somersault jumps. Didactics of basic movement structures on hanging disciplines. Didactics of selected movement structures. Didactic outputs of students. Poslední úprava: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (10.11.2023)