What makes an education system equitable and which school is fair? Why educational inequalities (e.g. social, gender) persist over time unchanged and what is the role of schools and states in tackling these inequalities and social exclusion? How could we measure such elusive concepts as justice, fairness and equity? Is the purpose of schooling to provide all students with a common socialization or is it to differentiate students for varied future? Shall we teach students to cooperate with each other or to compete?
In this course we are going to discuss and look for answers to these questions based on the research findings and in international comparison. Besides learning extensively on issues of equity in education, following this course you will learn also about methodology of educational research and you will get to know more familiar with education systems worldwide (comparison will be based mainly on developed OECD member countries). Erasmus students from various countries are warmly welcomed to sign for this course.
Poslední úprava: GREGER/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (19.02.2010)
BAKER, J.; LYNCH, K.;CANTILLON, S.; WALSH, J. Equality: From Theory to Action. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
BAYE, A.; DEMEUSE, M.; MONSEUR, CH.; GOFFIN, CH. A Set of Indicators to Measure Equity in 25 European Union Education Systems. Liege: Université de Liege, 2006.
EGREES. Equity in European Educational Systems: A Set of indicators. Liege: University of Liege, 2005 (2nd edition).
DEMEUSE, M.; FRANDJI, D.; GREGER, D.; ROCHEX, J.-Y. (Eds.) Les politiques d'éducation prioritaire en Europe. Conceptions, mises en oeuvres, débats. Lyon: INRP, 2008. 459 s.
GORARD, S.; SMITH, E.; BENADUSI, L.; DEMEUSE, M.; GREGER, D.; MEURET, D. Equity in Education: An International Comparison of Pupil Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
HUTMACHER, W.; COCHRANE, D.; BOTTANI, N. (Eds.) In Pursuit of Equity in Education: Using international indicators to compare equity policies. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2001.
NICAISE, I. The Right To Learn: Educational Strategies for Socially Excluded Youth in Europe. Bristol: Policy Press, 2000.
Poslední úprava: GREGER/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.02.2010)
Kurz je vyučován v anglickém jazyce. Sylabus kurzu:
1. Education, equity and social justice: Basic concepts and theories.
2. Tracking and inequality: research evidence and cross-country comparison
3. Measuring inequalities in Education
4. Educational strategies for socio-culturally disadvantaged students
5. Fair school - An international comparison of pupils? perspectives
Poslední úprava: GREGER/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (19.02.2010)