RESNICK, Mitchel. Lifelong kindergarten: cultivating creativity through projects, passion, peers, and play. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, [2017]. ISBN 9780262037297.
ASPINALL, Brian. Code Breaker: Increase Creativity, Remix Assessment, and Develop a Class of Coder Ninjas!, 2017.
ZITER, Rachel. Coding in Scratch for beginners. North Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press, [2018].
PILGRIM, Mark. Ponořme se do Python(u) 3: Dive into Python 3. Praha: CZ.NIC, c2010. CZ.NIC. ISBN 978-80-904248-2-1.
RYANT, Ivan. Algoritmy a datové struktury objektově. V Praze: Ivan Ryant, [2017]. ISBN 978-80-270-1660-0.
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Poslední úprava: Vaňková Petra, PhDr., Ph.D. (04.09.2019)