How do education systems ensure quality of teaching and learning? What is the role of European and national
policies in managing quality? How is the quality measured? Does private tutoring improve the quality of learning?
When the prerequisites for quality of education start? In this course the quality in education will be explain and
discussed in comparative perspectives, based on research findings and international studies. The main concepts
and methodology of educational research will get to be more understandable and the common European
educational environment more familiar. For Erasmus students from various countries it is also an opportunity to
exchange their views and experience on the quality in education and to compare them with research findings and
Poslední úprava: SKALOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (10.06.2015)
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Poslední úprava: SKALOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (10.06.2015)
1. Trends in Education Systems in Europe. Basic concepts, programmes and policies
Introduction in the comparative study of educational systems. ISCED - International Standard Classification of Education. European aims in education. Strategies of educational policies in EU. Educational programmes and Frameworks. (Eliška Walterová) 2. Evaluation and assessment systems in developed countries. Quality assurance at different levels of education systems; education system evaluation; school evaluation; teacher appraisal; student assessment. Challenges and current trends in evaluation assessment and monitoring. (Jana Straková) 3. Shadow Education - improving quality of learning? Implications and current global trends. Research on private education in the world and the Czech Republic. Methodology of the empirical inquiry. The pitfalls of the transition from secondary to tertiary education. (Vít Šťastný) 4. International surveys of educational achievement. History of international surveys of educational achievement. Methods and findings. International indicators of teaching and learning. Current developments and challenges. Assessment of 21th century skills. 5. Development and problems of schooling in European Countries Presentation of the Seminar Thesis and disscussion on the quality in education from the views of the course participants. Student’s perspectives on the issues of quality in education comparing their home countries and the Czech Republic. Poslední úprava: SKALOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (10.06.2015)