Hlavním cílem výuky je rozvoj a zdokonalování jazykových kompetencí studentů s ohledem jak na přesnost, tak na
plynulost projevu za využití stimulujících textů a aktivit. Studenti si obohacují slovní zásobu a upevňují znalosti
gramatických struktur na pokročilé úrovni.
Poslední úprava: Pěničková Barbora, Mgr. (31.01.2019)
Kurz proběhne přes platformu Zoom. Poslední úprava: Douglas Stephen, M.A. (07.02.2021)
During the semester, the students will be asked to present two pieces of written work, and these should provide practice for the written exam. The students must take care to attend and are required not to be absent for more than two classes, maximum.
Poslední úprava: Douglas Stephen, M.A. (07.02.2021)
Insight Upper Intermediate, Student's Book & Workbook It is essential that each student acquires their own copy of each. Poslední úprava: Pěničková Barbora, Mgr. (01.02.2019)
The course will cover each of the following 5 areas, and in the final exam, each one carries a mark of up to 25%. These areas are: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Use of English (this last section will consist of those areas of grammar and vocabulary covered in the course). A final mark of at least 70% is required for a PASS at C level, 80% for a B, and 90% for an A. In the event of a fail, the students will be offered two more opportunities to take the exam. Poslední úprava: Douglas Stephen, M.A. (07.02.2021)
UNIT 1 – Inspiration 1A – Challenges: reading, vocabulary (describing qualities, synonyms, ways of looking) 1B – The ‘we’ generation: grammar (tense revision), listening 1C – Do the right thing: listening, vocabulary (words with self-), speaking 1D – Belief and commitment: reading, vocabulary (word analysis, qualities of a hero), grammar (Past Perfect Simple vs. Continuous) 1E – An article: writing (article), vocabulary (purpose and result)
UNIT 2 – The world around us 2A – The real education: reading, vocabulary (word analysis, nouns + prepositions, the natural world and outer space) 2B – Life on the edge: grammar (future tenses), listening 2C – Urban Stories: listening, vocabulary (antonyms: urban regeneration; urban landscape) 2D – Songlines: reading, vocabulary (adjective suffixes), grammar (future time clauses) 2E – Describing a place: writing (description), vocabulary (modifying adverbs with gradable and non-gradable adjectives)
Poslední úprava: Pěničková Barbora, Mgr. (01.02.2019)