1. Physical quantities and their units basic concepts; physics quantities taxonomy; physical units; basal and derived units; SI system
2. Measurement methods
3. Measurement errors basic map of measurement deviations - blunders, systematic and random deviations; deviation nature and their sources; errors of measuring instruments; accuracy class of measuring instruments; writing of results
4. Random deviations of direct measurements probability; probability distribution; normal (Gaussian) distribution; mean value; standard deviation; probable error; limit error; estimation of mean value and standard deviation for definite number of measurements
5. Processing of direct measurement values ensemble standard deviation of mean; standard deviation for a little number of measurements; exclusion of blunders from values ensemble; total deviation of direct measurements
6. Deviations of indirect measurements random deviations of indirect measurements; total deviation of indirect measurements
7. Processing methods of measurement results of physical dependences least square method; linear regression; method of progressive measurements
8. Graphic processing of physical dependences
Poslední úprava: Kudrnová Hana, Mgr. (19.01.2018)