Kurz CHÚ světa II (CHU II) navazuje na kurz Chráněná území světa (CHU I), ve kterém se student seznámil se základními charakteristikami vybraných chráněných území světa a specifickými problémy jejich ochrany a managementu. V navazujícím kurzu CHU II přednášky vice reflektují aktuální ochranářská témata a nabízejí informace pro porovnání ochranářských priorit a managementových přístupů v ČR, Evropě a dalších částech světa. Součástí většiny přednášek jsou komentovaná videa pořízená přednášejícími, ilustrující vybraná chráněná území nebo konkrétní ochranářské aktivity v území realizovaná.
Poslední úprava: Kindlmann Pavel, prof. RNDr., DrSc. (02.08.2018)
R.B. Primack, P. Kindlmann, J. Jersáková (2010): Úvod do biologie ochrany přírody, Portál, Praha S. Chape, M. Spalding, M. Jenkins, eds. (2008): The World's Protected Areas: Status, Values and Prospects in the 21st Century. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. Přednášky viz elearningový kurz předmětu CHU I - MO550P114
Poslední úprava: Kindlmann Pavel, prof. RNDr., DrSc. (01.12.2018)
POZOR ZMĚNA! Úvodní přednáška tohoto kurzu se bude konat v termínu i na místě dříve oznámeném, tedy 30.9. od 14:00 v B14. Vzhledem k mé zdravotní indispozici, která mě postihla dnes odpoledne, se jí však osobně nemohu zúčastnit. Přednášet ji proto budu online, v prostředí Googlemeet na adrese https://meet.google.com/xft-bfnw-wpd Přednáška bude archivována v prostředí Classroom The course will take place with the support of the very user-friendly Classroom environment, where the student will find saved in the form of MP4 files: - Recordings of all course lectures in mp4 format, where the lecturer explains the discussed material based on a PowerPoint file. The dates of the lectures (basic lectures vs. discussion presentations - see below, etc.) will be announced to the students at the introductory lecture, and any changes to the dates will be announced to the students in good time. The Classroom environment will thus allow students to use these recordings if necessary, for example if there is a collision with another course and the like, and at the same time it will allow viewing the given lecture or its more complex parts repeatedly. - PowerPoint files mentioned in the previous point. - Other auxiliary files used during the lecture, i.e. Excel files with data and the like. - Recordings of discussion presentations in Googlemeet, which will be organized approximately after every three lectures, during which we will discuss the discussed material and students will be able to ask questions about any things they do not understand or about various other things related to the lecture. - Chat where I will give you tasks and announce news. The exam will also take place in the Classroom environment. The exam consists of a tick test containing 12 questions, verifying the mastery of the discussed material. Evaluation (according to the number of correct answers): 12-11 excellent 10-9 very well 8-7 good 0-6 failed ATTENTION: Due to the nature of the Classroom environment, only students who have an email in the @natur.cuni.cz domain listed in the SIS will be admitted to this environment. So, in order to get into the Classroom environment and be able to actively use it, you need to follow these steps: 1. Check in SIS if you have an email in the @natur.cuni.cz domain listed here. If not, replace the existing email with an email in the @natur.cuni.cz domain. All students of the Faculty of Science of the Charles University received this email upon joining the faculty. If you do not remember it, contact the IT department or the study department. If you are from another faculty, contact me at pavel.kindlmann@centrum.cz and we will solve the matter individually. 2. If you have an email in the @natur.cuni.cz domain listed in SIS, wait until you receive an invitation to the Classroom environment from me AT THIS EMAIL ADDRESS. Accept this invitation and you can work here from then on. You may receive this invitation multiple times as I have to send it repeatedly as other students apply during the semester as well. Therefore, please only respond to the first of them and if you are already logged in to the Classroom environment, ignore the following invitations. HOWEVER, THE STUDENT WHO DOES NOT HAVE AN EMAIL IN THE DOMAIN @NATUR.CUNI.CZ LISTED IN THE SIS, WILL NOT RECEIVE AN INVITATION UNTIL THEY REMOVE THIS DEFICIENCY. ATTENTION: ANYONE WHO DOES NOT HAVE AN EMAIL IN THE DOMAIN @NATUR.CUNI.CZ IN THE SIS BY 15.10 WILL NOT RECEIVE AN INVITATION AND WILL NOT BE ADMITTED TO THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT AND THEREFORE TO THE ENTIRE COURSE, BECAUSE HE WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE STUDY MATERIALS IN THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT , BUT MAINLY FOR YOUR OWN WORK IN THIS COURSE (HOMEWORKS, EXAMS, AND SIMILAR). You will receive further information and details regarding the course at the introductory lecture at Googlemeet, which will be held on Monday, October 2, from 2 p.m. in B14 and at the same time at https://meet.google.com/xft-bfnw-wpd This lecture will be recorded and then accessible in the Classroom environment, but only to students who are properly logged into this environment. Poslední úprava: Kindlmann Pavel, prof. RNDr., DrSc. (29.09.2024)
The lectures reflect current conservation topics and offer information for comparing conservation priorities and management approaches in the Czech Republic, Europe and other parts of the world:
ZK - lectured by Zdenka Křenová Number before the lecturer's initials: number of the week in the semester when the lecture takes place (e.g. 10 PK means that P. Kindlmann is giving a lecture in the 10th week of the semester). Specific days will be announced at the first lecture and will appear in the classroom in the file with the first lecture. Číslo před iniciálami přednášejícího: číslo týdne v semestru, kdy se přednáška koná (např. 10 PK znamená, že přednáší P. Kindlmann 10. týden v semestru). Konkrétní dny budou oznámeny na první přednášce a objeví se v classroomu v souboru s první přednáškou. Poslední úprava: Kindlmann Pavel, prof. RNDr., DrSc. (21.02.2024)