The course deals with a basic theory and practice of geoelectrical prospection. A special focus is given to the data processing and interpretation. Poslední úprava: Valenta Jan, Mgr., Ph.D. (24.09.2020)
Everett M. E., Near-surface applied geophysics. Cambridge University Press, 2013. Poslední úprava: Valenta Jan, Mgr., Ph.D. (24.09.2020)
Course credits: Solved assignements (practicals) given throughout the semester. Exam: Written exam (could be also oral if students wish to).
In case of on-line course all the requirements remains the same. Poslední úprava: Valenta Jan, Mgr., Ph.D. (04.10.2021)
1. Introduction to electromagnetic field, its sources and methods of measurement, classification of geoelectric methods Poslední úprava: Valenta Jan, Mgr., Ph.D. (24.09.2020)