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Students who would like to continue with their MSc. study in Immunology are expected to pass both immunology courses: MB150P14E and MB151P103E - enroll to the Moodle course, please = Elearning course (link below/right)
Please note: the lectures are given in English language only.
Basic 1-semestral lecture course on immune system components and mechanisms. There is no qualification prerequisite. Suitable for students of biology, medicine, chemistry.
We are going to discuss basic theory of immune system functioning, including disease-related information in human pathologies and animal models in brief.
The course is targeted to students of 3rd (BSc.) and 4th (1st MSc.) year and PhD students in biomedical fields, incl. Medical faculty students as well as Erasmus students.
Poslední úprava: Drbal Karel, RNDr., Ph.D. (01.10.2018)
Literatura - angličtina
Compulsory reading:
Lectures on the Moodle course web site
Lecture attendance is essential
Recommended reading:
Basic immunology:
entry-level: L. Sompayrac: How the Immune System Works, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2012, 152 pages, ISBN-13 978-0470657294
mid-level: J. Owen, J. Punt, S. Stranford: Kuby Immunology, 7th Edition, W.H. Freeman, 2013, 691 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1429219198
expert-level: K. Murphy: Janeway's Immunobiology (Immunobiology: The Immune System (Janeway)), 8th Edition, Garland Science Publishing 2011, 888 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0815342434
Poslední úprava: Drbal Karel, RNDr., Ph.D. (27.09.2017)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina
A computer test having 20 multiple-choice questions (5 answers each) with 1 hour time limit.
Evaluation: - each question is ranked by +5 points in total, if answered correctly - there are one or more correct answers per question possible - each of 5 answers per question is ranked from -2 (incorrect) up to +5 (a single correct answer) points
100-94 points = A (excellent - summa cum laude)
93-80 = B (very good - insigni cum laude); in Czech classification system = 1
79-60 points = C (good - magna cum laude); in Czech classification system = 2
59-47 points = D (quite good - cum laude); in Czech classification system = 3
46-40 = E (pass - rite); in Czech classification system = 3
below 39 = FX, F (fail); in Czech classification system = 4
The borderline results (- 2 points) will be retested orally immediately after the test.
Poslední úprava: Drbal Karel, RNDr., Ph.D. (17.09.2019)
Sylabus - angličtina
In winter semester we will cover the immune system from the perspective of hypotheses: - Immune system basics: conflict of concepts - Immune response: class, polarization and organization - Innate immunity: the danger model & the triggers - Pattern recognition receptors anywhere: adjuvants & inflammation - Antigen processing and presentation: MHC molecules I / II & APCs - Antigen processing and presentation: non-classical MHC and crosspresentation - Introduction to adaptive immunity: Antigen & Immunoreceptors - Molecular mechanisms of TCR / BCR diversity - NK cells & NK receptors: missing-self & alloreactivity - Cytokines, chemokines, migration & signaling - Clinical immunology: Immunopathologies ups&downs, therapies / biotherapies - Immunodeficiencies & tolerance - Recap & questions
In the following course in summer semester (Immunology - a systems biology view: MB151P101E; without prerequisits) we are going to repeat briefly the essential building blocks at the beginning of each lesson (30 min.) and then cover their interconnection in more detail using big data-driven systems biology approach. Final lessons show the networking at any level in cells (signaling, epigenetic, transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels) and tissues (development, regulation, dynamics and integration with other homeostatic systems). - Development of immune system building blocks (organs, cells, molecules) - Evolution of the immune system (innate and adaptive) - comparative genomics - Receptor diversity generation - immunoreceptor databases and target identification - Signaling pathways and immunosuppression - pathway modeling - Transcription programs and immune cell polarization - microarrays - Metabolic signatures of immune cell types - metabolomics - Heterogeneity of immune cells and target tissues/pathogens - cellomics - Classes of immune response (cytokines, chemokines) - dynamics modeling - Immune-related pathologies and therapies - clinical databases - Immune system organization principles & integration with neural & endocrine systems - Recap & questions
Poslední úprava: Drbal Karel, RNDr., Ph.D. (11.02.2018)
Vstupní požadavky - angličtina
Essential knowledge of English is the only prerequisite for this course. There is incompatibility with the parallel Czech course Imunologie (MB150P14B). It is beneficial to pass the advanced course Immunology - a systems biology view (MB151P101E) during the summer semester. We expect the students who would like to continue with the MSc. study in Immunology to pass both courses.
Poslední úprava: Drbal Karel, RNDr., Ph.D. (17.09.2019)